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Posts Tagged ‘Book Reviews’

Mystery Monday – Baby Shark

Monday, April 29th, 2013

Baby Shark by Robert Fate


Review by Cheryl R. (Spuddie)


#1 Baby Shark series; Protagonist: Kristin “Baby Shark” Van Dijk

Kristin Van Dijk’s life changed forever one fateful night at a pool hall in Texas in 1952. She’s only 17, but she’s there with her father who’s a traveling pool shark. Her mother having died a couple of years previously, Kristin’s father gave her a choice of traveling with him and living in the back of his big old car or going to live with stuffy, religious Aunt Dora in Oklahoma City. You’re sixteen, curious about the world, haven’t yet really gotten to know your father and have just lost your mother—which would you choose? Right. Now Mr. Van Dijk isn’t your typical hustler. He’s a rather erudite pool shark and the trunk of their car contains just as many books as clothes and other possessions, and he generally seems to have done a fairly good job of looking after his daughter.

That is, until he misjudges an opponent’s intentions and Kristin is forced to watch her father brutally beaten and killed, and then she herself is raped repeatedly, beaten senseless and left for dead in the burning pool hall—except that the owner, a diminutive Chinese man named Henry Chin, who has watched his own son be murdered as well, drags Kristen from the fire. After many weeks of hospital stays and surgeries, Kristin leaves to live with Henry on his isolated farm where she has her own small cottage and begins to plot revenge on the four men who left her an orphan and so physically and emotionally scarred.

Henry brings in a team of old friends who specialize in different things—hand to hand combat, firearms, physical training of all sorts—and Kristin trains hard, while Henry has hired a private investigator to help figure out who the men were and locate them. The police, of course, are just not that interested in pursuing justice. And after awhile, Kristin also decides she wants to shoot pool like her daddy, so one of his old cronies comes to work intensely with her and she becomes very good, eventually being given the name Baby Shark.

I wanted to like this book more than I did. The biggest problem I had with it was that this was 1952, supposedly, and yet very little about it made me feel like it was 1952. The attitudes of people, the way Kristin dressed and acted, even the medical attention and surgeries she had after her beating seemed too modern and didn’t work for me; she was obviously a modern woman transported back in time and would have stuck out like a sore thumb in her tight jeans. Much of what happened with the training and these mysterious friends of Henry’s also just seemed very implausible. So as much as I was rooting for Baby Shark, I just couldn’t really get fully behind her and the story because I never was quite able to believe it—and there was too much of the anachronistic about it to simply suspend disbelief. I’ve given it three stars for originality mostly, but I’ve decided not to read on in the series.








Fiction Review – Stolen

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013

Stolen by Daniel Palmer


Review by Kelsey O.


John and Ruby Bodine are living the typical American life. John is trying to launch his online game, One World, and Ruby is a struggling college student. John has also finally emerged from a deep depression after an incident that happened during a mountain climb with his buddies. A trip that left one of them dead and the two survivors just learning to cope with what they had to do. Even though John and Ruby struggle to live day to day, their love is the shiny beacon guiding them to what they know their future can be. Then one day, John discovers a strange patch of skin on Ruby’s foot that sets into motion something they never planned on.

Ruby has an aggressive form of cancer and there is only one treatment. Unfortunately the generic version is unavailable and their current insurance won’t cover the name brand. John feels he has only one option, steal the identity of one of his gamers whose insurance will cover the treatment. He finally finds the perfect one, Elliot and Tanya Uretsky. They pack up and leave their life behind and begin to live their new life as the Urtesky’s.

One day John gets the phone call that he could never dream would happen. The caller says, “My name is Elliot Uretsky, and I believe you stole my identity.” Elliot wants to play a game called Criminal and he wants John and Ruby to be the main players. They can continue using his insurance but they have to pass his tests. They start out easy and John and Ruby think that it is all a prank and they decide not to play this fiend’s game. That is when the bodies start to show up, brutally murdered, they know this guy means business. From here till the end is a tale of suspense and terror. The things that Elliot makes this couple do will blow your mind.

Daniel Palmer’s mind is something I would not want to be living in but I am thankful he is able to put it to paper. Even though this couple commits insurance fraud and as the game goes on some pretty devious things, you as a reader start to cheer for them to somehow win and outsmart the devious villain. Every page is a new twist thrown into the plot and Palmer keeps you on the edge of your seat wondering how far John and Ruby will go. Palmer has really outdone himself in his third novel and has solidified himself among some of the great mystery/thriller writers, in my opinion. I know he isn’t going anywhere and I look forward to what his next project will be.










Mystery Monday – Deadwood Mystery Series

Monday, April 22nd, 2013

The Deadwood Mystery Series by Ann Charles


Review by MIRAH W. (mwelday)



Recently I’ve found myself gravitating to light mysteries. I can’t seem to handle hard core mysteries with gore and more.  I want mysteries with some humor, some serious (yet somehow still quirky) moments, some love interest, and some sleuthing gone awry. The Deadwood Mystery Series by Ann Charles provides all of that and more.  In trying to describe these books I would say her mysteries combine the quirky humor, if-it-can-go-wrong-it-will feel of the Stephanie Plum Series by Janet Evanovich and the paranormal mystery from the Harper Connelly Series by Charlaine Harris.  Charles finds a way to bring these two types of mysteries together in a way that really works.

Violet is a woman fighting to make a living for herself and to support her two children.  She lands a job at a real estate agency in Deadwood, South Dakota and she comes into contact with a variety of characters: Harvey is her client turned ‘partner in crime’, Doc her love (or should that be lust?) interest, her wacky friend Natalie, and deplorable co-worker Ray.  I must admit, I never anticipated modern-day Deadwood to be so colorful.  Even the houses and clients Violet takes on for the real estate agency have interesting stories to tell.

There is an adventure in every new installment and you never know where Violet’s purple boots will take her.  No matter what sticky situation Violet gets herself into, I can’t help but cheer for her.  She is intelligent, gutsy, stubborn, spunky, and determined to make things work.  When she stumbles into sleuthing situations the outcomes are sometimes laugh-out-loud funny and, to be honest, I want to be along for the ride.

The Deadwood Mystery Series:

Nearly Departed in Deadwood

Optical Delusions in Deadwood

Dead Case in Deadwood

Better Off Dead in Deadwood





Thriller Thursday – Dark Star

Thursday, April 18th, 2013


Dark Star by Alan Furst

Review by Matt B. (BuffaloSavage)


Readers that like espionage novels by Eric Ambler and John Le Carre will enjoy Alan Furst’s Dark Star.

The setting and time are troubled European places in the 1930s. Spain’s bitter civil war is raging between right and left and France is divided by far rightists and far leftists. Stalin’s Soviet Union is in the midst of the most intense purge run by the head of the secret police, Nikolai Yezhov (at an even five-foot-tall, called The Infernal Dwarf). Kristallnacht, known as the Night of Broken Glass, was a pogrom that told the world exactly what Hitler and his thugs and dopes had in mind for Jewish people in Europe.

The main character is Andre Szara, a true survivor. Born Jewish in Poland, he survived pogroms in his childhood. He then survived the Russian Civil War and the Polish-Soviet War of 1920 (think Isaac Babel’s brutal Red Cavalry collection of stories). As we would expect he is unhappy parroting the party line in his job as an international correspondent. Then he is dragooned into working for the NKVD to steal military secrets from a German source.

Furst combines history and drama into a fascinating historical novel about espionage. Readers who like Steven’s spying in the Aubrey-Maturin books will definitely enjoy the large canvas Furst creates. Readers into Europe in the Dirty Thirties will also get into the convincing feeling, “Yes, that what Europe must have felt like then.” Historian Alan Bullock, who lived in Europe at the time and wrote the first biography of Hitler, calls Dark Star “a classic…. Furst brings to life better than most historians the world of fear in which so many human beings felt trapped.”







Paranormal Romance Review – The Dark Heroine: Dinner with a Vampire

Wednesday, April 17th, 2013

The Dark Heroine: Dinner with a Vampire by Abigail Gibbs


Review by Kelsey O.


Violet is in the wrong place at the wrong time when she ends up in Trafalgar Square in the wee hours of the morning. There she witnesses a mass murder and is swept away by the murderers. This plunges her into a world that she knows nothing about but finds out her father is very well aware of. Kasper, the prince and heir to his father’s throne and the bad boy, doesn’t know why he whisks Violet away but now he must live with the decision because if they kill her there will be a war between the humans and vampires. Violet’s father is none other than the Secretary of State of Defense and is looking for any chance to wage war against Kasper’s kind.

Violet’s character is feisty but yet vulnerable. Her inner dialogue was interesting and a bit confusing at first but there is a reason for it (I won’t give away why). The vampires in Gibb’s story are really dark and at times a bit disturbed. In the beginning Violet connects with a vampire named Fabian who comes off as caring and understanding to Violet’s plight. What may you ask is her plight? Well, Violet must decide to either become a vampire or die. She can’t be allowed back into the world with what she knows about them now (think the reverse of Twilight). In a twist it is discovered that Violet is actually something more and that her and Kasper’s future are really not so different.

I was not disappointed in Dinner with a Vampire and I will read the next installment. This story doesn’t contain any sparkly vampires. Be prepared to enter a very dark and troubled world.









Mystery Monday – Home is the Sailor

Monday, April 15th, 2013

Home is the Sailor by Day Keene

Review by Matt B. (BuffaloSavage)


After almost 20 years, Sven “Swede” Nelson finds his life, his love, his lady – the sea – a harsh mistress. He deserts her to chase his dream of setting down with a nice girl on a farm in his home region near Hibbing, Minnesota.  But a 33-year-old can’t just walk away from the smoking, swearing, drinking, brawling, fornicating life he’s known since he was sixteen.  When he meets hot young widow Corilss Mason, he finds her irresistible. So much so that he helps her to cover up what we readers know as manslaughter but the DA will see as Murder One.

Keene’s bag of tricks usually featured a guy in transition torn between the opposing dreams of a modest life with a nice woman versus a rackety life with a low-down woman. Another theme is vast quantities of alcohol, which impair the protagonist’s judgment so severely that we understand how he ends up in impossible predicaments. As it happens in noir, the hero makes the wrong decisions and ends up an ant being stomped by elephants in the form of crooks and cops.

Other attractions include psychology, surprise, and pace. Keene captures the empty feeling of the main character as he realizes the wanting is often better than the having. And Swede feels a dismayed annoyance of being played for a chump. Keene fires off surprises concerning incident and characterization (such as a sympathetic police chief). Mystery writer and critic Bill Pronzini wasn’t kidding when he said Keene “…knew how to tell a story that gripped the reader immediately and held him to the end.”

So congratulations to Stark House Press and Hard Case Crime for getting these Fifties crime novels back into print. Noir fans should board a Day Keene roller coaster and see how fast and corkscrewy it goes.




Historical Fiction Review – 11/22/63

Thursday, April 11th, 2013

11/22/63 by Stephen King

Review by Kelsey O.


Schoolteacher Jake Epping is about to learn to most stunning secret ever. After being summoned to Al’s dinner he is told of a portal aka the rabbit hole that will take him back to 1958. Al’s lifetime obsession is to prevent that assassination of John F. Kennedy and he has compiled a book full of Lee Harvey Oswald’s movements but he is missing the key…did he act alone or not. Now cancer has taken the opportunity for Al to find out and he must confide in one man who is young enough, smart enough and doesn’t have many ties to go back thru the portal and hang around until 1963 to find out and possibly stop Oswald from committing the assassination. Al’s time is short and he needs Jake to believe him so he sends him thru to test the waters. Jake does have one thing he would like to change about what happened to one of his adult students, coincidentally, in 1958, and decides to test the rabbit hole. Even after somewhat successfully achieving his goal and coming back, Jake is hesitant but Al does something to force his hand and Jake has no choice but to head back under his fake identity that Al created for him, George.


Having to wait around until 1963, Jake/George starts to become bored and wants to teach again and begins to form attachments to some very interesting characters all of which he was warned not to do. Each new character ends up playing an intricate part in what he came to do. 11/22/63 wouldn’t be the novel it is without all the trials that Jake/George endures during his time in the past. The reader becomes deeply invested and wish for a happy outcome even though fate has another idea on what is to become of those that meddle with the future. History does not like change and even though Al warned Jake/George about this, it still takes all of us by surprise.


I loved every page of this 842 page novel. King had me quickly flipping pages to find out what happens next and then he left me raw and broken at the end. The time travel aspect is real basic. The portal takes to the same day every time and each time you enter it will reset all that was changed that last time someone went thru. Though you may be gone for months or years, in your future time you are only gone 2 minutes. The blending of fact and fiction is one of King’s strengths and it is showcased brilliantly in this remarkable read. If you enjoyed Under to Dome you will love what King has in store for you in 11/22/63.