
PaperBackSwap Blog

Box-O-Books has had a facelift. Newsletter – October 2006

Box-O-Books has had a facelift. We have had a lot of positive feedback about the renovations that were put in place about a week ago. We appreciate all the feedback that our Boxers sent in, and tried to address every item. Now, the Boxes are labeled differently (“They Mailed” or “You Mailed”) to help keep things straight (thanks, KajunFriend, for that suggestion!), PBS Delivery Confirmation and Requestor Conditions can be applied to Box-O-Books (many Boxers asked for this) and the whole feature should work much more smoothly, We have also introduced the concept of “verified Boxers”. If you use PBS Delivery Confirmation on a certain percentage of your Box-O-Books swaps, you will have a special “DC Boxer” icon that will show to other members. And of course, there is still the Boxer Rating system for personal feedback on each transaction—you can read about a Boxer before you choose to swap. If you aren’t subscribed to Box-O-Books, you can read about this feature in the Help Center, under the heading “Box-O-Books”.


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