PaperBackSwap is 9!!
To celebrate 9 years of PaperBackSwap, here is a contest for our members!
Tell us a story in exactly 9 words. Not 8, not 10, but 9 words. Exactly 9.
The Grand Prize Winner will receive 9 credits! 8 runners up will each receive 1 credit!
We will announce the winners on Tuesday, September 3rd. Contest is only open to current PBS members whose accounts are in good standing.
Good luck to everyone!
Tags: Contests, Members, Milestones
PBS has enriched my life beyond my wildest dreams!
Excited for daughter’s moving day. NYC here we come!
Nine years of greatness! Thanks for the generosity, PBS!
A big dream brought readers together; created a family.
My world opened when I opened my first book.
Books are my friends, the good, bad and ugly.
Nine wonderful years of sharing and reading books. Thanks
One day I swapped a new book and read.
I read some books and swapped them for more!
Good books I don’t need > New books I love!
The woman had a gun. She also had PMS.
They found each other and lived happily ever after.
Paperbackswap has given me not only books, but friends!
Swapped one book and now my shelves are full!
Bees woke to Bear outside. Wanted friends, not honey.
She watched the sky churn. Then the Thunderbird arrived.
Born, grew, laughed, cried, read many books, loved, died.
From deep inside PBS came, surfaced, dreamed, screamed READ!
Happiness is…the giving and receiving of books worldwide
My infant daughter lost her monkey. I reunited them!
Sending FREE baby books to granddaughter makes her day!!
Bookshelves full. Wishlist full. I am addicted to PBS.
I read. I swap. I cruise. I blog. Repeat.
Places to be, books to read, let it be.
It has been a blast, PBS is the best!
Encyclopedias are just like Google, but in a book!
Books can take me around the world! Thanks PBS.
I collect more books than I can ever read.
I read a book and I really liked it.
I found Paperback swap. traded books, life is good!
I joined to downsize. THAT didn’t work out well!
The zombies came. My dog cowered. I ate chocolate.
I remember birds. Not pictures. Birds were real, once.
I always recommend paperbackswap to friends. I love it!
Two kittens on subway tracks. Trains stopped. Kittens rescued!
Today was her birthday, and they celebrated in style!
I am a happy book hoarder because of
PBS is feeding my book addiction. I need more!
So many books, so little time. I Love PBS!!!
Our dog returned today which brought our Joy back.
A woman found true love online, lived happily forever.
As his body floated away, she almost felt regret.
So many books! So little time! Must keep reading!
Nine years have passed, here’s to many many more!
Love. Marriage. Degrees. Seven kids. Two moves. The end!
Retiring when ‘I’m Sixty-Four’…in fifteen days. Yeah!
Once upon a time, they lived happily ever after.
Discovered PaperBackSwap, now I have a huge book library!
Birth. Death. Life is lived fully in the middle.
Went to my mailbox to find a new world