Jerelyn: There are a great many romance novelist out there, and finding an outstanding one is very much like that old saying. “You have to kiss many frogs to find a prince.” Well Tessa Dare is a fine writer, and has many of the things that make a good romance a great romance. You will find likable characters with a sense of humor, fun sexy stories. I had heard of Tessa Dare and it wasn’t until I saw the trailer for her Stud Club series that I knew had to read these books. See for yourself http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4DzoNkomQ0
I would like to thank Tessa for agreeing to do this interview. Her publishers Avon Books and Tessa are using this launch to also raise funds and awareness about ovarian cancer.
Tessa: What’s “KISS and Teal,” you ask?
I am thrilled that A Night to Surrender is part of the “K.I.S.S. and Teal” campaign, a partnership between Avon Books and the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance.
The “K.I.S.S.” stands for “Know the Important Signs and Symptoms,” and teal is the designated color for ovarian cancer awareness. There’s a money component to this partnership—Avon has donated $25,000 to the OCNA and will donate up to $25,000 more, based on sales of the labeled books—but the other important part of the campaign is raising awareness.
There’s no routine test for detecting ovarian cancer, such as the mammogram and Pap smear for breast and cervical cancers, and the symptoms of ovarian cancer are easy to miss until the cancer is in an advanced stage. That’s why is so important for all women to know the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer (K.I.S.S.) and discuss them with their friends and family (“teal”/tell).
You can see the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance website for more information.
Jerelyn: I talked about your book trailer for The Stud Club, are you surprised how much buzz it created?
Tessa: I was thrilled by the response. I figured it might be a good idea to make a video, but I didn’t want to spend a lot of money on it. I can’t remember where I got the idea to just use my kids’ toys, but once the idea came to me, I thought I could make it into something clever and fun to watch. In the end, so many people wrote to tell me they enjoyed the video. Some weeks, I think the video got more fan mail than the books! And recently, I had the chance to make another video for Maya Banks, as part of a charity auction. I think that one was even more fun.
Jerelyn: Will you tell us a little about yourself?
Tessa: Well, as is obvious from the videos, I’m a mom. I also work part-part-time as a librarian in my local public library. Between those two jobs and the writing, it feels like there’s not much time left over! But when I can find the time, I enjoy walking, visiting museums and parks, seeing movies, watching reality TV, and—of course—reading.
Jerelyn: Was it always your intent to become a writer?
Tessa: I always enjoyed writing, but I didn’t start seriously writing for publication until after the birth of my second child. However, my original full-time career was librarianship, and all my other previous jobs had been book-related in one way or another. So I never strayed far from the written word. Books have always been so important to me.
Jerelyn: Who are your influences?
Tessa: I always say that my two main reading influences in high school were Jane Austen and Julie Garwood—and I think both of them still influence my writing today.
Jerelyn: Why do you think that the Regency period is so popular?
Tessa: For me, the Regency is that perfect tipping point between historical and modern. The balls, carriages, lords, and so forth give the era a romantic fairy-tale quality, but the characters themselves don’t think and act too differently from how we do today.
Jerelyn: Which characters are the most fun to write?
Tessa: The ones who never shut up. 🙂 I love to write dialogue. Charming, talkative rakes are always great fun. And I’m never happier than when I can get eight characters chatting and arguing around a dinner table.
Jerelyn: Who are the hardest to write?
Tessa: The taciturn ones! But those strong, silent types can be the most rewarding in the end.
Jerelyn: Do you have a favorite couple that you’ve created?
Tessa: Oh, that’s impossible to answer. I love them all for different reasons, and they each gave me different problems.
Jerelyn: When you have the time what do you read?
Tessa: I read a variety. Romance, of course, but also mystery, nonfiction, and young adult.
Jerelyn: Do you have an author who is an auto buy?
Tessa: Several! I can’t possibly list them all, but Courtney Milan, Victoria Dahl, and Julie Anne Long are some of my favorites.
Jerelyn: A Night to Surrender is the first book in your new series. Will you tell us about it?
Tessa: I’d be glad to! A NIGHT TO SURRENDER is a funny, steamy battle of the sexes, and it’s first in my new Spindle Cove series. Spindle Cove is a tiny seaside village that has become a haven for unconventional young women. As the only daughter of the only local gentleman, Miss Susanna Finch is the village’s leader. That is, until wounded officer Victor (“Bram”) Bramwell, the new Earl of Rycliff, arrives on the scene with orders to gather a local militia. His duty is to rally and train the men, and hers is to protect the delicate women. As they battle for supremacy in the village, the only thing Bram and Susanna can agree on is their mutual attraction. Sparks fly, weapons are drawn, sheep are bombed. And love is fallen into. 🙂
Jerelyn: There are two more books in this series. Will you tell us about them and when they will be released?
Tessa: A WEEK TO BE WICKED is book two, and it was a hoot to write. It’s a crazy/sexy road trip romance featuring a devil-may-care viscount and a fossil-obsessed bluestocking. It’ll be out March 27, 2012.
The third Spindle Cove book still doesn’t have an official title or release date, but it should come out in Fall of 2012. I’m working on it now.
Jerelyn: Are you comfortable with social media as it pertains to the marketing of your books?
Tessa: In particular, I love Twitter. I find it easy to use and lots of fun. I have a Facebook page too, but I’m not on it quite as much—mostly because the format confuses me, and just when I have it figured out, they change it! But I love the fact that I can connect with readers in all these different ways. I’m always thrilled when someone writes/tweets/tags me.
Jerelyn: I found out about you because of a recommendation on the Love and Romance forum at PaperBackSwap . What are your views on sites like PaperBackSwap?
Tessa: I’ve never used PBS myself, but I’m a librarian, so I’m a fan of sharing books. If your life is anything like mine, the most valuable investment you put into a book is the time you spend reading it – and that’s the case whether you buy, borrow, or swap. Whenever someone takes time to read my books, I’m grateful. And borrowing or swapping is a great way to take a chance on new authors. I’m so glad that you found mine!
Jerelyn: Do you have e-reader, if so do you like it?
Tessa: I have a Kindle, which was a gift from a very generous friend. I love it, but I still buy print books, too.
Jerelyn: You’re a mother. What do you read to your children?
Tessa: We read lots of picture books, because my kids are still little. My daughter is just starting to read chapter books. She loves mysteries and adventures. We may start on the Harry Potter books soon.
Jerelyn: What were your favorite books as a child and as a teen?
Tessa: Off the top of my head, here are just a few of my favorites: Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E.L. Konigsberg, The Blue Sword and Beauty–both by Robin McKinley. I’m sure I read each of those books at least a dozen times.
Jerelyn: Thank-you Tessa and best of luck with A Night to Surrender.
Tessa: Thank you so much for inviting me!
Tessa Dare’s Books
The Wanton Dairymaid Trilogy

The Stud Club Trilogy

Spindle Cove Series

A Week to be Wicked (early spring 2012)
If you would like to learn more about Tessa you can visit her web site TessaDare.com
Tessa Dare has graciously offered a copy of her debut novel A Night to Surrender to be given away in a random drawing from the members who comment on this interview.
Thank you Ms. Dare and Jerelyn for a great interview!!