We’ve updated our database of books and are ready to post just about anything. However, to make the club a pleasure for all our members, we cannot stress enough the importance of posting books with correct ISBNs. Many times a member may see a wish for a particular book. They have the book but it doesn’t exactly match the ISBN number. The member decides change the ISBN to match the wish list request. Please do not do this as it creates a lot of problems (and more feedback for us to answer). More times than not, there is a reason that the ISBNs don’t exactly match (hardback, paperback, condensed, unabridged, revised, etc.) Sometimes it is very important to the member “wishing” for the book that the ISBNs be the same. PLEASE DO NOT list books with incorrect ISBNs just to get a match on the Wish List. We are working on a system that will allow the “wishing member” to specify any and all versions of the book that will be considered acceptable to them as well as a way for you to notify the wishing member of a variation of the wish. Thank you to all members for helping to keep the ISBN system “clean” for PaperBackSwap.
Archive for the ‘Newsletter’ Category
We’ve Got Your ISBN Number, Do You? Newsletter – August 2005
Friday, September 9th, 2005Tags: Book Database, ISBNs
Posted in Book Recommendations, New Features & Improvements, Newsletter | No Comments »
Club Wish List by Sortable Genre: Newsletter – September 2005
Thursday, September 8th, 2005Ever wonder what everyone is really wishing for? With one of the new birthday presents this month, you can now see the club’s Wish List sorted by genre. Sometimes wishes multiply and then we can’t make sense of what everyone is looking for on the site. With the newest feature, you can make sense of the Wish List because it will be sorted by genre. Browse the genres that are important to you and see what others are wishing for. Members posting books can now click away and identify books from the Wish List that are also in their own libraries and post them. Just another one of the many ways that the PaperBackSwap team works to help you maximize your book lovin’ life! Go browse the Club Wish List now.
Tags: Club Wish List, Genres
Posted in New Features & Improvements, Newsletter | No Comments »
Daily Wish List: Newsletter – September 2005
Wednesday, September 7th, 2005Want to know what others are wishing for each day? Books, books and more books. Now you can receive a daily list of the books added to the club’s Wish List. This daily update can be customized to meet your needs: you can receive the entire list alphabetically or it can be broken down alphabetically within genres. You can choose as many or as few genres that matter to you. Try this new feature and see what everyone is wishing for . . . you might have just the book to make their wishes come true! Go customize your Daily Wish List settings today.
Tags: Club Wish List, Wish List
Posted in New Features & Improvements, Newsletter | No Comments »
Books Posted Today by Genre: Newsletter – September 2005
Tuesday, September 6th, 2005Did someone say “Needle in a Haystack” . . . again?! Did you know there are more than 2,000 books per day posted into the club’s library? This means more titles for you to choose from and more books for you to enjoy reading. However, it can seem overwhelming to wade through all those titles searching for the ones you want. Let your Daily Book Postings by Genre do the sorting for you.
Now the club’s Daily Postings are available to you broken down by Genre. Let’s say you want to see all the Mystery books posted today. Simply go to Books Posted Today and click on the Genre bar to specify Mystery. A list will be generated with only the books that fall into this genre.
Don’t miss out on the new book postings that mean the most to you. Check out this great enhancement today!
Tags: Books Posted Today, Genres
Posted in New Features & Improvements, Newsletter | No Comments »
Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You !!! Newsletter – September 2005
Tuesday, September 6th, 2005The following is a recap of all the goodies and gifts wrapped up just for you this month to celebrate our 1st Birthday. If you haven’t had a chance to see them, then check out all these amazing new features. It’s like your birthday everyday at PBS!!
Thanks Again for a Great Year
Let us close this month’s newsletter with a word that may be small but is very big on sincerity and meaning . . . thanks!
Happy Reading,
Richard & Robert
and the PaperBackSwap Team
Tags: Milestones
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List Syndication (RSS): Newsletter – September 2005
Monday, September 5th, 2005This present is for all of our members that have their own website. (Sorry to the rest, but we have to do a technologically advanced birthday present to satisfy our techno-savvy members!)
So if you have your own website……How would you like to be able to display all of your PBS books for others to see on your website? And what if they could join PaperBackSwap and request one of your books? How cool would that be?
So cool, that we decided to create it just for you. Now you can display your PaperBackSwap books that you currently have posted on PBS onto your website! And to make it even better you can now show them your “Wish List”, your “TBR (To Be Read)” pile or your “Books I have Read” list.
Also, you can slide on over to the customization panel and change the colors to your liking. You can also choose any of the four lists to display. Pick and choose. You decide. These options can be found in your account in “My Account Settings” => “List Syndication”. Hey, some of you asked for it – we delivered!
And for the really, really technologically advanced members, you can also get your updates through a RSS (Real Simple Syndication) feed. Simply subscribe to the URL http://www.paperbackswap.com/rss/index.rss for updates. This file is updated every 5 minutes with the most 15 most recently posted books. Now that is cool!
Tags: RSS
Posted in New Features & Improvements, Newsletter | No Comments »
More Advanced Referral Options: Newsletter – September 2005
Monday, September 5th, 2005We have added more options to help spread the word about PaperBackSwap. There are some new bookmarks and also a new flyer with pull tabs. Look for the word NEW next to these items. Remember all referrals between now and October 31st at midnight ET are worth 2 credits. This means more books for you! Visit the Advanced Referrals updated page for more info on this feature.
Tags: Free Credits, Referrals, Spread the Word
Posted in New Features & Improvements, Newsletter | No Comments »