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Christian Fiction Review – False Witness


False Witness by Randy Singer

Review by Cynthia M. (clariail)

I love to read Christian Fiction especially those that fall under the mystery/thriller genre so was excited when I received this book to read. Randy Singer is an acclaimed writer who also happens to be a veteran trial attorney and a pastor. Publisher’s Weekly says: “Singer is every bit as enjoyable as John Grisham.”

False Witness is actually divided between two time lines which take place four years apart. The book opens with Clark Shealy, a bail bondsman, who has the ultimate bounty on the line: his wife’s life. He has forty-eight hours to find a professor who has created an equation so powerful it can crack all internet encryption in record time. If he fails, his wife pays the price.

Four years later, law student Jamie Brock is working in legal aid when a routine case takes a vicious twist: she learns that her clients, members of the witness protection program, are accused of defrauding the government and have the algorithm. Now the couple is on the run from federal agents and the Chinese mafia, who both know the formulas power and will do anything to get it.

My Review:

Have you ever wondered to what lengths you would go if someone was threatening the life of your loved one? How much outside the bounds of the law you would step? For a bounty hunter, Clark is actually a fairly decent guy but through the first part of the book, you see the extent of what he will do to save his wife. The struggle he has within himself at the steps he feels he has to take and his anguish when some of the steps are finished.

Fast forward four years later where we meet Jamie Brock. Jamie is working one afternoon at the legal aid office and a man comes in requesting help with a court appearance that he has. When Jamie agrees to help, she gets thrown into situations that are totally out of her control. I will say though that Jamie has guts and doesn’t hesitate to make quick decisions.

Even though I realized after I started reading False Witness that I’m not a big fan of the legal thriller type I would recommend this book to those that are or just want to try something different. Randy Singer does a good job with the court room scenes and other detail going into the book. The story line flows well and has plenty of twists and turns to keep you guessing.

Don’t let the fact that it falls under the Christian Fiction genre make you pass it by. The book is not preachy at. There are a few characters you meet who are Christians but they are not the bible thumping, gospel preaching type.


Mr Singer has generously offered 2 copies of his book, False Witness as a give-away to our members. A winner will be chosen at random from the members who comment on this Blog.  Good Luck!




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25 Responses to “Christian Fiction Review – False Witness”

  1. Brenna B. (demiducky25) says:

    Sounds interesting, I’ve never heard of Christian fiction mystery/ thriller before! PBS is certainly exposing me to all sorts of new genres! 🙂

  2. Tammy says:

    As with Brenna, this is a new-to-me genre and sounds fascinating! I hope I’m the lucky winner!

  3. Issa S. (Issa-345) says:

    Sounds interesting, especially the two part time line. Not sure if I’ve every read anything classified as a Christian Thriller.

  4. Tina Lau says:

    Sounds like an interesting book–I like that it’s not preachy.

  5. Shellie F. (aylamonster) , says:

    Thanks for a great reveiw and introduction to this author! :O)
    and of course, like all PBS members, I don’t have enough books LOL

  6. Catherine B. (cathyinclarion) says:

    Thank you for your review, Cynthia! I have placed Mr. Singer’s book on my wishlist!

  7. Catherine B. (cathyinclarion) says:

    Ooops! I meant reminder list!

  8. Valerie S. (VolunteerVal) says:

    Great review, Cynthia – makes me want to read this title!

  9. ANNA S. (SanJoseCa) says:

    Great review! I love a good legal thriller….and what a bonus that it is a Christian fiction novel.

  10. Lisa N. (LDN) Spring, TX says:

    Well, I am a fan of both CF and legal thrillers. Loved the review and would love to win a copy of the book (then I can take it off my WL).

  11. Sianeka N Hollywood, CA says:

    I’m not sure what makes this “Christian Fiction” and not merely a Legal Thriller (not that there is anything wrong with being a Legal Thriller; I enjoy many of these types of stories!) Is it just because the author usually writes Christian Fiction, and so that makes this book of that type? Or is there something inherent in the book/story that makes it Christian Fiction — the review seems to indicate that there -isn’t- anything especially religious about it???

  12. Cynthia M. (clariail) , says:

    Randy Singer is a Christian Fiction writer and that is one factor that makes it CF. I did mention that there are characters in the story who are Christian but aren’t bible thumping, gospel preaching type. Which they aren’t. What they do is show that their belief is a part of their lives and express it. It isn’t expressed in a pushy manner or for any extended length of time but that it is part of who they are.

  13. This sounds like a great book

  14. Kay M. (maydayzee) says:

    Thanks, Cynthia for your informative review. I really enjoy CF legal thriller/suspense/drama. Davis Bunn and Craig Parshall are 2 CF writers, who have written books of this type. Coincidentally, I recently added 2 of Randy Singer’s books to my RL.

  15. Pauline M. (canareader) says:

    I appreciate your review Cynthia. Randy Singer books are a big hit my church library and I will certainly be adding this one to our collection. Of course free books help stretch the budget as does PBS.

  16. Becky B. (mkbeckyb) says:

    I love Grisham, so would love to read this thriller!

  17. Sianeka N Hollywood, CA says:

    Thanks, Cynthia, for the review and also for taking the time to respond to my question. Appreciate it!

  18. Karen T says:

    Christian legal/ thriller – that’s something I’ve never read but am inclined to because of the reviews that go along with this book. Sounds like a good one.

  19. Marilyn Burkley says:

    This sounds great. I’m always looking for good new authors and haven’t read any of Singer’s books yet–so now I will!

  20. Tom (tombr) says:

    Sounds like an interesting thriller. The label CF would normally have just turned me off but this sounds like it could be good.

  21. Jean B. (texasteacher) says:

    Sounds great!

  22. Rita T. says:

    I hadn’t heard of this book, but it sounds like it’s very good. I don’t think I read much other than Christian anything these days. Thanks for posting a review.

  23. Cyndi M. (c24th) says:

    I would love to read this book! I like Grisham and Clive Cussler. This book sounds great! Thanks for the review.

  24. Kim R. says:

    Thanks for the great review, sounds like a very good read!!

  25. Jeanne R. says:

    My husband loves fiction, and reads both John Grisham as well as several Christian authors. He likes suspense and historical fiction. If I win this book, I will give it to him for Christmas! Thanks for the chance!

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