Archive for the ‘Holidays and Special Dates’ Category
Friday, September 10th, 2021Happy National Leon Day!
Thursday, June 25th, 2020
By Joy L. (vintagejoy)
There are things we hear and see throughout our lives that just seem to stick in our memories. One thing that I remember is from a Christmas TV spot on the series ‘Home Improvement.’ (Tim the Toolman Taylor? Quite a few years ago) It’s about a Christmas program that the Taylor children were participating in. They were each to hold a letter of the alphabet to spell ‘NOEL.’ Well, they got mixed up about where they were supposed to stand and spelled it backward to reveal ‘LEON.’ This struck me as being very hilarious for some reason. Over the years – especially during the Christmas holidays I remember that show and ‘Leon.’
Now I would like to be the very first to wish you on June 25:
Very Happy National Leon Day!
It has finally been proclaimed!
Which brings up another thought; why on earth does everything have to be a national day of something or other?
I did some searching around and found the following days to be quite intriguing;
Jan 3 National Drinking Straw Day – Wait, what?
Jan 28 National Kazoo Day – O, please No!
Mar 25 National Waffle Day – Cue up IHOP & Waffle House!
Apr 15 National Tax Day – This is not amusing at all.
Apr 17 National ‘Nothing Like a Dame’ Day – Really??
May 9 National Lost Sock Memorial Day – Let’s just take a minute……
June 1 National Go Barefoot Day – it is a good thing this is not the same day as:
June 2 National Rocky Road Day – emergency room visits would be way up if it was
the same day.
Dec 5 National Bathtub Party Day – this will probably need to be canceled this year
as it would be impossible to maintain social distancing in a bathtub.
Let’s just have a National Anything Day and be done with it! 🙂
Veterans Day
Monday, November 11th, 2019
Happy Halloween!
Thursday, October 31st, 2019
By Cyn F. (Cyn-Sama)