
PaperBackSwap Blog

Thriller Review – Hidden Pictures

Hidden Pictures by Jason Rekulak

Melissa B. (dragoneyes)


I had to sit on this one for a bit because I couldn’t find the words for a review. I’m still not quite sure how to put it down but I will give it a whirl. The book itself is a mystery/thriller with a supernatural twist added to it. Rarely do I find that books like this work out for me but this one did even though it wasn’t fully believable.

I’ll start with the good. For most part I liked the characters, especially the little boy, Teddy. He was adorable. Our main character, Mallory, seemed down to earth. She is a recovering addict looking for change and redemption. She applies for babysitting position and eventually gets it. Here we meet Teddy and his parents. It doesn’t take long for things to get weird and the supernatural starts coming into play. I liked it. It was a creepy ghost story with a mystery behind it and for most part it was done well.

As for the bad, there were points in where Mallory could become quite irritating. She wanted people to believe her but she would either act irrationally or lie. I found her actions getting under my skin sometimes. The other was how crazy it got at the end. On one hand the adrenaline level amped up quite a bit. On the other hand, a couple characters became deranged lunatics out of nowhere and it was totally out of character. While it was wild reading it was also somewhat unconvincing.

All-in-all in was a fast paced, enjoyable read. I look forward to more stories put out by this author.

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