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Romance Review – Hot Ticket

Wednesday, August 29th, 2012


Hot Ticket: Four Sexy All New Stories That Will Make You Stand Up And Cheer…

Same Rink Next Year / Lucky Charm / You Can’t Steal First / Can’t Catch This

by Deirdre Martin, Julia London, Annette Blair, Geri Buckley


Review by Sobia A. (SoBe)


So, if you can’t tell by the synopsis, (or just forgot it), Hot Ticket is a sports themed anthology, with 4 stories, in all. They’re all pretty quick reads, I finished the whole book in less then a day.


Lucky Charm by Julia London

Let me start by saying I have very limited knowledge regarding sports,…baseball, football, hockey, whatever, with the exception of the World Cup, I don’t pay attention to any of ’em. But what usually happens when I read a sports based  story, or when  I watch a sports based movie, is that they make me think I should give said sport a chance. The fans, the  love of the (whichever)  game, the camaraderie, they all just look like so much fun! However, Julia

London’s contribution to this anthology was the first I’ve come across that made me glad I wasn’t a sports, (specifically baseball) fan… and even more glad I don’t listen to sports radio.

For me the biggest issue was the heroine, I just really didn’t like her, she came off as a bit too selfish/self involved for me to like. Maybe it was the page restrictions, as we didn’t get enough time to spend in her head, but for me, everything that came out of her mouth was of the ‘me!me!me!’ variety, rather than the self assurance *I think *  the author was after. The hero was irritating too, but not nearly as much, at least not IMO. He, by the end of the story, gets over himself…admits he’s overly sensitive, that he was acting like a big baby…and by the time I finished the story I didn’t mind him, half so much.

As for the story itself, it was just meh…. Whiney hero meets heckling sports dj, blames her for his slump, demands a meeting, sparks “fly” insert drama, drama, drama, resolve drama, the end….and again maybe it’s the lacking length,  but their relationship just didn’t come off as believable, not for me anyhow. I never could figure out why they were even together!

Having said that, this is my third and last Julia london read. She’s a decent writer, but  I keep trying just to end disappointed, so 3 strikes and I’m done. And I’ll admit, starting the book off with this story, almost made me stop reading! As it is, it’ll probably be awhile before I go anywhere near another sports romance. A generous 2 stars.


Same Rink Next Year by  Deirdre Martin

Another meh. This was a sweet story, but had very little substance. It was in no way bad, but thankfully it was short as not very much actually happened.

The Hero and heroine reunited ( their first meeting takes place before the story begins, but is lightly flashbacked later on)  they had sex, they talked a bit, they doubted their relationship, they resolved their issues.  The characters were all okay, the secondary characters were okay, though there did seem to be a few too many, and the story ends in a weird place…well, more like in an unfinished place…I’m not even sure I’d call it an HEA…more like a HEA for now…

And  I don’t really understand why it’s labeled  as part of  Martin’s NY Blades series… There weren’t any Blades or any mention of Blades in the book! 2 stars.


Annette Blair’s ‘You Can’t Steal First’

This was (I think) only my second Annette Blair title and as such, pretty much left me feeling indifferent towards her as an author.

The story itself was irritating mostly because of inconsistencies within the story…like its implied that the heroine was pretty good friends with the Hero’s sister before growing apart, but then later in the story we find out that the H’s sister almost died…how would a really good friend not know that? It’s one thing not to keep in touch after high school, another thing entirely to not know someone who’s supposedly close to you, is on their deathbed. Again maybe it’s the length, playing its vile games on what could’ve been a good story, but as it was I kept getting pulled outta the story by little inconsistencies like this one.

Oh and character development overall seemed pretty weak, for instance the hero’s Latino, and there were only two things that implied it…his name ( is Tiago a Latino name?) and one word of Spanish….honestly if we hadn’t been flat out told he was Latino, I never would’ve guessed. Also I couldn’t seem to figure out if the hero was a player, with a girl in every port, or if he was just playing a part, a sort of, you gotta do what you gotta do, sorta thing…Maybe it’s the restricted

length again rearing its frustratingly ugly head, but in a longer story I can almost see his character start out in a not so great way,  but then grow into a hero worthy of being called a hero…but the way it is now,  it feels like one minute we’re supposed to think he’s an overly promiscuous batter, the next he’s Dudley studly do-right. It just doesn’t work..at least not for me.

Honestly, I think the best use of Annette Blair’s story is to test drive her writing style,  to see of you can put up with it or not. .I can’t. . It seemed more piecemeal than any cohesive story.  2 stars.


Geri Buckley’s Can’t Catch This

This  last story wasn’t bad, but I think it was the weakest out of the 4…  And considering my opinions of them, that’s saying something!

It takes place mostly at a football stadium, but the main character isn’t a sports player of any kind, so maybe it’s just me, but the story sorta felt outta place…however, it was also the only story to explain the sports terminology it used ( and for me, that was a much appreciated

bonus!) …it also had no conflict, at least not really. Stuff just happened, no build up, no climax, and only a mediocre resolution.  It was just so bland…and  for an anthology length story , it had far too much unnecessary filling! 2 stars



Altogether, this anthology  never really goes beyond the realm  of ‘just okay’ . None of the stories WOWed me, none captured my full attention,  and none  sent me on a buying (or requesting) binge…if you’re in the market for an easy read, maybe at the beach or in a waiting room or anywhere you need some mindless entertainment  without the threat of avid, engrossing interest, Hot Ticket fits the Bill. Otherwise, everything just felt too rushed, too quick,and too lacking in details,  for it to really be enjoyable.



Mystery Monday – The Last Child

Monday, August 27th, 2012


The Last Child by John Hart


Review by Dianne (gardngal)


This book was given high praise in all the written reviews on its cover, and every one of them is spot on.

In spite of more than 400 pages, it reads so fast and exciting that the reader is never bogged down by the number of pages.  The prose is excellent. Characters are well developed and you care greatly about what is happening to each of them.

From the Prologue all the way to the Epilogue, you will follow Johnny and his best friend Jack as they attempt to solve the mystery of Johnny’s missing twin sister, Alyssa.  The author introduces new characters just at the right time in their search, giving the reader another suspect to think about, so you will always be guessing.  The author weaves several mysteries into the plot that seems to be a seamless single case.  It all works to become an intricate tale.  Just when it seems the secret is obvious, and the crime is solved, another twist in the road has you rethinking the entire list of possibilities.

You will suspect everyone, and question all your choices again and again.  Nothing is revealed until the last  pages, and you will be gasping in surprise.

A very satisfying read, and an excellent job of moving the plot to its end.


Historical Fiction Review – The Second Empress

Thursday, August 23rd, 2012

The Second Empress: A Novel of Napoleon’s Court by Michelle Moran


Review by Kelsey O.


The Second Empress is the story of Napoleon’s second wife, Maria Lucia, the daughter of the Emperor of Austria. Napoleon sets aside his first wife, Josephine, due to the fact that she was unable to bear children for him and probably another contributing factor could well have been her numerous rumored affairs. If it is one thing most people know about Napoleon is he doesn’t liked to be made a fool of. Moran portrayed Napoleon just how history portrays him, egotistical.


Maria (later renamed Marie Louise) has no choice but to obey the summons by Napoleon, even though her heart belongs to Count Adam Neipperg. I found that Marie was a very determined woman. She knew exactly how to appease the volatile Napoleon without facing her great-aunt Marie Antoinette’s fate. Moran did a wonderful job staying true to how history recounts Marie Louise’s life. She appeared meek, but she was a very clever woman and knew her duty. After bearing the heir for Napoleon, she cements her position. There was never any love between the two, mainly because they each loved another. Napoleon, even after casting Josephine aside, remains devoted to her as the letters between them that Moran incorporates into the story proves and of course Marie loves Adam.


The Second Empress is also told from the POV of Pauline, Princess of Borghese and Napoleon’s conceited sister. There were many speculations about Pauline and Napoleon’s relationship. Pauline thought very highly of herself and thought that she and Napoleon should rule together as the Egyptian royal families did. After her brother got rid of his first wife she really thought that he would ask her to marry him and rule with him. When it became known that he was going to wed an Austrian princess, Pauline is livid. This begins the downward spiral of Pauline, whether it is because of her illness (from her many liaisons with men) or her jealously or a combination of both. Not the most likable character but then she wasn’t the nicest person so job well done on Moran’s part.


The third narrator is Paul Moreau, Pauline’s half-Haitian chamberlain. He provides a unique perspective into the lives of Pauline, Napoleon and Marie. His voice provides the reader with more information that otherwise would not be achieved with only using characters on the inside of the royal family. Paul and Pauline’s relationship is strictly friendship and towards the end you see the strain Pauline’s vanity puts on this friendship.


Moran’s novels are always rich in detail and her characters are historically quite accurate. I loved that she focused on Napoleon’s personal life and how his military strategies actually tear them apart. There were times that I didn’t care for the short choppiness of the chapters towards the end made the story feel rushed, but all in all this was an enjoyable read.



Author Interview with Jess Lourey

Tuesday, August 21st, 2012

An interview with Author Jess Lourey by Cheryl G. (Poncer)


Cheryl: Congratulations on the release of your new book and thank you for coming back for another interview with us, we are so glad to have you have agreed to join us again!

I thoroughly enjoyed your new book, The Toadhouse Trilogy: Book One. I am someone who has never read fantasy books, but having read your Murder of the Month series, I am a huge fan of your writing. I thought this book would be an opportunity for my first foray into this genre. And I was completely drawn in from the first sentence, “The sky is the color of blueberries and cream”. Your descriptive style of writing is such a great fit for Fantasy writing. 

Jess: Thank you! I know how many amazing books you have on your to-be-read pile, and I really appreciate being pushed to the top of it. 🙂


Cheryl: Young Adult Fantasy is not your usual genre, where did this story come from?

Jess: I grew up reading mysteries and fantasy, and both of them feel like comfort food for the brain to me. The specific The idea for the The Toadhouse Trilogy came from the alchemy of these three things: 1) reading Cornelia Funke‘s Inkheart series, Mary Pope Osborne‘s Magic Treehouse series, and Suzanne Collins‘ The Hunger Games series, 2) a sense that I was shortchanging myself by not reading the classics outside of college, and 3) raising two amazing kids, an older sister and her younger brother. All three factors were rolling around in my life the same year, and I had a thought: what if a sister and brother one day realized they’d been living in fiction all along, and they had to travel into their favorite classics to save themselves? That idea snowballed, and from it, The Toadhouse Trilogy was born. Books are magic.


Cheryl: Was it a difficult transition switching from writing for adults with a sense of humor, to writing for a young audience?

Jess: Less so than I thought it would be. Kids are smart, a lot smarter than some of us old broads. 🙂


Cheryl: Your protagonist, Aine is quite an amazing young woman. She is strong and independent, with a bit of naivety and cynicism tossed in to make her absolutely believable. Was she harder to create than your other leading lady, Mira James, from your Murder of the Month series?  

Jess: Absolutely harder! What a great question. See, I based Mira on me, sort of a bionic (in both failures and successes) version of me, and so when I’m not sure where to take her, I just look around. Aine, however, is her own person. She’s got a little of my daughter in her, but otherwise, she’s created out of whole cloth. It took me two massive rewrites to stop trying to control her and just follow her through the story.


Cheryl: You reference some great classic literature in your story. And your characters get to interact with characters from these classics. How did you choose what stories they visit? Do you have a personal favorite among the stories they visit?

Jess: The short answer is that I chose only books published before 1926, which means they’re in the public domain and I won’t get sued for using them. The long answer is that I chose books that I always wished I had read, or read and loved, and looked for ways to weave them into my plot. I end up absolutely loving every one I use—otherwise I wouldn’t let them into the Toadhouse—but my favorite in the first book is actually Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. It’s a clever story about the duality of humans, but also, Stevenson’s version never says exactly how Mr. Hyde dies. I got to capitalize on that in my story by writing the “real” ending.


Cheryl: Is there a story you would like to visit?

Jess: Truthfully, I want to visit EVERY story with a few rules: I don’t get tortured or die in them, and I get to leave when I want. What a better reality for a writer and a sociologist than to be able to REALLY ACTUALLY enter books? Sigh. I tell you what. The Toadhouse Trilogy is my love letter to fiction.

Cheryl: Tell us a bit about Gilgamesh. Like the ancient king of Uruk he is named for, will he ever be “brought to peace”?

Jess:  Gorgeous question. Gilgamesh is believed by many to be the first book ever written, which is why I chose him as the pilot through stories. He’s also a haunted man who has to live with the most painful of mistakes. He’s complex, and I’m not sure if peace is in his future. I do know that he and Aine begin to fall hard for each other, though, and I have mixed feelings about that.


Cheryl: The other characters in the book, Gloriana, Spencer, Tru and Mondegreen, how did you come to decide on their names?

Jess: I gave all the fairies names that are actually literary terms (Mondegreen, Kenning, Tone). The rest of the characters’ names are based on literary figures or actual authors, and you’ll have to read through to the end of the trilogy to find out who is whom. 😉


Cheryl: Literary terms? Can you expound on this a bit?

Jess: See, this answer might make me sound smarter than I am. I Googled “literary terms” and arrived at an awesome list of words, many of which I was reading for the first time (this, despite a Master’s degree in English. For example, a kenning is a usually compound and abstract term used in place of a single noun. This is an example from the Free Online Dictionary: “for example, storm of swords is a kenning for battle.” Great word, right? So, I made Kenning the name of a fairy in Toadhouse, and gave all the rest of the fairies literary terms for names that also match their personalities. You’ll have to read the whole trilogy to find out why fairies have names that are also literary terms. 🙂


Cheryl: And parts two and three? Are they in the works? Will Aine still retain her starring role? Will Gilgamesh return?

Jess: Gilgamesh, Aine, and her brother Spenser will be in all three books, and Aine will retain her starring role. Like many of us, though, she has some hard decisions to make, decisions that will forever alter her relationship with Gilgamesh and Spenser.


Cheryl: This is the first book that you have self-published, can you tell us a bit about that process and what you did to make this a successful self-published book?

Jess: Eek. Yes, this is my first self-publishing adventure, and I’m not sure yet if it’s a success. All the major publishing houses loved my concept for this book, and once they read it, they also said they loved the plot and characters. However, to a house, they said they couldn’t get teens interested in classic literature and so couldn’t publish the book. I loved it too much to let it die, so I hired two professional editors (a content editor and a copyeditor), a professional interior designer, a professional cover designer, and a professional web designer. $6000 later, I feel like I have a book that is worth people’s time and money. It’s been out for a month, and it’s gotten great reviews but only sold around 200 copies. If you catch me at a weak moment,  I’ll tell you that some days I feel like I spent my entire savings on a pawful of magic beans.


Cheryl: PaperBackSwap members are avid readers. What can we do to support indie authors like yourself, besides reading and enjoying your books?

Excellent question! 🙂 Readers can please support indie book sales by “liking” the book on its sales page and posting reviews wherever they hang out. Word of mouth is also a tremendous tool. A fairy gets its wings every time a reader spreads the good word about a book, and better yet, it means a writer is closer to being able to afford to keep on writing.


Cheryl: Did your research on fairies for this book provide you with any unexpected results?

Jess: Fairies play a very major role in The Toadhouse Trilogy, and I loved researching them. Katharine Briggs’ research into fairy folklore has been a great resource, and I just love the magic of them, and their rules, which are consistent throughout most of literature.

Cheryl: Have you met any fairies in real life? Are you yourself a fairy?

Jess: I do believe in the supernatural, and I hope someday to meet a fairy. If it has happened already, though, I’m afraid I missed it. I’ll do a better job keeping my eyes open!


Jess Lourey is the author of The Toadhouse Trilogy: Book One, the first in a young adult series that celebrates the danger and excitement of reading. She also writes the critically-acclaimed Murder-by-Month Mysteries for adults with a sense of humor. She’s been teaching writing and sociology at the college level since 1998. When not gardening, writing, or hanging out with her wonderful kids and dorky dog, you can find her reading, watching SyFy-channel original movies, and dreaming big.

This is Jess Lourey’s second interview with us here on the PBS Blog. You can read her interview with us about her Murder of the Month series here: Link

Find out more about Jess Lourey by visiting her website at www.jesslourey.com/toadhouse/index.html, visiting her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/jess.lourey, or emailing her at jesslourey@yahoo.com.




Three lucky members who comment on this blog will win a copy of The Toadhouse Trilogy: Book One.

A winner will be chosen at random. Good Luck!










Mystery Monday – An English Murder

Monday, August 20th, 2012


An English Murder by Cyril Hare


Review by Matt B. (BuffaloSavage)



Although written in 1951, An English Murder (also published as The Christmas Murder) has the elements of a cozy mystery that was written in the Thirties. It takes place in an English country house. The characters are familiar and they play out a ripping good yarn with lots of twists. Intelligent themes and literate prose engage the little grey cells. Yet another attraction is that it takes places at Christmas, though the murder does put a damper on celebrating.

The first half covers the background. Unusually for a cozy, Hare includes political differences as a factor that strains the relationships among the characters. The cousin of an impoverished peer is a socialist Minister of Parliament.  The obnoxious wife of a rising man in the MP’s treasury is ambitious for her hubby and accordingly into expediency. The son of the peer has gone black sheep by becoming involved in a neo-fascist group called The League of Freedom and Dignity. The loyal butler’s daughter is determined not to let her working class background hold her back. Observing all this with a tolerant eye is Dr. Bottwink, a Hungarian Jewish university professor, who is going over the family’s papers as part of his research on 18th century English politics. Dr. Bottwink tells the loyal butler that the English have been lucky to live a country where politics can be safely ignored, even in the 20th century.

Be assured that this is not a political novel disguised as a mystery or thriller, however.  Hare never lets politics interfere with the unfolding of his ingenious plot. Hare was a judge in the civil courts before he turned to writing full time. So like that other lawyer-writer, Erle Stanley Gardner, his plots turn on elaborate motives and intricate schemes that go wrong and end in murder. As in his earlier novel Tenant for Death, this is an especially pleasing mystery.







Historical Romance Review – Along Came A Duke

Wednesday, August 15th, 2012

Along Came A Duke by Elizabeth Boyle


Review by Issa S. (Issa-345)


Along Came a Duke is the first in the Rhymes with Love series.  Tabitha Timmons is a country miss who is well past the normal marriage age, she has no desire to marry.  That is until her maternal uncle’s death leaves her an heiress, subject to her marrying the man of his choice, Mr. Reginald Barkworth, before she turns 25.  That happy day, of course, is only weeks away.

Along the way she meets Christopher Seldon, the Duke of Preston.  Preston is a young man who spends his time gambling, drinking, wagering, and basically being a rake of the worst sort.  He has just caused a peer to make a poor wager that ended up ruining him, and as a result society has made him and his family outcasts.

Tabitha and Preston inevitably meet.  He keeps his identity as a duke secret from her and they begin a flirtation though she doesn’t really like him and while he is instantly taken with her he isn’t sure why.

Tabitha meets her fiancé, Barkworth and he is not to her liking.  She does not want to go through with the wedding but doesn’t know how to stop it and continues her flirtation with Preston.  Preston doesn’t feel Barkworth is right for her and when she asks Preston to ruin her so Barkworth will call off the wedding he agrees.

That’s not the end though, there is plenty of secrets and mayhem to follow.

Like most Elizabeth Boyle book, this one had potential, but it just didn’t work for me.  Tabitha lives with her aunt and uncle.  She is forced to live in the attic and is treated like a servant.  Her strong dislike of marriage seems odd.  Does she want to be a slave to her aunt and uncle all her life? Marriage seems to be the only way out for her.

Preston himself is not an interesting character and nothing is done to make him seem, well, ducal.  He plays too much.  He has little care about what his antics do to his family.  He has no interest or knowledge in running his estates.  I will grant that it is amusing to watch him chase Tabitha around but there is no substance to him, even when he decides to walk a straighter path.

Preston’s shunning by society also did not ring true to me.  He’s a duke of marriageable age and he’s cut because he gambles, sleeps around, and pushes peers into wagers they ultimately lose.  Didn’t many of them do that?  I understand he’s not a polite society favorite, but the shunning of a duke did not make sense.

Barkworth is drawn so opposite to Tabitha it’s almost comical but still painful.  They have nothing in common, he hates what she likes and vice versa.  His mother, who would live with them of course, is high strung, overbearing, and has Barkworth under her thumb.  They are caricatures of a bad fiancé and bad mother in law.  Having better characters where Tabitha faced a dilemma about wanting to marry him might have made for a better story.

Really this book is a combination of several standard story tropes and cliches.  No one of them is written all that interestingly and combining them all together in one story did not make for a very interesting read.  The book felt like a sitcom to me, a general story, some laughs, but skims the surface in formulaic way.  I give it an okay and hope for a better book 2.



Fiction Review – Big Stone Gap

Tuesday, August 14th, 2012

Big Stone Gap by Adriana Trigiani


Review by Carole (craftnut)


The beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains are the setting for this wonderful novel of small town life and a big secret.  Ave Maria (yes, like the prayer) is a 35-year-old woman who has given up on ever finding a husband.  She is a frequent visitor to the town bookmobile where she enjoys a book on the Chinese art of reading faces.  References to the characteristics of faces she sees is sprinkled throughout the story and adds to the descriptions of the people she knows.   Her life is well ordered, as she is not only the town pharmacist who delivers prescriptions, but also director of the town’s long running summer outdoor drama, and co-captain of the local Rescue Squad. A fictionalized campaign stop by candidate John Warner and his wife Elizabeth Taylor set the town on edge as they plan a lavish celebration and tribute.

This is a story populated with all the quirky characters expected in a small town novel, but it is primarily a story of a woman’s search for truth.  Ave Maria seeks to understand herself and come to grips with the death of her mother.  Although there is some sadness in this novel, is it ultimately uplifting.

Her life takes a sudden turn as a letter is given to her by the lawyer for her mother’s estate.  She suddenly finds all she knew changed.  Her search for her roots throws her into a crisis as she deals with the consequences, a coal mining accident, a vindictive aunt, and the attention of two suitors.   Her life careens out of control as she races from one obligation to the next, while trying to figure out what it is she really wants.  She makes life-changing decisions, but ultimately, as she finds out more, she discovers what is truly important.

I really liked this book.  I thought it was going to be a humorous look at small town life in the mountains and some of it is just that.  But, the story is compelling and I found it impossible to put down, finishing the book in just two days.  There are three more in the series, and I look forward to the story continuing.


2. Big Cherry Holler


3. Milk Glass Moon


4. Home to Big Stone Gap