To Insert extra stuff in a Book, or NOT! …No Question …Just Don’t Do It.
Please take notice of the USPS regulations and our Insert Policy: No inserts are allowed in books. This is against USPS media mail regulations and can result in a very large fine. In addition to breaking the law, it can also be offensive to receivers of the material if they are sensitive to the subject matter. Please remember, your values and opinions are not necessarily shared by other members and they should not be subjected to them. Be sure to check books for inserts prior to mailing, as books reported as having inserts will jeopardize the membership of the sending member.
Archive for the ‘Newsletter’ Category
To Insert extra stuff in a Book, or NOT! Newsletter – January 2006
Thursday, January 5th, 2006Tags: Shipping Books & USPS
Posted in Book Recommendations, Newsletter | No Comments »
Shipping Suggestions from Members: Newsletter – January 2006
Wednesday, January 4th, 2006At PBS, we encourage feedback and suggestions from you, our members. Your helpful input has led to many improvements to the club in the past year. We continue to encourage your input, and we would like to occasionally share with you some of the things we hear from members. The following is from Ellen F. (profile nickname: How-toCollector).
“Dear PBS Librarian,
I’m a new member of the PaperBackSwap and am pleased with the service so far. I’m very excited about it and want to help make it the best site of its kind. I’m very well versed in shipping books. My one concern with your instructional materials is that I feel you are encouraging insufficient wrapping and packing of books. I’m sure you may have heard this before. (I couldn’t resist adding my two cents.) I feel we all would be well served if you would encourage the use of recycled materials. Even one layer beyond what you are currently suggesting would be helpful. In my personal opinion, white printer paper is suitable for nothing more than a label. Brown paper bags and saran wrap (as per your suggestion) are an appropriate minimum. And something that most of us have around the house. And of course, use your label.(Your labels are excellent by the way.)
I know what the USPS can do to a package. I’ve received padded mailers back that have been cut almost in half. We have to think beyond a single mailing. Preserving a book’s condition is very important. They receive enough abuse with just normal handling. I would like to see these books exchanged over and over again. Just because this service is “free” doesn’t minimize the intrinsic value of the books. So we shouldn’t skimp in this area. I’m sure those involved with your service would not mind this minimal, extra effort. Thanks for taking the time to review my suggestions.”
——Ellen F.
Additional Mailing Reminders:
- When shipping books, a few simple reminders and suggestions:- If using envelopes, when oversized, please fold envelope to avoid excess movement of book within the envelope. This prevents the book from becoming trapped in the postal machines.
- Members shouldn’t reuse envelopes without using lots of tape…adhesives don’t work as well a second time….envelopes may open up and books may slide out.
- Use the wrapper or cut it out and attach it to the book EVERY time!
- You may want to use Saran Wrap to protect your books (to keep them from getting wet) before wrapping. Plastic bags, wax paper or plastic grocery bags also work well. But please DO NOT use Press and Seal as it sticks to the covers.Be sure to include the Request ID. If it isn’t on the package, you will not receive credit.
- Be sure Media Mail is prominently displayed on your package.
- If your package is one pound or more, it MUST go to the post office due to USPS regulations after 9/11.
- Use packing tape to wrap the wrapper. Do not put tape on the book. If you must use tape to hold it to the book cover, please use scotch tape.
- Do not place tape over stamps.
Tags: Members, Shipping Books & USPS
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Bullseye! Contest Winner Almost a Dead Ringer!! Newsletter – January 2006
Wednesday, January 4th, 2006Lisa V. (profile nickname: designforward) came within 3 minutes of guessing when the 250,000th book in our Quarter of a Million Contest. Lisa V. submitted a guess for that day for 9:54 pm. She wins 25 credits! The actual 250,000th book was posted on PaperBackSwap on December 23, 2005 at 9:57 pm by member D.L. D. (profile nickname: Erinyes). Congratulations to both of these members!
Thanks to all that participated in, as well as those that anticipated, our club reaching a quarter of a million book postings. It is exciting and amazing that we’ve come so far in such a short amount of time. Each day thousands of books are being added to the club library. This results in more choices for our members and more fun for everyone!
Tags: Contests, Free Credits, Milestones
Posted in Contests, Newsletter | No Comments »
PR and Membership Highlights: Newsletter – January 2006
Tuesday, January 3rd, 2006Recently PBS was highlighted on National Public Radio (NPR). The coverage was on a nationwide basis. Listener response was overwhelming. With the surge of NPR listeners, we had members sign up from all 50 states in one evening. This is great news. See what spreading the word can do for you and all our wonderful club members? More members…more books to choose!
A member, Jan W., was recently able to obtain newspaper coverage in her area simply by contacting the local editor of her paper. It was a very simple process, and the paper was very interested in informing readers about PaperBackSwap. Check out our Press & Media section as well as our Advanced Referral section for ideas on how to promote the club. If you are successful in helping to acquire a story in a newspaper, radio or TV, let us know and you’ll be rewarded credits.
Don’t forget to have your referrals use either your profile nickname or your PBS email address when registering. This will ensure that you receive a referral credit for their membership.
Tags: Members, News, NPR, Referrals
Posted in New Features & Improvements, Newsletter, Press & Media | No Comments »
Postage / Return Address Changes: Newsletter – January 2006
Monday, January 2nd, 2006Please review these two very important changes taking place within our club:
1) As you may have already heard, the USPS is increasing postal rates which will change the rates for mailing books. Keep in mind, this is a USPS Change that we do not control. Starting Sunday January 8, 2006, the new Media Mail rates will be:
* Under 1 lb $1.59
* 1 lb to 2 lbs $2.07
In order to be prepared for this increase, PBS will begin calculating the new postage rates on book wrappers as of Saturday, January 7th. This will allow for those members that print wrappers over the weekend to have the accurate postage applied for mailing their books.
A member suggested using 2 60-cent stamps and 1 39-cent stamp to equal the new Media Mail rate. You may want to purchase stamps ahead of time in these quantities for mailing future books.
Please continue to use Media Mail rates whenever possible. Most book requests are less expensive using this rate. Occasionally for small/thin books, it is cheaper to send books via First Class. However, if you choose to send a book using First Class, please be sure to mark out the Media Mail stamp on the wrapper. Additional postal information will be available in the FAQs.
2) Another major change that will be taking place in the system as of January 7th relates to the Return Address for the book wrapper. There are thousands of PBS books that are mailed all over the country every day. Unfortunately, we are receiving books returned to us each day for missing postage and improperly hand-written labels. This requires us to sort out each situation and to re-mail these books. This is time-consuming and expensive. To eliminate this problem we are changing the return address on the book wrapper to the sender’s address. If you are concerned about privacy and do not wish to use your return address, you may rent a USPS PO Box or you can still select to use our address for the return address. To use our return address, you will need to make this selection in your Account Settings.
If you do choose to use our return address, then Please Note: You will now be charged a book credit for any book returned to us so that we can correct the mailing situation; this means you will forfeit your credit for mailing the returned book.
Thank you for preparing in advance for these important changes. Should you have questions regarding mail rates or return address changes, please use the feedback section of the club to present your questions.
Tags: Shipping Books & USPS
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Hurrah For Our Volunteers!! Newsletter – January 2006
Sunday, January 1st, 2006In January, we sent out an email call for help. We have been so encouraged by the response! We had so many members come forward to offer their time and effort that we had to scramble to get everything in place. Volunteers are now active in the areas of New Member Guidance (Tour Guides), Book Image Collection, Book Descriptions, Website Editing, Marketing and Games. {We are still interested in finding PHP programmers to help Robert with his ENORMOUS To Do list of improvements he plans to make to the site…if you want to help with this and are an accomplished PHP programmer, please send Robert a message from the feedback area.}
Our Tour Guides are a mighty and powerful group! Each new member is assigned a Tour Guide automatically upon joining the club. The Tour Guide introduces him or herself by email along with a Personal Message. Tour Guides are doing terrific work, answering new member questions and helping them learn the ropes. If you are a new member, for goodness’ sakes, take advantage of your Tour Guide if you have a question about how to use the club–simply log into your account and click on your Buddy List on the right-hand side. Your Tour Guide’s name will already be there, and you can click the button to send a Personal Message. Remember, the more of these questions get asked of your Tour Guides, the fewer that we have to answer in Feedback. Not that we don’t love to hear from our members, but answering too many Feedback each day pretty much eliminates the chance for us to do anything else for the site. So please, check the FAQs or ask your Tour Guide first! Tour Guides: You all are our PBS Ambassadors, and we thank you for your patience and energy. You are doing a super job!
Our Image Collectors have located and uploaded thousands of images to the database to replace those ugly blue “Cover Not Available” eyesores. Our Website Editors are working hard to correct all the inaccuracies in the database. You can help both of these groups in their efforts by submitting any inaccuracies you find. If you have an image of a book cover to upload (to replace an erroneous one, or to provide a graphic for a book that has No Cover Available on its book details page), simply scroll down to the very bottom of any page on the site and click Upload Book Covers. You don’t have to do anything special to the graphic files–simply make sure they are “cropped” (no white or black border around the image), and they are good to go! If you find a text inaccuracy (ie, paperback listed as hardback, or wrong title or author of a book), you can also submit the correct information by scrolling down to the bottom of any page on the site and clicking Edit Book Data. Enter the ISBN of the book and make your changes to the book information on the next page. Submitted images and book data corrections will have to be reviewed by the volunteers before they can be added to the database, so the change won’t take place immediately. Thanks in advance to anyone who does this–improving the quality of the database improves the club for all!
Thanks to ALL our volunteers–we are touched by your generosity, and grateful for your hard work. If you would like to volunteer, simply send in an email to
Tags: Members, Tour Guides, Volunteers
Posted in Newsletter | 4 Comments »
In Closing… Newsletter – January 2006
Sunday, January 1st, 2006We wish all of you the very best in the upcoming year! As the club continues to grow, we hope that you enjoy the great features that will be added in the near future. Thanks for making our club the largest and best book club in America!
Happy Reading,
Richard Pickering and Robert Swarthout
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