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Archive for the ‘Newsletter’ Category

Happy with your PBS Nickname? Newsletter – August 2006

Thursday, August 3rd, 2006

Please be sure that you are, because PBS Nicknames will become permanent on September 5, 2006. If the one you have now is not to your liking, please change it as soon as possible in the Public Profile section of your Account Settings. Instructions on how to do this are available in the Help Center, under “How do I choose a PBS Nickname?” under “Getting Started” or “The PBS Community”. (You can read more about the Account Settings in the item “What’s in the Account Settings?” under “Account Options”.)

Dear R&R: Newsletter – August 2006

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2006

Dear R&R—I sent a book with PBS-DC, and it was delivered! I got my Quick Credit, but why isn’t the requestor marking the book received? Help! –Left in the Lurch in MT

Dear Lurch: Don’t fret! The requestor may be on vacation (a lot of people take vacations at this time of year), and may not have gotten home to mark your book received yet. Also, sometimes USPS scans a book as”“delivered” when it has made it to the local PO, a day or two before the book is actually delivered to the requestor’s mailbox. If your book is declared Lost in the Mail, the requestor can still mark it received from the Lost in Mail list accessible from the right-hand menu of the account page. If the book isn’t marked received by two weeks after the delivery date, let us know. In the meantime, use your Quick Credit to request another book. Time passes quickly when you’re reading!

Dear R&R—I keep getting these emails asking me if I have received a book, but I am away from home! How do I know if the book has arrived? Will I be in trouble if I don’t mark the book received before I get home? –On the Road in CO

Dear OTR: You got Lurch’s book, didn’t you? Don’t worry too much about those email reminders—if you return from your vacation, and mark the book received then (if it has arrived), all will be well! The computer knows when your bookshelf is “on vacation” but still sends these emails anyway. The Vacation/Hold feature does not prevent notifications about ongoing transactions (books requested by or from you before you enacted the Hold), so you will continue to get these kinds of emails from PBS. Just put it on your To Do list for after you get home, and enjoy your vacation! If the book has been declared lost in the mail before you return, just mark it received from your “lost in mail” list, accessible from the right-hand menu of your account page. You can read more about the Vacation/Hold feature in the Help Center then if you like, in the Help Center item “Can I put my bookshelf on hold/vacation?” (in the Quick Help box on the right-hand side of the Help Center page). Do that when you get back—for now, apply more sunscreen, and relax with a good book.

Dear R&R—I put my bookshelf on vacation because I won’t be able to get to the Post Office for a week or two. I posted books to be ready for when I come back, but they are being requested! Is the Hold working? –Panicked in PA

Dear Pip: First, check to make sure that the Hold was applied properly. If there is a pink message on your account page (in the box for the Message from the Librarian), then the Hold is in place and working. But the Vacation/Hold feature won’t hide newly posted books from the membership. When you placed your bookshelf on hold, only the books that were on it at the time were earmarked to be “hidden”. If you post any new items with your bookshelf on hold, they will be visible to the membership! Make sure that you post only books that you are prepared to send out when they are requested. If you want to “get a jump on things” in the meantime, you can put the books you want to post on your TBR (To Be Read) List, accessible from the dropdown menu under “Book Lists” on the right of your account page, and easily post them later (when you are ready to accept requests for them) from there, with one click!

New Items at the PBS Store! Newsletter – August 2006

Tuesday, August 1st, 2006

The PBS Tote is a huge success, and we agree with all the feedback we have gotten: I finally broke down and ordered the tote bag. Everyone has raved about it and I really needed a bigger tote than what I had. As long as I was at it, since shipping is flat rate of $8.10, I ordered the mugs, some pens and a couple of magnets. The order came today! Not only was I impressed with how quickly they sent it, but I have to rave about the tote too. It’s huge! It’s sturdy! It has pockets! It has the PBS logo on it- great for spreading the word without saying a word! I like how the bottom is blue so it won’t show the dirt as quickly. The mugs, pens and magnets are nice too, but that tote is WOW! — Jerri C. (ZepFan)

We have heard your suggestions, and have been searching far and wide for similar great values to offer in the store. September will bring several of these: PBS mousepads, travel mugs (in various colors and color combinations), keychain tags, and PBS stickers! And…BookMate book covers in a multitude of colors and designs! These will be the featured item for the first ever PBS “Back to school (and hitting the books) sale”! Prices on the BookMate book covers will increase on September 15, so order early and save! PBS will be the only online used book swapping site to offer these attractive and practical items. We will also be offering extended T-shirt sizes; these will need to be special-ordered in advance (there is a minimum quantity per order, so we need to accumulate a number of prepaid orders). If you want a T-shirt in a special size, send the store an email (store@paperbackswap.com), stating quantity and size. As soon as we receive enough orders, we will bring in inventory and email you to place your order. Remember, your PBS Store purchase not only tells the world how much you love the club, but helps support the site at the same time. We “feel the love”—and thank you!

Half a Million Strong! Newsletter – June 2006

Friday, June 9th, 2006

–The PBS Database of available books reached 500,000 at 5:01 PM ET on 5/21/2006. The book was “The Poison Master” by Liz Williams, and was posted into the system by Chris B. Congratulations to Barbara S. (barbelaine1) of Perryville, MD, who guessed the time exactly, and won 50 credits! We predict a great summer of reading for Barbara! Thanks to all who played.

SwapaCD.com: Newsletter – June 2006

Thursday, June 8th, 2006

–We are in beta testing phase now, and hope to open the site to everyone soon. Thanks to all our beta testers, who are helping us work out the kinks so that the site can run smoothly after it opens.

PBS Delivery Confirmation: Newsletter – June 2006

Wednesday, June 7th, 2006

–Many of you are using PBS-DC, with great results! Typically, senders are getting their credits the day after mailing the book—some within just hours. Even for those few packages unscanned by USPS until delivery, senders are STILL getting their credits faster than they would have. **Remember that using PBS Delivery Confirmation does NOT tell the system that the book has been mailed. You still need to click that button “Book Has Been Mailed” before the deadline on the transaction, to tell the system (and the requestor) that the book is on its way!

Media Challenge: Newsletter – June 2006

Tuesday, June 6th, 2006

PBS has been in the news lately! We want hard copies for our files. Any member who sends in an article about PBS from a newspaper or magazine will get a reward. These must be actual clippings, not Xeroxes or links.

Mail them to:

3651 Peachtree Pkwy Suite E390
Suwanee, GA 30024