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Posts Tagged ‘Book Suggestions’

Memoir Review – On Writing by Stephen King

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2015

On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King

Review by Vicky T. (VickyJo)

I have always harbored a desire to write, and of course, be published. Depending on the different stages in my life, I have thought about writing novels, children’s books, and works of non-fiction. Lately I’ve been contemplating writing a fictional account of some of my ancestors’ adventures in early America. I’m part Irish and part Cherokee…which, if you think about it, are two cultures that lend quite easily to real adventures, let alone fictional ones. But, to be honest, I’m still pretty much at the daydreaming stage, although I did do quite a bit of research into retelling Celtic folktales for children about 10 years ago. It’s my guess that there are quite a few other folks out there who not only dream about writing, but could even be farther along than I am…and actually writing! If so, I have a great book to recommend: “On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft” by Stephen King.

I suppose I should pause here and say that even if you don’t enjoy King’s work, or if you’ve never read any Stephen King, you’ve got to admit that he must be doing something right. He’s one of the most successful writers in the world today, and he offers some very good, concise, down-to-earth advice on writing in this book. I should also point out that, even if you have no desire to write so much as a grocery list, this is still a fascinating book because King tells us about his early life and how writing came to be in his blood. And remember, he’s a good storyteller.

The first third of the book covers King’s early years, beginning with his earliest memory:

“I was imagining that I was, in fact, the Ringling Brothers Circus Strongboy. This was at my Aunt Evelyn and Uncle Oren’s house in Durham, Maine. My aunt remembers this quite clearly, and says I was two and a half or maybe three years old.

I had found a cement cinderblock in a corner of the garage and had managed to pick it up. I carried it slowly across the garage’s smooth cement floor, except in my mind’s eye I was dressed in an animal skin singlet (probably a leopard skin) and carrying the cinderblock across the center ring. The vast crowd was silent. A brilliant blue-white spotlight marked my remarkable progress. Their wondering faces told the story: never had they seen such an incredibly strong kid. “And he’s only two!” someone muttered in disbelief.

Unknown to me, wasps had constructed a small nest in the lower half of the block and one of them flew out and stung me on the ear. The pain was brilliant, like a poisonous inspiration. It was the worst pain I had ever suffered in my short life, but it only held the top spot for a few seconds. When I dropped the cinderblock on one bare foot, mashing all five toes, I forgot all about the wasp.”


King goes on to recount other adventures of his youth, his marriage to his wife Tabitha, also a writer, the birth of their children, the sale of his first novel. With every life experience he shares, he somehow brings it back to his craft, and how it influenced his writing.

The second third of the book, King gives aspiring writers a “toolbox” as he puts it; tips and tricks of the trade. I consider this a tough love, crash course in creative writing. He gives an example of an opening to a short story he wrote…and then he gives us the edited version, a wonderful example of how to sharpen a story. He also believes that good writers are voracious readers, and to that end, provides a reading list.

The book ends with a recounting of the nearly fatal car accident in the summer of 1999. King was walking along the road and was hit by a drunk driver in a van. He tells of this life-altering experience as if it was a scene in one of his novels, but chillingly enough, it’s all real.

At one point I mentioned here that I enjoyed reading memoirs written by authors, and happily I found another one. The bonus is that I also received some great tips on writing. Who knows, maybe I’ll actually put pen to paper next!




Mystery Monday – Nightmare Town

Monday, November 2nd, 2015


Nightmare Town : Stories by Dashiell Hammett

Review by Matt B. (BuffaloSavage)


This is a collection of 20 short crime stories that Hammett published in magazines like Black Mask and Saucy Stories from the early 1920s to the early 1930s. I usually expect uneven quality in collections. But not so here.

Readers of noir detective tales will enjoy the prose. This is from the title story, which features a kungfu-type hero who wields an ebony cane:

Behind his stick that had become a living part of him, Steve Threefall knew happiness – that rare happiness which only the expert ever finds – the joy in doing a thing that he can do supremely well. Blows he took – blows that shook him, staggered him – but he scarcely noticed them. His whole consciousness was in his right arm and the stick it spun. A revolver, tossed from a smashed hand, exploded ten feet over his head, a knife tinkled like a bell on the brick sidewalk, a man screamed as a stricken horse screams.

As if the role of blind chance and accident didn’t loom large enough in the course of life, it’s a corrupt world too in these stories. Cops and judges are on the take. Gangsters run whole towns. National crime syndicates design and operate elaborate scams. And ordinary people are ground down, going along to get along.

Low-lives are cunning and effective at the felonies they commit and scams they pull off. Experience makes them good at their jobs, but their criminality is also a manifestation of personality kinks. This reminds me of John Bingham’s heartless malefactors – neither the basic rules of decency nor the damage they do to the lives of other people means anything to them. This doesn’t mean they are not empathetic – their ability to see things from others’ point of view is keen enough to enable them to manipulate other people like tools. In these stories when they fess up to crimes, they do so with relish over their accomplishments.

Readers of Raymond Chandler and Ross Macdonald will enjoy these stories

Gargoyles and Grotesques – Halloween Musings

Friday, October 30th, 2015

Pat gargoyle 2

Happy Hallowen by Cheryl G. (Poncer)

I have always been fascinated by Gargoyles and Grotesques, those stoic stone monuments guarding buildings and cemeteries day and night, night and day. My fondness has resulted in friends taking photos of the creatures they discover and send me the photos. Like the one above by fellow member Pat L. (PitterPat), took on a photo tour of Oakland Cemetery in Atlanta.

It was previously thought that gargoyles came into being in the 13th century, when Gothic Architecture was just beginning. But there is evidence that ancient civilizations, such as the Greeks and Egyptians used Gargoyles on buildings, too.  Originally, Gargoyles were mere water spouts, a way to divert rain water away from buildings and their foundations. So the true definition of a gargoyle is a decorative water spout. Grotesques are purely decoration, with no practical purpose but to scare away evil spirits.

It is believed the Catholic Church used gargoyles and grotesques as a way to spread their theology to the mostly illiterate pagan population. After all, a picture paints a 1000 words.

Whether a gargoyle or a grotesque, sometimes called chimera, this art form is fascinating to me.

And a quick search through books currently posted and available for swapping gave me a plethora of choices. Below are some books relating to Gargoyles.

The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson

The narrator of The Gargoyle is a very contemporary cynic, physically beautiful and sexually adept, who dwells in the moral vacuum that is modern life. As the book opens, he is driving along a dark road when he is distracted by what seems to be a flight of arrows. He crashes into a ravine and suffers horrible burns over much of his body. As he recovers in a burn ward, undergoing the tortures of the damned, he awaits the day when he can leave the hospital and commit carefully planned suicide–for he is now a monster in appearance as well as in soul.

A beautiful and compelling, but clearly unhinged, sculptress of gargoyles by the name of Marianne Engel appears at the foot of his bed and insists that they were once lovers in medieval Germany. In her telling, he was a badly injured mercenary and she was a nun and scribe in the famed monastery of Engelthal who nursed him back to health. As she spins their tale in Scheherazade fashion and relates equally mesmerizing stories of deathless love in Japan, Iceland, Italy, and England, he finds himself drawn back to life–and, finally, in love. He is released into Marianne’s care and takes up residence in her huge stone house. But all is not well. For one thing, the pull of his past sins becomes ever more powerful as the morphine he is prescribed becomes ever more addictive. For another, Marianne receives word from God that she has only twenty-seven sculptures left to complete–and her time on earth will be finished.
3.9 stars, based on 78 ratings of PaperBackSwap members



In the Shadow of the Gargoyle
Nancy Kilpatrick (Editor), Thomas S. Roche (Editor)

For centuries, they have watched over us. Leering from the arches and peaks of ancient cathedrals. Spreading their wings across hallowed doorways. Even decorating our homes in stony, silent elegance. Are they angels or demons? Sacred or profane? In the Shadow of the Gargoyle features fifteen original stories and two classic tales of the legendary gargoyle. The contributors range from bestselling masters to the hottest newcomers — award-winners, artists, musicians, and, yes, gargoyle collectors. Each of them experts at drawing blood from a stone… Contributors include:* Harlan Ellison * Neil Gaiman * Katherine Kurtz * Brian Lumley * Jane Yolen * Charles L. Grant * John Mason Skipp * Nancy Holder * Alan Rodgers * Lucy Taylor * Jo Clayton * Don D’Ammassa * Christa Faust * Robert J. Harris * Brian Hodge * Caitlin R. Kiernan * Marc Levinthal * Melanie Tem * Wendy Webb
3.8 stars, based on 3 PBS Member’s ratings  (this one is currently on the way to me!)


Song of the Gargoyle by Zilpha Keatley Snyder
A strange sound awakens thirteen-year-old Tymmon  in the dead of night. In a blink of an eye his  father, the court jester of Austerneve, is  mysteriously kidnapped and the terrified boy must slip away  secretly to avoid capture  himself. — Hiding in the dreaded forest nearby, Tymmon is adopted by a huge, furry, dog-like creature–a  gargoyle–who has the loyalty of a dog and the fearsome  powers of an enchanted  being.
Together, hungry, the two make their way to town, where Tymmon earns a living by playing his flute and learns to be happy. At least as happy as he can be  without his father. Will he ever find a way to  rescue him and be with him again?
3.7 stars, based on 3 ratings


St Patrick’s Gargoyle by Katherine Kurtz
From his perch high above the bustling Dublin streets, a gargoule named Padraig keeps watch over his beloved city. It was once beautifully elegant, brilliantly sacred. But now something has changed. He can feel it… — On a bitterly cold December night, vandals break into St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Paddy melts into the darkness in search of revenge-but nothing could have prepared him for the evil that descends when he finds it…
3.6 stars, based on 27 ratings




Geis of the Gargoyle by Piers Anthony
Since Xanth began, the gargoyles of that magical place have been under a magical compulsion to protect the purity of the Swan Knee River which flows in to Xanth from dreary Mundania. But recently the pollution from the outside world has grown ever greater, and young Gary Gar, latest in a long line of gargoyle guardians, is finding it ever more difficult to fulfill his responsibilities.

So Gary does what any sensible Xanth resident with a dire dilemma would do. He goes to see the Good Magician Humfrey, who sends him on a peculiar quest–to transform himself into human shape, tutor a precocious child with more than her share of wild magical talents, and find a philter which can restore the river to its previous pristine state.
4.1 stars, based on 110 ratings


And then there is this adorable children’s series by Philippa Dowding, but alas, none are currently posted. The Wish Lists aren’t very long though.



So here’s wishing everyone a safe and happy Halloween, and remember to look up. You never know when a gargoyle or grotesque may be looking down at you.


Book Review Contest Finalists – Voting is open!

Thursday, October 29th, 2015


Here’s the latest batch of finalists in our Book Review Contest! To vote: click the links below, and choose Thumbs Up on the review. You can “Like” (or Share) the review to double your vote! The winning review will appear here on the PaperBackSwap Blog, and the winning reviewer will get a FREE book from her/his Wish List!

Good Luck to all of our Finalists!


What better book for a creepy all-Hallow’s-Eve than the classic work of horror, “Dracula” by Bram Stoker? Frank H. (perryfran)’s review is a finalist in this week’s Book Review Contest. Give his review a thumbs-up to vote for it – and “Like” it to double your vote!





If you want an engaging historical fiction classic that works for children and grown-ups, look no further than “The Secret Garden” by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Karissa E (Ophelia99)’s review is a finalist in this week’s Book Review Contest. Give her review a thumbs-up to vote for it – and “Like” it to double your vote!





Spooky mayhem abounds in “Ghosts of Bayou Potomac” by Louis Tridico, according to Jack (jack1)! His review is a finalist in this week’s Book Review Contest. Give his review a thumbs-up to vote for it – and “Like” it to double your vote!




Looking for a compelling contemporary novel? Cat S recommends “Still Time” by Jean Hagland. Her review is a finalist in this week’s Book Review Contest! Give her review a thumbs-up – you can also “Like” it to double your vote!


WINNER! Book Review Contest

Thursday, October 29th, 2015

    Congratulations Marianna!


The Cranes Dance by Meg Howrey


Winning Review by Marianna S. (Angeloudi)


The world of prima ballerinas is a mysterious one that few of us can ever hope to understand. This fascinating look into their rarefied world of discipline, ritual, superstition, practice,and rivalry is an eye-opener, as we follow the careers of Kate and Gwen Crane, two exceptional ballerinas as they perform for a major New York ballet company. Gwen, the younger, technically gifted sister, suffers some sort of nervous breakdown, and goes home to Michigan to recuperate. Kate is left to pick up the pieces, and go on in a career which had been eclipsed somewhat by her amazing, but unstable, younger sister. The bonds of sisterhood, rivalry, and mental illness are threads throughout this fascinating story. There are some dark moments about mental illness, but the ending is satisfying and hard to put down.





Audiobook Review – Come Sunday

Wednesday, October 28th, 2015

Come Sunday
by Isla Morley


Review by Mirah W. (mwelday)

I was drawn to Come Sunday because it is partially set in one of my favorite places, Hawaii.  Come Sunday is about the trials of deep emotional loss and the toll it takes on people.

Abbe grew up in a tumultuous home in apartheid South Africa.  As soon as she was able, she escaped to the United States where she eventually meets Greg.  Greg becomes a minister and takes a position in Honolulu.  Abbe and Greg settle into Honolulu and have a daughter, Cleo.  Cleo is a strong-willed child who routinely frustrates her parents.  Slowly a happy life is replaced with religious doubts and resentment over a perceived imbalance of responsibilities in the family.

When tragedy strikes and Greg and Abbe lose Cleo they are forced to face the fractures in their marriage.  They each face their grief in a different way and the fracture between them grows deeper.   In her attempts to move forward, Abbe goes back to South Africa and comes face to face with her family history and tries to make sense of all she’s thought was true and how all of that affects her experiences and life choices.

I was torn at times while listening to this audiobook.  I had a hard time empathizing with Abbe; she came across as judgmental and hardhearted even before experiencing Cleo’s death and those characteristics were intensified after that tragedy.  Hawaii wasn’t featured as prominently has I would have hoped;   however, the narration was very good and the various characters’ personalities came through with the different voices used by the reader.


Fiction Review – Night Swimming

Tuesday, October 27th, 2015

Night Swimming by Robin Schwarz

Review by Vicky T. (VickyJo)


What if, heaven forbid, you were told you only had one year left to live?  After the shock subsided, what would you do?  How would you spend the rest of the time left to you?  This is the premise of an interesting novel by Robin Schwarz called “Night Swimming”.

Our heroine is 34-year-old Charlotte Clapp.  After a routine physical, she is called back to her doctor’s office and given the devastating news:  she has cancer, the same type of cancer that took her own mother a few years back, and by the doctor’s reckoning, she has just about one year left to live.

Charlotte is in shock.  The unfairness of it all overwhelms her.  She has lived in the same small town in New Hampshire all her life.  She is single, having lost her boyfriend to her former best friend while nursing her dying mother.  She works in the bank in town, sees all the same people every day, knows every one of them, and basically feels that life is passing her by, all 253 pounds of her.  And now this.  One year left.

Charlotte remembers the last conversation she had with her mother, who confessed to Charlotte that, while she had loved her husband and was thrilled to have Charlotte as a daughter, she had some regrets.  She had always wanted to travel…to see Paris, Italy, the pyramids.  Her suitcases were purchased but never used, except as storage cases in the basement.  She pleaded with her daughter to live her life, and not have any regrets at the end.  Little did Charlotte know how soon that end was going to arrive.

And so, as Charlotte leaves her doctor’s office, a plan is brewing in the back of her mind.  She doesn’t have all the details worked out, but she does have something in mind.  She swings by the bank where she has worked for 15 years..and quits.  Then she goes home and between sobs, eats every bit of junk food in the house, drinks a bottle of wine or two, and passes out on the couch. When she awakens, she has another plan.

She spends her last day at work clearing out her work area of all the accumulated junk that piles up after 15 years.  A hastily-planned going-away luncheon is held for her, where she tells people she will head for Florida and Disney World, and then perhaps to New Orleans.  She offers to lock up the bank—one last time—and after everyone leaves, loads up two million dollars in small bills.  She hurries home, packs the money in her mother’s dusty, unused suitcases, dumps her car in the river, picks up a used Jaguar and heads off for Hollywood.  The thing is, she left in such a hurry (probably due to having robbed the bank of two million dollars) that she has missed the phone call from her doctor’s office, explaining that there was a mix-up between her chart, and the chart of a Charlotte Clapp from Durham.

The author has created a likeable character in Charlotte, someone quite a few readers will be able to recognize and relate to.  And of course, the premise of “What would you do?” is a fascinating one.  Schwarz gives Charlotte an earnest, yet amusing voice.  She finds herself in comic yet believable situations, and what could have been just a “chick lit” book is something much more satisfying.  This is Robin Schwarz’s first novel, and I look forward to reading more of her work!