
PaperBackSwap Blog

Archive for the ‘Newsletter’ Category

Dear PBS Club Members, Newsletter – April 2006

Sunday, April 2nd, 2006

Can you believe that the PBS Book Totals have skyrocketed from 250,000 to over 435,000 in less than 3 months! We have a LOT of new members. To all you new members out there, thank you for joining! You are MOST appreciated as we continue to make this the best book club in America!

We hope that you are enjoying the club and reading all kinds of great books! This is the best book club in America and we have all of our great members to thank!

All the best and happy reading!


Richard and Robert
The PaperBackSwap Team

TIPS & TRICKS: Newsletter – April 2006

Saturday, April 1st, 2006

Don’t forget to mark your Lost Books received when they arrive!
What happens when a book that was supposed to come to you doesn’t arrive by the system action date on the request? It becomes a Lost Book and goes into your list of Books Lost en Route to Me, which is accessible from a link at the top of your Completed Transactions page. Does this mean the book is really lost? Quite frequently, no. Most Lost books aren’t actually lost–they are simply delayed en route to you, and will eventually arrive. When a Lost book does arrive, it is very important to mark it received, so that the sender’s account shows that he or she sent the book. If you do receive a “Lost” book, make sure to mark it received. You can do this by logging into your account, clicking Completed Transactions on the right, then clicking the link at the top of the page “Books Lost en Route to Me.” Locate the book in this list and click the Was Book Received? button. After you have completed the process of marking the book received, the transaction will move to your Completed Transactions list.

How to Wrap a Book.
We know you want your books delivered in the same condition in which you sent them! We know you don’t want to have your books get separated from the wrapping en route. Here are some tips for keeping your books safe while they are in the arms of the USPS:

Using the PBS wrapper. If your book is small enough, you just need to use both printed sheets as the wrapper. See the photographs of how to do this at http://www.paperbackswap.com/help/how_to_wrap.php. *PLEASE NOTE that these photographs predate the Media Mail postal rate increase; 4 first-class (letter) stamps no longer suffice to send a typical paperback. See the FAQs for current media mail rates; check your wrapper for the specific required postage for your package; when in doubt, take it to the post office.*

Many members use an inner layer of plastic, around the book, to protect it from wet weather or accidents en route. Plastic grocery bags, Ziploc bags, clean inverted bread wrappers, saran wrap all work great! Just don’t use the “press and seal” wrap, as that has a tendency to stick to and ruin books.

For larger or heavier books or multiple book shipments, you’ll need to make a sturdier package, using a padded mailer or manila envelope or even a cut-down paper grocery sack. You can cut out the address from the first page of the PBS wrapper and tape it to the outside of your package. Slip the second page into the package with the book. If you use an unpadded envelope of any kind, make sure the excess envelope material is taped down to avoid catching in the postal machines. The key to packing multiple-book shipments well is to prevent the books sliding around in the package en route. They will be jostled a lot on the way to the requestor! You don’t want them to tear through the packaging.

No matter what wrapping method you choose, TAPE is the most important component! Use plenty, especially over the corners. Tape down every seam with packing (not Scotch) tape. It’s always better to use too much tape than not enough.

Our USPS does a great job, but packages are jostled en route and good packaging will protect them for many reads to come.

New Members Mean More Books: Newsletter – April 2006

Saturday, April 1st, 2006

–and More Bookloving Friends.
Have you visited the newly redesigned Tell a Friend page lately? We have made it easier for you to refer new members to PBS. Remember, increasing our membership means more books for us all to choose from. And also, when someone you have referred to the site gives your PBS Nickname (or PBS User-Email) during registration and posts their first 9 books, YOU get a credit! Check out the various methods of referring others: email links, clickable icons for your website, bookmarks and flyers. You can personalize any of these items by entering your PBS nickname or email address into the box provided. Personalizing in this way ensures that the referral will be automatically recorded on your account if anyone uses your link or clickable icon or bookmark to become an active member! The Tell a Friend Page is accessible from the left-hand menu on every page of the site.

Box-O-Books Now Fine-Tuned and Ready for All Boxers! Newsletter – January 2006

Saturday, January 7th, 2006

Hello to all you “Boxers” that have joined in on the hottest book swapping craze. The updated version of Box-O-Books has arrived and members are ecstatic. Join now and you can start swapping boxes of books for absolutely NO credits! That’s right. All Boxers have the privileges of trading books among themselves without having to use their credits. There is no limit as to how many books are allowed in a box, so the sky is the limit! Check out this amazing service brought to you by the PaperBackSwap Team where you can save money on postage and read books for free!

Letter from the Founders: Newsletter – January 2006

Saturday, January 7th, 2006

Greetings to our Book Family for the New Year!

Can you believe it is already 2006? We look back on some of the milestones PaperBackSwap has accomplished this past year: We’ve already achieved membership in all states, including two US Territories – Puerto Rico and Guam. As members, you’ve already posted over a quarter of a million books. We’ve created the ability for members to trade without using credits. Our forums are bursting with entertaining thoughts and helpful hints regarding books as well as fun life lessons. Most importantly, our club has become a true “community”. As another year begins, we look forward with great anticipation to the goals our club will accomplish this year. We can’t even begin to imagine where we’ll be this time next year, but hold on ‘cause it will be a fun ride!

Happy Reading!
Richard & Robert
The PaperBackSwap Team

We’re Watching Your List and Check’in It Twice! Newsletter – January 2006

Friday, January 6th, 2006

The Wish List is an incredible feature, especially given that there are over a quarter of a million books on the site. As soon as a book is posted that is on the Wish List, it is offered to the first person in line for the book. But what about those times that someone posts a book similar to one on the Wish List but it is not the exact copy? There are times that someone may have the hardback version or a different print of the same book (eg..Large Print, Second publisher run, etc..). Some wishers might be willing to request these different versions as well. As a service to our wishing members, we send out a mass email to all members on the Wish List to let you know when a book is posted that is SIMILAR to the one on your Wish List. Please keep in mind that these SIMILAR versions are not put on hold for anyone because they are not Wish List books. They are in the system on a first come, first serve basis.

Recent Testimonial from a PBS Member: Newsletter – January 2006

Friday, January 6th, 2006

I have loved this site since I first joined in April 2005. I have explored so many new genres and read so many books since joining. But, it’s not just the books that make PBS such a great site. It’s the people. I have made so many new friends since joining. People who understand my love of books and reading. I knew that the majority of the people that I had met since joining were wonderful but I didn’t truly realize how wonderful until my family and I lost everything that we owned to a tornado November 15. One of the members realized that it had hit in the area that I lived in and then Richard (co-founder of PBS) called to check on us. They then let everyone on the forums know what had happened to us. The overwhelming support and love we have received from the people on PBS has touched our lives in a way that little else can. In our time of need people that we have never met in real life reached out and helped us. I have felt more love from my online book buddies than from my friends in real life. It has made me realize how truly wonderful the world can be. I just want to thank all of the people on here and tell all the new people what a wonderful site this truly is.
Hayley M. – MADISONVILLE, KY – 12/30/2005