
PaperBackSwap Blog

Archive for the ‘Newsletter’ Category

Saved Searches: Newsletter – June 2005

Monday, June 6th, 2005

Do you find yourself always performing the same searches each time you come to PBS? Well, now you can just save the search. Then PBS will send you a nightly email notifying you if any new books for that search were posted in the last 24 hours! How convenient is that? Yet another PaperBackSwap original!

Don’t Miss Recent Changes: Newsletter – June 2005

Sunday, June 5th, 2005

We’re growing and improving so fast that it would take a mailbox full of emails to tell you what’s going on at PBS. Instead, we’ve created the section titled Recent Changes. Be sure to take a glance often at this section for some of the many improvements that we make for the club and for you.

Smile, You’ve Got Messages: Newsletter – June 2005

Sunday, June 5th, 2005

Yes, you can now send your fellow members personal messages. On the home page of your account, simply click on the “Personal Messages” button (identified as “Send Personal Message” or “Send Message” in other locations). You can send any member a message. Please keep in mind that our site upholds very high moral standards when you are messaging. Please, no profanity, vulgarity, advertising, promoting of sites in conflict with the club or inappropriate commentary on members or the club.

Because we have volunteered our time and worked so hard to provide countless features for our members, we would appreciate all members remaining true to the club by trading books through the club’s system. By offering the Personal Message feature, we’ve created an environment where you can continue to grow closer and closer to the book club members that we like to call “family”. We hope you enjoy this feature.

Live Chat – Ready and Waiting: Newsletter – June 2005

Friday, June 3rd, 2005

We’ve created a Live Chat area for members to enjoy conversing with other members while on-line. The next time you see someone on chat, stop in and give them a shout. You’ll meet the nicest people and chat with other members about topics of interest.

Even when there is no one in chat, log in. I challenge you to be the first to get things started. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at who joins you.

Top Swappers: Newsletter – June 2005

Wednesday, June 1st, 2005

Want to know who the “movers and shakers” are in the club? Check out the “Top Swappers” List. This list shows which members have sent out the most books. You can view this list based on the most recent 7 days, the past 30 days or overall totals. Because these members have lots of wanted books and have completed so many transactions, you may want to add these members to your Buddy List. The +BUDDY button is available for your convenience.

WOW, if you think this was a lot of information, just think of all the work that went into making these improvements for the club! Many thanks to Robert, one of our co-founders, that had many sleepless nights this month. (Do they give out awards for “Least Amount of Sleep” ???????)

Best Wishes and Happy Reading,

The PaperBackSwap Team

From the Founders: Newsletter – May 2005

Saturday, May 7th, 2005

They always say, “Find something you enjoy, and then go for it.” We love to read books and really wanted to share our passion for reading. We’re a group of ordinary folks who wanted a better way of trading paperbacks with others. In today’s web-based world, it just made sense to use the internet and form a club. We created PaperBackSwap.com so that members could swap books using a virtual library and the US mail. No gimmicks. No spam. No advertising. No kidding. The greatest reward from our efforts is that our members love the club! Check out the testimonials (or add your own) and see what other members think of the club. Thanks for the kind words!

If you haven’t visited the club recently, please do so. You’ll notice some fantastic changes that have been made: audio book listings, increase in page loading speed, more detailed book search categories, more questions answered for you in the Frequently Asked Question section (special thanks to Jill in Texas for her editing assistance). Also you now have the ability to place your books on hold when traveling away from home or when you are unable to mail books.

Thank you for joining us as we pursue our great adventure of building the world’s largest virtual library of paperback books.

Your PaperBackSwap Team

Audio Books Now Accepted: Newsletter – May 2005

Friday, May 6th, 2005

You asked for it, and we delivered! While all of our members are book readers, many of you have audio books on hand as well. We’ve now incorporated this medium into our club trading system. It takes two credits to order an audio book, and for every audio book requested from you, you’ll receive 2 credits. Most audio books will mail similar to paperbacks. However, because we are not privy to all packaging scenarios, members may need to confirm postage at the USPS. Thanks to our members for offering new ideas for improving the service of the club and please keep the suggestions coming. Happy listening to all you audio book lovers!