
PaperBackSwap Blog

Archive for the ‘Newsletter’ Category

Bigger Isn’t Always Better: Newsletter – August 2005

Friday, August 12th, 2005

As founders of the club, we have enjoyed every minute of watching the personalities of members take shape and help to make the club more interesting. When we do have the occasional spare moment, we truly enjoy perusing the Discussion Forums and getting in touch with our members’ thoughts.

However, there have been occasions where the signature lines of some members ‘overshadow’ the thoughts of other members. Therefore, we are asking all members to please be considerate as to the size and content of your signature lines. When placing a large signature line in a Discussion Forum, this causes the need for multiple paging to read the forums. Also, when decorative and graphic content of a signature line is questionable as to the acceptance for the majority, please refrain from including it. Thanks in advance for being considerate of other members’ desires and expectations.

In The News . . . Newsletter – August 2005

Thursday, August 11th, 2005

What success we’ve had with our Public Relations contest! Members from all across the United States have received between 25 and 50 free credits for their efforts in promoting the club. Through contacts with newspapers and television, members have wonderfully exposed their various communities to PaperBackSwap. This exposure means more members for the club, which in turn means more books for everyone. To see a selection of some of our PR and Media Coverage highlights, check out the section in the left hand column of the home page of the club. Thanks to all those members that participated.

Keep in mind that while the contest may have ended, we all still benefit from any PR and Media efforts you offer. We encourage you to do it for your club and fellow members. Remember, Oprah will want to interview lots of members if she ever gets ahold of this story. Just think, we could all meet in Chicago! 🙂

I Wish, I Wish, With All My Might . . . Newsletter – August 2005

Wednesday, August 10th, 2005

Just like little kids wishing upon stars, we all wish for certain books. Now you can see where you are in line for a particular book on your Wish List. Simply roll your cursor over the “!” next to the title of the book. The number indicates what position in the Wish List line you are for the book. We hope you enjoy this level of anticipation brought to you by your PaperBackSwap Team.

No Response Means “Bye Bye Book”: Newsletter – August 2005

Monday, August 8th, 2005

To make this club successful, we need the full participation of all members. This means that when you receive a request for one of your books, you should honor your membership by responding to the request. If you don’t respond, then that book is removed from your bookshelf. This means that if you want it to be available for others to request, you’ll have to repost the book.

Wouldn’t it be much easier if you just responded to the book request? If you say ‘no’, you are given an opportunity to say why you couldn’t fulfill the request. If you say ‘yes’ you can indicate when you will be able to mail the book. However, the worst case scenario is when you don’t respond, then your book goes “bye bye” from the system, and then you will have to repost it to swap it. Let’s all do our part as members of the club and simply “Respond” when you have a book request.

Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say: Newsletter – August 2005

Sunday, August 7th, 2005

Responding to books is only one component of a member’s responsibilities. Once you respond, it is your responsibility to send a book when you say you will. Please DO NOT say you will send or have sent a book and then wait a few days later to do so. If you know you will be sending it in two days, then mark two days or even Personal Message the requestor.

Members that request books are counting on you to send a book when you say you will send it. Again, this concept falls back on our members’ integrity and honesty to make the club a wonderful experience for everyone!

Condition of Books: Newsletter – August 2005

Saturday, August 6th, 2005

As a reminder, we ask that all members comply with the “Condition of Books” statement in the posting and shipping area of the site. Remember, the club policy on book conditions is listed on the posting page. It state:

“Please remember our club is based on honesty and integrity from our members about their books. You will not receive a credit if your book is shipped in poor condition. In order to post this book you must AGREE to the conditions of the book listed below:

1. My book is not missing its cover.
2. My book is not an Advanced Reading Copy (ARC)
3. My book has no water damage of any kind.
4. My book is not excessively worn, and it is in good condition.”

In addition to the above conditions, all members will be required to agree to the statement below in order to post books into the system.

“By posting books, I agree to fulfill shipping the requests of other PBS members. I understand that the posting of books without the intention of mailing them upon request constitutes fraud and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”

This condition was required because we were alerted to a handful of members who were posting books only to receive their three free credits. Some would even accept a request only to never mail the book. As you all know, one bad apple can affect the entire basket if we don’t take action to prevent it in the future. We thank you in advance for understanding the need for this action.

Advanced Search Gives Members Exactly What They Are Looking For: Newsletter – August 2005

Friday, August 5th, 2005

We’ve been working on a number of new features, including the Advanced Search. This feature offers capabilities beyound the regular Search feature. With Advanced Search, you are able to specify mutliple search criteria at one time to help narrow down your results. With over 100,000 books in the system we are trying everything we can to help make this process even easier for all members. There are many more improvements coming to this new enhancement over the next few weeks.