
PaperBackSwap Blog

Archive for the ‘Newsletter’ Category

Member of the Month – September 2007

Monday, September 3rd, 2007

Steve L. (Coffee)

As many of you know, Steve is the Moderator of the USPS Postal Regulations DIscussion Forum at PBS.
He answers questions about USPS from members, with patience and kindness, every day.
He is our go-to guy when we have questions.
We appreciate your efforts more than we can say, Steve; you do so much to make the club better for everyone!

Would you like to nominate a member for Member of the Month?  Contact us.

TIPS & TRICKS: Newsletter – September 2007

Sunday, September 2nd, 2007

What’s Hot. We are often asked for guidance on what kinds of books are popular at PBS.  Well, the tastes of the membership run the gamut, but we see that cookbooks, audiobooks, erotica, Large Print and nonfiction pretty much fly off the shelves.  If you have any of these types of books, post them and get a quick request!

What do Gone With the Wind and The Lord of the Flies have in common? Well, two things: they are both on the Radcliffe Publishing Course Top 100 Novels of the 20th Century list, and they are both challenged/banned books.  No, not challenging: challenged, as in books that groups have tried to remove from school libraries.   See the Radcliffe top 100 list (42 of which have been banned/challenged) here.  The last week of September is National Banned Books Week.  Be daring!  Read a banned book.  You can read more about Banned Books Week here.  Thanks to member Jene (sexymf) for her heads-up about this.  Warning: some of these books may be found to be offensive by some members.  But many of them are literary classics already, and some of them are sure to be literary classics in the future!

Words and Music. We’re happy to see that more and more of you are taking advantage of the ability to transfer credits between your PBS and SwapaCD accounts.  It looks like many of you are off-loading your music CDs and using the credits at PBS to get books; others are swapping their books and getting new music.  It’s so easy to transfer credits between the sites: the link to do this is under My Account on the SwapaCD site.   If you haven’t joined SwapaCD yet, join now!  You don’t have to do anything special to “link” the accounts at registration–when you go to transfer credits, the system will ask you to identify your PBS account.  Nothing could be easier.

On the Move? If you are moving house, please remember to update your address information in your Account Settings.  It is really important to prevent books from arriving at your old address after you have moved.  Media Mail postal rate does not come with automatic forwarding service, and such books would be lost or returned to the sender (usually postage due)!  If you have a requested book that hasn’t arrived yet, and your move date is coming up, you can make arrangements with the PO for your OLD zip code to forward your Media Mail (this may entail extra postage-due on arrival).  If you have submitted requests that haven’t been mailed yet, please see How to change the mailing address on a request you have already submitted, in the Help Center.  And don’t forget to put your account on Hold during the move!

DEAR R&R: Newsletter – September 2007

Saturday, September 1st, 2007

Dear R&R–I sent a book and the requestor says she got it but I didn’t get a credit! What gives?  –Cheated in Chattanooga

Dear Chatty,

There are three possibilities here:

(1) You did get the credit, and you spent it after getting it

  • When the requestor marked the book you sent received, you would have gotten an email from PBS telling you that you got the credit.
    • If you sent the book with PBS-DC, you may have gotten the Quick Credit early, and when the book was marked received, you had already gotten credit; in this case you would have gotten two emails: one telling you Quick Credit had been given, and one telling you the book had been received.
    • You can check your Club Communications file (linked from My Account) to see copies of your recent PBS emails.
  • fter getting the credit, you may have requested a book, and that is why it seems you did not get a credit; OR if you marked a Lost or Canceled book received in your Transaction Archive since getting the credit, this would have removed the credit, as you were telling the system that you got an extra book. (Please read How to Use the Transaction Archive in the Help Center for more information about this.)

(2) The requestor marked a different copy of the same book (sent by a different member) received.

  • If you did not mark your copy of the book mailed and the transaction canceled, the requestor could have gotten two copies, and could not mark yours received (since you had not marked it mailed); if she marked one received she marked the second copy, and that sender got credit.  In this case, you should read My request was canceled but I already mailed the book! in the Help Center, and the requestor should read I received 2 copies of the same book! for more information.
  • If the requestor marked the wrong copy received (ie, she marked the same title received from a Canceled Transaction in her Transaction Archive), then the credit went to that sender (who may never have sent the book, or even responded to the request!). In this case, the requestor should read I accidentally marked a book received! in the Help Center.

(3) The requestor has not yet marked any copy of the book received.  She can read the Help doc How to Mark a Book Received in the Help Center, and follow the instructions in there.

We know that it is confusing not to be able to see your credit and PBS Money history on the site, and so we do plan to make this information available from your account page very soon.  That will make figuring something like this out much easier!

Dear R&R–I sent a BoB to another Boxer, and she got my books, but I never got hers!  She is not responding to my PMs.  What do I do?  –Swaplifting Victim in Sewanee

Dear Vic,

Well, she might not be a “swaplifter”.  She may be out of town, and hasn’t seen your PMs.   Or she has had some kind of emergency that has interfered with her PBS activity.  But you could not know this of course, so in the case where a Boxer is not answering PMs about a swap, you should contact us so we can look into the situation.  We recommend giving the books 2 weeks from the date they were marked mailed to arrive; then sending the Boxer a PM that clearly asks for a response (“I haven’t gotten your books.  Did you mail them yet?”); and then giving the Boxer a week to respond.  If she doesn’t respond to you, let us know by sending in feedback giving the name of the other Boxer, and explaining the situation.

The vast majority of our Boxers are honest and dependable.  PBS functions on the honor system, and it is a testament to the honorableness of our membership how infrequently Box-O-Books swaps go wrong.    When they do, it is usually not due to a member’s dishonesty.  But there will always be “bad apples” and if you let us know following the instructions above, we will look into things as quickly as we can.  Thanks to timely alerts from disappointed Boxers, we have been able to nip bad-apple behavior in the bud and keep our club working the way it is supposed to!

Dear R&R–I am so excited about Printable Postage I am jumping up and down!  But I want to know how much it costs, and is there a monthly subscription fee like other sites, and how it works.  I looked in the Help Center and there’s nothing about it in there.  Can you explain? –Raring to Go in Raritan

Dear Ra-Ra,

We are so glad you are happy about Printable Postage!  And we are happy to be able to offer this.  We will be updating the Help Center shortly.  In the meantime, the information about how to use the feature and how much it costs can be seen by clicking the Print Wrapper button on the request (just like always), and reading the information on the Wrapper Settings page that comes up.  You will pay $0.61 extra if you choose to print a wrapper with postage (and PBS-DC is included).  That $0.61 is broken down like this:

  • 18 cents to USPS for electronic DC (this is included in the postage that prints out)
  • 43 cents Printable Postage Fee
    • 27 cents of this goes to PBS for the service
    • 16 cents goes to the printable postage provider, endicia.com

So PBS gets the same fee (27 cents) if you use postage with PBS-DC or if you use PBS-DC alone.  Since we can’t change the endicia fee, we didn’t want to ask for extra for the combined service, so we made it basically nothing. 🙂  We want this service to be affordable to our members.  There is no subscription fee, and you can choose whether or not to print postage with each wrapper you print.  You can reprint any wrapper without charge (but obviously each wrapper can be used to mail only one package), but you will not be able to change the postage amount after printing the first time, so be sure the amount is correct before you print! The system will calculate the least expensive postal rate (Media Mail or First Class Parcel rate) automatically for your shipment, based on weight.  It is a great idea to have a postal scale to check your package weights against the system estimate that will show (and is correctable) on the Wrapper Settings page.

When you click Print Wrapper Now, you will be able to download the wrapper (you can choose to download it or have it download and open); then you just have to print the downloaded file.  The backup wrapper link (beneath the Print Wrapper Now button) works the same as always–no download necessary; instead, the wrapper image is shown on a printable web page.  Oh, and we had some requests from beta-testers to change the font size on the wrapper, but unfortunately, this is not possible–USPS is very strict about printable postage wrappers, and we have to follow their guidelines.  And you may notice the “black box” next to the postage amount at the top of the wrapper–this is also required, and indicates any non-First-Class mailing.  If the package is being sent First Class, that black box will not appear.

Those are the basics–now we’ll go update the Help Center!

New USPS regulation: Newsletter – August 2007

Wednesday, August 8th, 2007

After July 30, 2007, all packages weighing more than 13 ounces (it was previously 16 ounces) that bear stamps as postage must be handed to a postal employee to be mailed. If you use metered postage (such as postage bought from an APC), this regulation does not apply. The regulation says:

Due to heightened security, the Postal Service is revising standards for depositing mail bearing only postage stamps as postage…Effective July 30, 2007:

  • All mail bearing only postage stamps as postage and weighing more than 13 ounces must be presented to an employee at a Postal Service Retail service counter for acceptance. This mail may not be deposited in collection boxes or lobby drops.
  • Carriers will no longer pick up any mail weighing more than 13 ounces bearing only postage stamps as postage from customer mailboxes or at a business’ outgoing mail collection point.
  • Mail bearing only postage stamps as postage and weighing more than 13 ounces that is not presented to an employee at a Postal Service retail service counter will be returned to the customer.”

A reminder of this regulation now appears on the PBS wrapper in the upper right hand corner. Read the official announcement on page 64 in this pdf from USPS. Thanks, baccsurfs, for the heads-up and sending us the pdf link, back when this was just a rumor according to the information we could find ourselves.

Dear Members, Newsletter – August 2007

Wednesday, August 8th, 2007

Midsummer… dog days… thermostat rising. Back-to-school around the corner… wouldn’t it be nice to have something fun to look forward to? Well…

No plans for Labor Day Weekend yet? Why not make the trip to Decatur, Georgia and come to the Decatur Book Festival! PBS will have a booth there, and we would love to meet you! The festival is in its third year; it’s FREE and open to the public. Hundreds of authors will be there and many thousands of readers; one of the keynote speakers will be Charles Frazier (author of Cold Mountain), and there will be author readings, panel discussions and signings, poetry slams (sign up to perform your own work!), cooking author demonstrations, children’s activities, live music and more. Read more about the event here. Don’t forget, it’s FREE. We hope to see a lot of PBS members in the crowds!

As PBS’s third birthday approaches (September 1st), we can’t help but think about how far this site has come. Over 1,500,000 books have been swapped here in that time, and now we’re seeing more than 30,000 swaps per week, every week. But what’s shared here is more than books; it’s conversation, kindness, friendship. We love visiting the forums for a chuckle (some of you are really funny!) and it’s great to stop in Chat and meet you in real time. Everywhere we look, the site is hopping! In the Games forum, the inventiveness of the games is really astounding. Our Data Correction and Image Collection volunteers have been terrifically busy, and the effects of their work can be seen all over the site. More and more, PBS is becoming a co-creation…we may do the programming, but you all make the club what it is.

Swap on, folks!

The PaperBackSwap Team

Smoke Gets in Your Eyes. Newsletter – August 2007

Tuesday, August 7th, 2007

It seems that the book-burning bookstore owners in MO aren’t interested in working with PBS to rescue their surplus books. We haven’t heard back from them, and now the “free time” in our schedules is disappearing as the summer ends. So we have taken down the Stop the Fires petition. Thanks everyone, for signing and pledging. We know they had a lot of worthy groups interested…we hope they decided to work with one of those, and have been able to get the books to readers instead of burning them. However, they haven’t told us if and what they decided. If you see a roiling grey cloud over Kansas City, drive toward it with buckets! They may be burning books again. Sigh. We tried. Thanks again to all of our generous members who were so eager to help out; we were really blown away by the response.

New Features: Newsletter – August 2007

Sunday, August 5th, 2007

PBS to Go. Now you can check your booklists easily from your cell phone! PBS Mobile, a basic version of PBS is available for those with web access from their mobile phone. Check your bookshelf, Wish List, and Books I’ve Read lists on the spot. You can add to your Wish List from PBS Mobile too. Bookmark this site, and take PBS with you, wherever you go.

Large Print really means…Large Print. In our continuing efforts to stem the tide of books being incorrectly posted as Large Print when they are not, last month (July 12) we revised the book posting process: if the ISBN you enter is categorized as Large Print in the PBS database, a pink box will appear telling you this on the Book Listing Preview, and there will be links to lead you easily through the posting process to ensure that your book gets posted correctly. We are hoping this will solve the problem once and for all for our Large Print readers–after all, this is not merely a matter of preference, it is one of necessity!

New “tiered referral” system at PBS – the more you refer, the greater the reward.

  • 1 – 10 Referrals = 1 credit for each
  • 11 – 20 Referrals = 1 credit + $0.50 PBS Money for each
  • 21 – 35 Referrals = 1 credit + $0.75 PBS Money for each
  • 36 – 50 Referrals = 1 credit + $1.00 PBS Money for each
  • 51+ Referrals = 2 credits for each

Your previous referrals will not earn the bonus retroactively, but they will count to put you into a “starting tier”, as of July 15, 2007, and your subsequent referrals will earn the appropriate bonus for each. This will continue on a trial basis, so spread the word now, and reap the goodies!