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Archive for the ‘Newsletter’ Category

You asked for it…you got it! Newsletter – January 2007

Friday, January 5th, 2007

You may have noticed in the last week that we have changed the programming so that when a Wish List offer or request is pending in your account, there is a button on the screen that will take you to your account for five minutes, so that you can accomplish other tasks there before responding to the offer or request.

The Electic Pen is hopping! Check out our members’ creative efforts. There are poems and stories there to touch your heart and your funny bone—something for every mood! You can get to the Pen from the left menu of any page on the site.

PBS Store News: Newsletter – January 2007

Wednesday, January 3rd, 2007

Did you know that you can special-order BookMates? That’s right: even if the color or pattern you want isn’t available in the BookMate version (I or II) you have your eye on, you can select another color/pattern and then send a note into the feedback area (click Send Us Feedback in the left menu), letting us know what color or pattern you do want! We’ll change the order for you. PBS Store items are in the PBS Kiosk.

TIPS & TRICKS: Newsletter – January 2007

Tuesday, January 2nd, 2007

Do your Spring Cleaning early. A brand new year—what better time to take a look through your Wish List and make sure that all items that appear there are ones that you still want to request when they are offered to you? You can get to your Wish List by clicking Book Lists on the right side of your account page, and choosing Wish/Reminder List from the dropdown menu.

Help yourself to the Help Center. Now when you click to send us feedback, you will see not only a list of Help Center items that may answer your question above the text box, you will be taken to the Help Center where you can search yourself, before sending your message in. We love to hear from our members, but so many questions we get are already answered thoroughly in the Help Center, and the volume of this kind of feedback has taken away from our ability to address the “knottier” problems that need our personal attention. We continue to work on the Help Center, adding and revising items so that information is clear and easy to find. Take a look! Even if you’ve been a member for a long time, you may find out something about the site that you never knew.

DEAR R&R: Newsletter – January 2007

Monday, January 1st, 2007

Dear R&R—I need to give a credit to another member. I searched the Member Directory for her name, and put her on my Buddy List, and gave the credit. She says she never got it! What happened??? –Creditless in Chicago

Dear Chic,
You gave the credit to the wrong member. Searching the Member Directory by name will not always turn up the member you are seeking. Many members have the same first name and last initial; a member will not appear in the Directory at all if she hasn’t chosen to make a public profile.

A foolproof way to do this is to follow the instructions in the Help Center item “How do I add someone to my Buddy List?” (Search the Help Center using the words Buddy List to find this item), which tell you how to click the member’s highlighted name (in the To: or From: field of a Personal Message, for example) to be taken to his or her profile or bookshelf, either of which will have the “Add Buddy” button. Click that button to add the member to your Buddy List. Then you can give the credit using the Buddy List crediting feature, as explained in the Help Center item “How do I give credits to other members?” (in the Quick Help box on the right side of the Help Center page, among other places in the Help Center).

Dear R&R—I requested a book from another member, who apparently read my Requestor Conditions wrong. My conditions say “I only want hardcovers if they have their dustjackets”, but this was a paperback book! I have no conditions for paperbacks. She declined the request! How do I get this book from her? –Frantic in Phoenix

Dear Franny,

Bottom line: you can’t. If the sender declined your request by clicking “My book does not meet these conditions”, then you will not be able to re-request that copy of the book from her. You can contact her from your Canceled Transaction list (linked from the top of your Transactions Archive page), if you want to explain to her that she read your Requestor Conditions wrong.

It is very important to word your Requestor Conditions as clearly as possible for this reason: once the book is declined, you will not be able to get this copy. If you have Requestor Conditions on your account, review them (in your Account Settings) to make sure that they reflect exactly what you mean. In your case, Fran, the sender may have read only as far as “I am only willing to accept hardcovers…” before she clicked to decline. Yes, that’s her error, but you can’t eliminate human mistakes! Everyone makes them sometimes. The best you can do is prevent them as much as possible, by wording your Requestor Conditions as clearly and unambiguously as possible.

We suggest that all members read the Help Center item “What are Requestor Conditions and how do they work?” (under “Account Options” in the Help Center; also accessible by searching the Help Center for the phrase “Requestor Conditions”), to learn how this feature works from both the sender and the requestor’s point of view.

Sorry, Franny, you will have to wait until another copy of the book is posted into the system.

Dear R&R—My Requestor Conditions say “I don’t want books that have been around pets. If you have any questions, PM me.” Are those conditions OK? –Quizzical in Queens

Dear Quiz,

Actually, no. Your Conditions should NOT ask members to PM you to ask for more details. The Conditions should be clearly interpretable by themselves, without added PM communication. The reason for this is that the sender may think declining is the first step toward further negotiation/discussion about this book. Once declined, the book can’t be re-requested by you! So if you MUST have something like this in your Requestor Conditions, it should be worded as “If you have any questions, please ACCEPT my request and send me a Personal Message. If you decline this request, I won’t be allowed to request the book from you!”

Dear R&R –My printer broke! Can I still send books? –Inkjetless in Indiana

Dear Inkless,

Of course you can! You don’t need a printer to get the address to send your books. You can download the .pdf file without printing it, and hand-copy the address onto your package; if you have trouble downloading the file, you can simply click the link to the Backup Wrapper that is on the Wrapper Settings page. This will take you to a webpage on which the address will appear, and you can hand-copy it from there. Detailed instructions are available in the Help Center item “I can’t print my wrapper!” and “Can I hand-write the address to send a book?” in the Quick Help box on the right side of the Help Center page.

Dear Members: Newsletter – December 2006

Friday, December 8th, 2006

That wonderful season is here! Whether you celebrate Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, Eid, Winter Solstice, or just life in general, this is a time for family and giving, and for reflecting on the year past.

We have seen some great changes at PBS over the past year—the introduction of new features (PBS-DC, the PBS Store, Custom DC labels, the Book Journal) and the improvement of others (the Box-O-Books “overhaul”, the addition of APO/FPO members, the one-page PBS label, the Help Center, and dozens of other “tweaks” to the site). We are so pleased with how the club is working, and we expect that 2007 will bring even more improvements!

We wish all of our members a wonderful, safe holiday, filled with laughter and love…and good books, of course!

Got a story to tell? Have an itch to spin a yarn, craft a tale, expound in an essay? Soon there will be a place for all our PBS writers to share their efforts—and get comments and feedback from others in the club. We can’t wait—we know there is a lot of undiscovered talent out there!

Start the year with Kindness. Details to follow…keep an eye on the Club Members’ Thoughts forum…

PBS Local Book Club Chapters: Newsletter – December 2006

Thursday, December 7th, 2006

Wanna meet your PBS buddies IRL (in real life)? We have some brave souls who are willing to be “PBS Local Chapter Leaders”. These super-organized folks have volunteered to be responsible for arranging PBS meet-ups in their areas.

Brookie (Brook S.) is our Chapter Leader for the NJ/Tristate Area chapter. She is already brainstorming for January—contact her if you want to know more.

ALMOverton (Alyssha O.) is our Chapter Leader for New York City. All of you in NYC or environs, give her a (PM) holler!

Anyone else who is interested in organizing an area (it can be city, state, county, regional—whatever you like), please let us know by sending in feedback to us telling us what area you want to “organize”. Local Chapter Leaders must have a PBS nickname (which means you must make a public profile) in order to be a Chapter Organizer, so that others can find you in the Member Directory. You can make a public profile in your account settings, under “My Account” on the right side of your account page, or from the Member Directory itself. We extend our thanks to our Local Chapter Leaders! We have some other names from other regions of the country, but they haven’t made Public Profiles yet—we’ll let you know how to get in touch with them when they do.

Help Center Search: Newsletter – December 2006

Thursday, December 7th, 2006

We tried to organize the Help Center logically by topic so that members could easily find the answer to any question that comes up, but there is SO much information there, we decided to make it even easier to find! Just type in some keywords from your question (“post book”) or the whole question (‘How do I post a book?”) and click Search to see a list of the relevant Help Center items containing those words. You can put quotation marks around any phrase if you want to see only those items in which that phrase appears exactly, and you can use the “-” (minus) sign in front of terms that you wish to exclude from the search. Try it out!