Students. It’s that time of year again. Time to Stock up on SparkNotes study guides!
To help you out we’ve put together a couple of ways to find them on our site:
- Here is a list of all available SparkNotes (green means it’s available!)
- Just in case we missed a few here is another way to search for SparkNotes on
- If you can’t find it in SparkNotes you may try Cliff Notes Study Guides as well.
We’ve got tons of these Study Guides available. Here is how to get them. If you’re new to you’ll need to register where we’ll confirm your U.S.P.S. Address. Once you post 10 books to swap we’ll give you 2 free credits to get started. (IF you’re not interested in swapping books you can still order books from our members… just buy credits from out Kiosk for $3.45/ea and it will include shipping!) Then once your done, post it again for someone else to use!
What are SparkNotes?
SparkNotes are Today’s Most Popular Study Guides. They offer study guides in famous literature, test prep, and popular subjects. SparkNotes books and exist to help students learn and practice basic skills, write a paper, study for a test and achieve their academic goals. We believe that doing well in school and learning is its own reward, and that learning is more than just getting a diploma from a brand name college. We believe that the content of SparkNotes reflects this philosophy—our analysis sections are detailed and longer than our summaries, and the supplementary sections, such as “Character Analysis” and “Themes, Motifs, and Symbols” are scholarly secondary material that can be invaluable when developing paper ideas or writing papers. SparkNotes are there to help you understand literature—not as a substitute for it.
Popular Literature:
- SparkNotes: Lord of the Flies
- SparkNotes: To Kill a Mockingbird
- SparkNotes: The Great Gatsby
- SparkNotes: The Scarlet Letter
- SparkNotes: Animal Farm
Understand Shakespeare!
- SparkNotes No Fear Shakespeare: Hamlet
- SparkNotes No Fear Shakespeare: The Tempest
- SparkNotes No Fear Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night’s Dream
- SparkNotes No Fear Shakespeare: Romeo & Juliet
- … and many more SparkNotes on Shakespeare!
SparkNotes: Test Prep: SAT, ACT, Advanced Placement, etc.