This feature has been very popular already, and after introducing it we worked hard to smooth out any “wrinkles” in the programming. Now, when a Book Journaler gets a request for a book, the location of the book (which “space” the book has been entered into in the Book Journal) shows on the request itself! So you can easily go and find the book immediately. You can import your lists from other files into the Book Journal, and can assign books individually to “spaces” (for example, “bedroom bookshelf” or “box in guest room”) by title, OR by clicking the link to your TBR Pile, Books I’ve Read or Bookshelf list, and then clicking the button there to journal the book. You can try it out for a week for free, and it costs only 8 dollars a year to subscribe (in the Kiosk). Take a tour, try it for free for a week, and see what you think—and do let us know (by sending in Feedback) if there is a feature you would like added or changed. We are always looking to improve the site!
Posts Tagged ‘Book Journal’
The Book Journal is here! Newsletter – October 2006
Sunday, November 5th, 2006Tags: Book Journal
Posted in New Features & Improvements, Newsletter | No Comments »