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Non-Fiction Review – Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Between A Rock And A Hard Place by Aron Ralston

Review by Vicky T. (VickyJo)


It’s 3:05 p.m. on Sunday, April 27, 2003.  This marks my twenty-four-hour mark of being stuck in Blue John Canyon.  My name is Aron Ralston.  My parents are Donna and Larry Ralston, of Englewood, Colorado.  Whoever finds this, please make an attempt to get this to them. Be sure of it.  I would appreciate it.”

That was Aron’s first video-recorded message after becoming trapped in Blue John Canyon in Utah while on a hiking trip.  You may have heard about his ordeal; he’s the young man who had to eventually, after six days, cut off his own arm to save his life.  His book, “Between a rock and a hard place” tells his story.

Aron was 27 years old the morning he set out alone to hike in a secluded area of Utah’s canyons.  He was climbing down a narrow slot canyon when a large boulder dislodged, pinning his arm between the boulder and the canyon wall.  He was stuck, with little more than two burritos, a partial bottle of water, and his video camera.  The book’s narrative takes us back and forth between Aron’s past and his present predicament.   We learn about his childhood growing up in Colorado and how he loved and explored the outdoors; how he became skilled in hiking, mountain climbing, skiing and rescue work; and finally, what brought him to his present horrifying situation.

It soon becomes evident to Aron that no one is going to find him; there is no rescue party searching for him.  He hadn’t told anyone where he would be hiking which was a BIG mistake.  The only way for him to survive is if he amputates his arm to free himself from the boulder.  So, on the morning of the sixth day, Aron plans to amputate his arm with a very dull knife on his multi-tool, hike the eight miles back to his truck and then hopefully drive himself to a hospital. That’s the plan.

I will admit that I first picked up this book out of morbid curiosity.  The thought of someone cutting off his or her own arm was gruesomely fascinating to me. How do you prepare for something like that?  The courage and fortitude an act like that requires is just amazing.  And too, the more I thought about it, the more I wondered if that option would even OCCUR to me!   Plus, I am not a risk-taker, but I have a curiosity about people who ARE risk-takers…people who climb mountains or jump out of perfectly good airplanes…on purpose…I just don’t get it, frankly.  Aron tries to explain this phenomenon; he talks about how taking risks makes him feel alive.  They say the adrenaline rush is addictive; once they start, they must keep searching for another adventure, another rush. But adrenaline rushes make me feel as though my heart is going to stop, a feeling I dislike very much.  After reading the book, I understand his viewpoint, but I just can’t relate to it.  I guess I’ll just be a happy non-risk-taker who only reads about taking risks!

I will say that this book was very useful in one way.  Whenever I’m gearing up to do something I really don’t want to do; something I dread, like speaking in front of a large group of people…if I start to get all nervous or anxious, I stop and think, “Well, at least I don’t have to cut off my arm today.”  It really helps put everything into perspective.






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2 Responses to “Non-Fiction Review – Between a Rock and a Hard Place”

  1. Jerelyn H. (I-F-Letty) says:

    Great review as always Vicky, thank-you.

  2. Divina S. says:

    As a product of an unplanned pregnancy, I was born to parents who were advised to limit pregnancies in the 1940’s. I always felt that I was meant to be. My life had not been adventurous like Aron but it had interesting challenges, too. Having two godparents who were doctors graduated from the University of the Philippines (UP), I aspired to study to become a doctor like them since age 3. I lost my father to cancer when I was 5 and was fortunately raised by the best mother in the world who skimped and saved so that we would have enough money to see my elder siblings graduate from college. My brother became a civil engineer and sister a dentist. I was 12 years younger than my sister. Fortunately my mother was frugal and was smart about finances. I was ambitious , above average IQ but showed poor aptitude for math compared to languages, philosophy and letters. What I lacked in aptitude for math, I made up in ambition, hard work and determination. I graduated from UP in the top ten of my class. I defied the odds predicted by the vocational guidance counsellor. I came to the US to train and became a Diplomate in Obstetrics and Gynecology and Anesthesiology (double boards). My story shows what ambition and determination can help one succeed in in a profession. This is why I like to read about the struggles people have overcome to fulfill their dreams. Yours was a life or death situation compared to mine. I am glad you shared your challenges. There are things we can learn from what we did in life. I look forward to reading your book. The review has whetted my appetite for it.Thank you. I’m sure I will learn a lot from your autobiography. Thank you. Divina

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