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Archive for the ‘Newsletter’ Category

Member of the Month – May 2008

Sunday, May 4th, 2008


Anyone who frequents the Forums will not be at all surprised by this! Lester is a most beloved PBS member.  Nominations have been coming in for Lester for a long time, and this month he is the member who has accumulated the most “votes”.  Here are just some of the comments we got with the nominations:

“He’s a kind man with wonderful words of comfort for so many people; plus, I like his dry wit!”

“What an amazing man! His posts on the forums are always full of wisdom and grace and he is such a gentleman! Everyone loves Lester – he is a true asset to PBS!”

“He’s been an excellent influence in the forums and a pleasure to hear from.”

“His voice of wisdom is an amazing asset to the PBS community. At 80 years, still going strong, he is a person to admire.”

“He always has a kind word or sage advice for those on the forums. He makes it a joy to be a member of PBS. I’d love to adopt him as a grandfather!”

“…he’s compassionate, funny, intelligent and helpful. I enjoy his posts and his personality! Although it would be funny to see “MoM” next to his name..he deserves [to be Member of the Month].”

“He hangs in there with us crazy women in CMT and he is quick to reply with a kind thought, or helpful response.”

So there you go, Lester!  You are PBS’s Member of the Month for May…AND you get your MoM icon just in time for Mother’s Day!

If you have any nominations for Member of the Month, submit them to us here.  Your nomination will not “expire”–anyone you nominate will have a chance at getting Member of the Month if enough nominations accumulate over time. Each month the person who has the most votes accumulated when the Newsletter goes to press gets to be Member of the Month and gets a newsletter mention and a nifty MoM icon to wear on profile and forum posts with pride. So go for it! Tell us who’s helped you in the Forums, who’s been a great swapper, who in your opinion is a credit to PBS.  We are keeping a list of all the nominated members.  Who knows–one of them might be YOU!

Widgets, we have Widgets. Newsletter – May 2008

Sunday, May 4th, 2008

Want a snazzy way to display one of your PBS Book Lists on your blog or personal web page?  We have just the thing for you–an easy-to-use widget that you can copy-paste into your webpage code.  See the list of Widgets by clicking the Developers link at the bottom of any page on the site.  Just copy-paste the entire code in the box under the  Book List you want to display, and you’re in business.  Your list will update automatically on your webpage or blog.  You can read more about using the Widgets here.   If you are a software developer, we also have APIs for you to download and play with.

Here’s an example of a Wish List widget and how it will appear (and we do have upgrades planned to make these even niftier!):

New stuff in the PBS Store: Newsletter – May 2008

Saturday, May 3rd, 2008

Now that  we’re really into springtime, it’s finally stopped raining,  and the weather is fine.  If you’re like us, you’ll want to be outside more.  And if you’re like us, you’ll want to take your books along with you!  Keep them safe with our newest addition to the PBS Kiosk, the Cloth Bookcovers. The only size we’re stocking right now is the size for mass-market (small) paperbacks, but we do plan to get more sizes soon.   They’re attractive, easy on the hands, and protect your book while you’re toting it around.   They make great gifts!   Check them out in the Kiosk, along with the new pens and the new vinyl stickers that let you proclaim your membership in the best bookswapping club online!

Cloth Bookcover patterns available:

(Morning Glories, Stargazer, Book Lover, Bon Voyage, Roses, Stained-glass Angels, Wine World)

Listen to your Mother. Well, your Coupon Mom, anyway.  Coupon Mom is Stephanie Nelson.  She knows how to save money on items you buy every day!  Her book,  Greatest Secrets of the Coupon Mom, is available in our Kiosk at a special price for PBS members.  You’ll make the money you spend for the book back in no time.  Get the book in the Kiosk–you can’t get it for a better price anywhere else.

DEAR LIBRARIAN: Newsletter – May 2008

Thursday, May 1st, 2008

Dear Librarian– I got a book request for a book that is not on my bookshelf!  The request is staring me in the face on my account page, but when I go to my bookshelf the book isn’t listed there.  How did this happen?  Is there a book-posting poltergeist at PBS? –Chills Up My Spine in Chicago

Dear ChiChi,

Don’t worry!  The book was requested from you because it WAS on your bookshelf–until it was requested.  A book that is involved in a Wish List hold or an active request is removed from the bookshelf and displayed on your account page.  How did the book get onto your bookshelf?  It was posted there!   Maybe you posted this book long ago, and have forgotten that you have it, or have given it away since then.  Maybe you entered the ISBN incorrectly, and the wrong title got posted.  If you have posted a lot of books, it can be easy to forget one.

You can see when you posted this book on the request itself, when it is pending on your My Account page.  Sometimes it helps to “track it down” by looking at your Bookshelf and sorting the list there by Date (this = date posted).  You can see what books were posted at the same time as this one, if they are still on your bookshelf.  That may help you locate the book with those others in your house.  (Members who use Book Journal will also see the Space to which they assigned this book when they posted it, right on the pending request.)   That’s not to say there isn’t a book-posting poltergeist–but look for him or her in your house, not in the PBS system. 🙂

If you can’t find this book, you should click “I cannot mail”.  If you do that and find the book later, just repost it.

Dear Librarian–Do NOT tell me there isn’t a PBS Poltergeist.  My account keeps going on vacation, no matter WHAT I do!  Every time I look at my Bookshelf, there it is: the notice that I am on vacation.  I’m calling an exorcist, pronto! –NOT on vacation in New Hampshire

Dear Hamp,

The “Vacation Hold” you are seeing at the top of your Bookshelf is not a notice that your account is on vacation.  It is just a link to the page where you can schedule a vacation hold.  If your account is on vacation (or a vacation hold is scheduled), you will see a message telling you this in a pink box on your My Account page (at the top).   If you do see that notice and you didn’t mean to put your account on hold, just click the button in the message to Unhold your account.  Putting your account on vacation needs you to go to the vacation hold page, choose dates, and then click Apply Hold.  If you don’t do these things, you won’t be on hold.  You might want to send your exorcist over to ChiChi’s house in Chicago.  🙂

Dear Librarian–I got an email telling me a book I sent was received, but I didn’t get a credit.  What happened?  Bummed in Baton Rouge

Dear Batty,

Check your Credit Registry, linked from the top of your My Account page.  The credit should show there.  If you got an email telling you the book was received, and the credit isn’t shown as being deposited on the date/time of that email, check the email again.  If you used PBS-DC or Printed Postage, you may have already gotten your credit, and the email was just telling you that the book was received.  If that was the case, the email will say this, and you will find the credit listed farther down your Registry.  The Registry is a great way to keep track of your credit activity.

Dear Librarian–A book that I sent came back to me for insufficient postage!  I put on the amount of postage that the wrapper said to use!  Why was the postage amount incorrect on the wrapper?  –Puzzled in Peekskill

Dear Peek,

We’re sorry that this happened!  Sounds like the “estimated weight” of the book in our database was incorrect, and you didn’t adjust it on the Wrapper Settings page before you printed.  Our “required postage” amount is calculated based on what information our database has for the weight of the book.   We get our database from an outside source, and it has inaccuracies sometimes.

You can ensure that the correct postage prints out on the wrapper by adjusting the estimated weight (if necessary) on the Wrapper Settings page before you print, and you can submit a permanent change to the weight of any book using the Edit Book Data link at the bottom of any page on the site, to prevent problems for future senders of that book.

You can read more in the Help doc The *recommended postage* on my wrapper was wrong! in the Help Center.  You should also take a gander at the FAQs About Printable Postage and Sending Bulk (multiple-book) shipments, each of which has  information about customizing the Wrapper Settings page to get the correct postage and postal class for your shipment.

Check the weight on the Wrapper Settings page before you print, and you’ll never go “postage-due” again!

Dear Members, Newsletter – April 2008

Tuesday, April 8th, 2008

We wish this were an April Fool’s joke, but it’s not: one of the co-founders of our sites, Robert Swarthout, is leaving PaperBackSwap.   PaperBackSwap was co-created by Robert and Richard Pickering back in 2004, when Robert was fresh out of college; from there we launched SwapaCD in 2006 and SwapaDVD in 2007.  Robert did a great job helping us run these clubs and he will surely be missed.    We had hoped he would stay with the sites as the clubs continue to grow, but he has been offered an opportunity that he doesn’t want to pass up and has decided to take it.   We are very sad to see him go, but we were lucky to have him as long as we did.  We wish him well in his new endeavors.

Spring is a time for new beginnings.  We prefer to think of it that way rather than as an ending.  Rest assured that the remaining programmers on the Team will be there for the club and carry out that vision of Internet swapping that all started here with PaperBackSwap.  As always, we welcome our members’ ideas which have contributed so much to make this the best book club in America; your continued input will help us grow in the future and is sincerely appreciated.

We wish all of our members a wonderful Spring!

and the PaperBackSwap Team

2,000,000-book Milestone Contest: Newsletter – April 2008

Monday, April 7th, 2008

So many of you participated in the contest to guess the exact minute that the PBS library of available books would reach 2,000,000.   The time was 8:53 AM ET on 3/24/2008, and the 2,000,000th book was Mr. Timothy,  posted by Vikki C. (Vikki). Vikki got an easy 5 free credits for posting the milestone book!

Our grand prize winner (of 100 Book Credits, 1 Year Box-O-Books, 1 Year Book Journal,  $10.00 PBS Money, $10.00 SwapaCD.com Money and $10.00 SwapaDVD.com Money) was  Michael T. (flopp), who has been a member since 12/10/2007.    Michael was bowled over by the news that he had won!  The second place winner (of  25 Book Credits, 1 Year Box-O-Books, 1 Year Book Journal, $5.00 PBS Money, $5.00 SwapaCD.com Money and $5.00 SwapaDVD.com Money) was  Angela T. (rubyred) 1/19/2008.  She plans to share her credits with her dad–March 24th was his birthday!  The third place winner (of 10 Book Credits, 1 Year Box-O-Books, 1 Year Book Journal, $3.00 PBS Money, $3.00 SwapaDVD.com Money and $3.00 SwapaDVD.com Money) was Tiffany M. (beangirl), who has been a member since 11/5/2007.  Tiffany was totally psyched.  Congratulations to all the winners!  For quotes from these winners, please see the Contest Results page on the site.

We also had 8 members who guessed within half an hour each way of the winning time, and got 1 Book Credit each: Shai G. (LoveBeingMOM), Kimberly T. (HeartsongChica), Wendy B. (wendytomereader), J. H. E. (J. H. E.), Kate M. (kinare), Emily W. (Emily W.), Christine L. (claro) and Dawn A. (eyebright13).

We would like to thank all who participated in the contest.  This was really fun, and we look forward to the next one!

Follow-up for Problem Swaps. Newsletter – April 2008

Sunday, April 6th, 2008

This feature allows requestors to give follow-up on any problem swaps they have had.   Providing follow-up will allow the system to screen more effectively for those accounts that are sending problem books and NOT resolving the problems, and also allow us to avoid penalizing senders who might have made a mistake, but who do resolve the problem.  For information about how to use this new feature, see the Help doc “Follow-up on Problem Swaps” in the Help Center under What’s New > New Features.