Today we are giving away not one, but two (!) copies of The Hunger Games – Hunger Games, Bk 1 by
One is a Hardcover, ISBN 9780439023481
One is a Paperback, ISBN 9780439023528
We will pick two winners at random from comments we receive here on the Blog. If you have a preference of which you would like, please indicate that in your comment. If both winners indicate they would like the same binding type, the first winner chosen will get their choice.
You have until Saturday, May 5, 2012 at 12 noon EDT, to leave a comment.
Good Luck to everyone!
Tags: Contests
I would love a hardcover copy, please!
Before the movie hype I’d never even heard of this series. I would love to win the paperback, since it may be months before my name gets to the top of the list at the library!
I have several friends currently reading this and was hoping to snag one of their copies when they finish. One of my own would be WONDERFUL! I have no preference as to the bookbinding.
I would love a copy of this book. My daughter read it and said it is a great book. either book would be fine with me.
What a great book! I was put on a LONG waiting list at the library when I read it. It would be nice to have a copy for my kids. Hardcover would be sweet!
My husband just requested this through the library. It’d be nice to have a copy for OUR library. :oD
I have heard great things about this series and would love to have my own copy to share. Thank you for the opportunity! Either binding would be fine with me.
I haven’t read the books or seen the movie, so I’d love to get started on the first book to see what all of the fuss is about! I’d prefer the hardcover, if possible. What a great giveaway!
My girls really want this book and series – I will read it after they do…and keep it in the paperbackswap system of course. Hardback or paperback makes no difference!
I love this book!!! Thanks PaperBackSwap for an excellent giveaway.
Would love a copy so I could find, out what all the fuss is about!
I love this book and it’s an excellent series.
Great giveaway! Would love a copy to pass along to a fellow readers at my office.
Haven’t read it yet, I would love to!
We are going to read this in June for my bookclub! I am excited to find out what the excitement is all about!
I’ve been hearing great things, and would like a chance to read it. Paperback version please!
Wow, awesome! I’d love one. Doesn’t matter which.
I would love to read this. I prefer paperback.
Hi! This is the beginning of a great series and I’m so happy my cousin introduced me to it a few years back. Have yet to see the movie. No preference on either book.
I read The Hunger Games series last year and LOVED it!
I would love a copy too!!
I love PBS. So much.
Thank you! It’s a great book and I’d love to have my own copy.
I would love a copy I had to wait forever for the library over 500 holds
Would love to win this book.
I’d love a copy of this book to give to my little brother. He’s a big reader and I know he would love it. My mom likes it too!
I’ve been wanting to read this series. Winning a copy would be the inspiration I need to get started! No preference on book type.
Love the Hunger Games!!!!
Reading apocalypse style stories always interest my daughter and me. Watching the movies are a great way we hangout together.
I saw the movie, but it just confused me. I’d love to read the book to understand what’s really going on in the story.
Haven’t seen the movie, I would rather read the book. Don’t care about the binding. Thanks.
Please do NOT enter me in the contest!! I’ve already read the whole series and loved it! I just wanted to encourage people who haven’t read the book, but have seen the movie….please don’t judge the book by the movie…..the book is sooooooooo much better!!!!
LOVE this series and would like to have a copy of my own to reread and share with my husband and friends who are on the library wait list!
Love this series, and would love to be able to revisit it with my own copy. Thanks!
why these books have created such a storm is beyond me, all the students in our small town love them
I would love to add the hardcover to our library.
I had a copy of this book and the two that follow but never got a chance to read them. A fellow PBSer’s son wanted them for Christmas so I sent them off to help brighten his Christmas. Now I’m woefully behind on all hype…lol I originally got them because my son recommended them to me and I wanted to have something to chat with him about when he called. I’d love to be “in the loop” as they say.
I LOVE these books, best ones I’ve ever read
I would love a hardcover!
what a great book!! paperback, please
great series of books, would love a hardcover!
I would like the soft cover as I would like to give this to my husband to take on our trip to Hawaii. He is not a book worm like I am but has said he would like to read this. I have heard the movie makes more sense if you have read the books.
I saw the movie which was hard to follow… so now I really need to read the books! Paperback please.
I’m looking forward to reading this soon!
Either hardcover or paperback is fine. Thanks for the giveaway!
ops, forgot to state that I have no preference in the book binding.
I feel like I am the only one who hasn’t read or seen the movie. I have it on the bottom of my list, waiting for me to get a copy but if I win one I won’t have to wait.
Paperback, please.
I would LOVE to win a copy of this book (hc or paperback). I don’t think I’ve ever won any kind of contest before (or lottery, or drawing) and I would do the HAPPY HAPPY I WON, I WON!!! dance down my driveway and into my neighborhood streets should I be so fortunate as to win a copy :o)
Excellent series!!
I’d love this book in paperback!