We are starting a new tradition on the PBS Blog. We will be sharing musings, memories and miscellany from our MoM’s past and present.
Today our featured Member of the Month is Marilyn (NellieBly). She was MoM in February 2011.
This is Margaret, Marilyn’s oldest daughter, replying on her behalf. We asked her to share about her experiences at PBS and this is what she said:
I have been a PBS member for more than five years although I was never as active as my husband was. We heard about PBS on public radio and did not think such a wonderful idea could possibly be workable. I haunted the website for several months, decided it could work and took the plunge. Several months later my husband, who was retired, joined also and PBS became one of the joys of his life.
The impact was immediate and pleasing. We lost some of our old cherished books over the years to fire and flood and were able to replace them here, sometimes with the exact edition and cover art. We found good homes for books we cared to read only once. We found ourselves ordering books outside our usual comfort zones, stretching a bit and enjoying our new finds.
We also enjoyed finding books for friends who were elderly or ill. One memorable occasion: my husband let it slip that we were obtaining books for a dear friend who was on her third trip through chemotherapy. Immediately people gave credits and posted books directly to us so that she could have good books to while away the uncomfortable hours.
That is the kind of generosity of spirit one finds only at PBS.
If you have any nominations for Member of the Month, submit them to us here. Your nomination will not “expire”–anyone you nominate will have a chance at getting Member of the Month if enough nominations accumulate over time. Each month the person who has the most votes accumulated when the Newsletter goes to press gets to be Member of the Month and gets a newsletter mention and a nifty MoM icon to wear on profile and forum posts with pride. So go for it! Tell us who’s helped you in the Forums, who’s been a great swapper, who in your opinion is a credit to PBS. We are keeping a list of all the nominated members. Who knows–one of them might be YOU!