
PaperBackSwap Blog

Archive for the ‘Newsletter’ Category

Dear Members, Newsletter – October 2008

Sunday, October 5th, 2008

We’re all feeling a little tense these days what with the economy, eh?   Time for…
…a PaperBackSwap Members’ Survival Guide!

  • Multiple-book swaps save postage – a LOT of postage.
    Requestors should be sure to click Order More from Member to check the bookshelf of the sender you are ordering from to see if there are other books you’d like.  If everyone does this, everyone saves!  Senders who use printable postage shouldn’t print the wrapper to send a book right away – wait until you are ready to wrap, to be sure the requestor isn’t in the process of browsing your bookshelf for more books.   And don’t forget Box-O-Books!  It’s a small investment (8 dollars for a year’s subscription) and it pays for itself in postage savings after just your first few swaps.
  • There’s gold in them thar backpacks!
    The schoolbooks you paid so dearly for that will bring you peanuts at the Used Book Store can each earn a credit to get another book!  So get your kids’ upcoming reading lists and plan ahead.  Remember that textbooks (unlike other books posted for swapping at PBS) may have highlighting/writing/underlining in them – BUT you do have to get consent from the requestor about the book condition before sending it, as described in the Book Condition Guidelines. Encourage your kids to take good care of their books so there’s a lot of life (and reads) left in them!
  • Triple your swapping power!

Did you know that you can transfer credits between your accounts at PBS, SwapaDVD and SwapaCD ? Remember those DVDs your child wanted to watch every day until…she didn’t? That emo CD your nephew knew you would love…but you didn’t?  Join SwapaDVD.com and SwapaCD.com and post them for swapping!  Earn DVD and CD credits and bring ’em back to your account on PBS (1:1 transfer from SwapaCD, 2:3 transfer from SwapaDVD) on PBS.  Read more about how to do this.

  • That’s Entertainment!
    We bet one of the biggest bills you pay each month is…for TV.  Consider getting rid of TV service altogether. Yes, stop gasping, we’re serious.  What you can do without TV:  Read, talk, play games, take an after-dinner walk; Listen to online radio while you knit a sweater;  Learn to cook, learn to tango, learn to speak Chinese (most podcasts are FREE).  For your video fix, remember that: your local library has DVDs to borrow for FREE; SwapaDVD allows you to swap the unwatched DVDs you own for new ones, and then swap those for others; many TV shows are legally available online (you have to wait a few hours or a day for them to be uploaded, but many networks have websites and stream their TV series there FREE);  you can be “fashionably late” to watch premium-channel series–they’ll come out on DVD so you can get them from your library or SwapaDVD for FREE.
  • Reduce your carbon footprint – as precious these days as the carbon in a diamond!
    There are so many ways to do this: Walk to the post office if it’s close enough (and you don’t have too many books to carry); Combine and plan your errands so that you drive from one to the other (in a loop if possible, ending back at home); Save gasoline by mailing from home using PBS Printable Postage; If you don’t use printed postage, designate one day per week as your go-to-PO day and make sure you accept every request with a mailby date that falls on or after that day of the week; run the heat-producing dishwasher/clothes dryer in the evening during summer and during the day during winter.

Times are tough. Hang in there, everyone–we know things will bounce back.  In good times or bad, swapping saves!
Richard and
The PaperBackSwap Team

Member of the Month – October 2008

Saturday, October 4th, 2008


Kari has been piling up nominations for a long while, and lately the votes have been pouring in:

“I love reading whatever Kari posts – when I see the avatar of the cat with its wise-looking profile, I know the post will be thoughtful, insightful and kind.  Kari is a gem.”

“She’s eloquent, caring, civil — even when things get heated…She’ll come along with a zinger when everyone needs a laugh, or will offer support when someone is testing out a theory. She’s a conscientious addition to our board.”

“Through heated political debates that are happening this time of year, she keeps a cool head, and presents lots of information from a variety of sources and angles. She deepens everyones knowledge about each of the issues and candidates, and is a valuable asset to the forums.”

Kari, everyone seems to agree that you are balm for the forum soul! You are our Member of the Month for August. Congratulations!

If you have any nominations for Member of the Month, submit them to us here.  Your nomination will not “expire”–anyone you nominate will have a chance at getting Member of the Month if enough nominations accumulate over time. Each month the person who has the most votes accumulated when the Newsletter goes to press gets to be Member of the Month and gets a newsletter mention and a nifty MoM icon to wear on profile and forum posts with pride.  So go for it! Tell us who’s helped you in the Forums, who’s been a great swapper, who in your opinion is a credit to PBS.  We are keeping a list of all the nominated members.  Who knows–one of them might be YOU!

Books You May Have Missed: Newsletter – October 2008

Friday, October 3rd, 2008

Many of you know Lori G, auntielala-thebookpimp, from the Forums.  Her book recommendations get rave reviews.  So many members have been helped by reading Lori’s recommendations that we asked her to send us some.

Two “Canes” Lori Recommends:

Cane River by Lalita Tademy
Kane & Abel by Jeffrey Archer

A bit o’ Women’s Lit Lori Recommends:

The Magician’s Assistant by Anne Patchett
True & Outstanding Adventures of the Hunt Sisters by Elisabeth Robinson

Dear Members, Newsletter – September 2008

Monday, September 8th, 2008

Ah, September.  Summer’s over…back to school…the weather will be mild for a while longer.  What could be better?
September is a lot of things: National Library Card Sign-up Month, National Pediculosis Prevention Month (you don’t want to know!),  National Read-a-New-Book Month, National Hispanic Heritage Month, National Better Breakfast Month.  It contains the holidays National Newspaper Carriers’ Day,  National Grandparents’ Day (this Sunday!), International Literacy Day, POW/MIA Recognition Day (the third Friday of the month) and Patriot Day (the eleventh, of course).  Past Septembers saw these new inventions appear: the safety pin, Scooby-Doo, the department store, the first edition of the New York Times….September is a month of beginnings and remembrances, of starting new and also looking back.
We are looking back at 4 years of PaperBackSwap! Yes, we launched in September 2004.  Since then the club has grown beyond anything we could have expected.  Nearly 4 million books have been swapped between members; innumerable features have been added; sister swapping sites for CDs and DVDs were launched; we’ve been mentioned in more media outlets than we can name–major magazines, innumerable blogs, television news spots, even the Wall Street Journal!  During all this, we have “met” a ton of people whom we think of fondly as family.  Our members have been so patient as we work to improve the site.  Members who started out with us will recall that in the beginning we didn’t even have Personal Messaging!  We’ve come a long way.  And everything we do starts with the members–you tell us how you use the site, what’s not working for you, what you’d like to see–and we listen, and look at the issue from all angles, and try hard to find a way to solve the problems and implement the suggestions.  Sometimes it takes a while to get to something (our To Do list is huge!) but rest assured that if we can do something, and it will benefit the membership, we’ll find a way to do it.
We think of every feature we add, every improvement, as a kind of “present” to our members.  We really try to make this site better wherever we can.  See “NEWS” below for the new features this month–sorry we didn’t have time to wrap!
Happy Birthday to all of us!
Richard and
The PaperBackSwap Team

New Features: Newsletter – September 2008

Sunday, September 7th, 2008

Happy Birthday to PaperBackSwap.  Looky looky at your presents.  No, you can’t exchange them.  No, we don’t have them in a different color.  Click What’s New at the top of any page on the site, or go to the Help Center and read the items under What’s New to keep up with what features have been newly added to the site.

Bookshelf Header. New feature.  The Bookshelf Header allows you to add a custom, publicly-viewable message at the top of your PBS Bookshelf.  You can introduce yourself – give an overview of the types of books you have –  comment about a specific book you have posted – invite members to join your Game in the Games Forum – or just say Hello!  Read more about this feature here.

Book Notes. New feature. Book Notes allow you to write a private (only you can see it) note on any book in the database.  No matter where you are on the site when you apply the note, you will see the note (which appears as a yellow sticky-note applied to the book cover) pretty much everywhere you see the book, and putting your cursor over it will show the note. Read more about this feature here.

Yahoo Address Book LinkNew Feature.  We have had terrible trouble with Yahoo not delivering PBS emails lately.  The Yahoo server will accept the auto-emails from our server but then doesn’t deliver them!  This is at least partly being caused by Yahoo members clicking “Mark as Spam” on PBS emails (which can affect the reception of PBS emails for ALL Yahoo users at PBS).  Adding the PBS auto-email addresses to your Yahoo address book should solve this problem for an individual member.  We have provided a link for our members who use Yahoo.  Go to your Account Settings in My Account, and beside your email address (if you use Yahoo) will be this link: Yahoo Mail users: Click here to ensure receipt of PBS emails. Click that, sign into Yahoo if you need to, click on the next page, you’re done.  That will keep those Wish List offers and book request emails coming to you.

Upgraded Features: Newsletter – September 2008

Saturday, September 6th, 2008

Update to the Bulk Request feature. Upgraded feature.  Now when a member adds a book to the request she or he has submitted to you, you will be told that you need to reprint the wrapper to include all of the books.  This will make everything much clearer, and make it easier to send multiple books in one shipment to save postage.  No need to read more about this feature; it makes everything simpler and you don’t have to do anything to use it–it will work automatically.

Push a Book. New last month, but hey! we don’t think members noticed this. You can now suggest a book to a Buddy that she or he might like to read. The Suggest option is available from the dropdown menu under More Options on the Book Details page.   You can see all the books that have been suggested to you in a new My Lists item in the menu under My Account; you can order from there (this will order from the suggester, if the book is on the suggester’s bookshelf when you click the Order this Book button on the suggestion), and you can also click “Not Interested” to remove any item from the list.  Check it out!  Read more about the Suggest a Book feature here.

SHOUT-OUTS: Newsletter – September 2008

Friday, September 5th, 2008

Calling all RVers: SmiLynnLady (Lynn P) is a full-time RVer, and loving it!  She wants to know how many other full-time RVers we have in the club.  Click her nickname above to go to her profile on PBS and send her a Personal Message, like a virtual honking of your horn to say Hello!   According to Lynn, there are a “million + Americans living full-time in our RVs, and… PBS meets our special needs for books-on-the-go!” For those who don’t know, RV = recreational vehicle.  If you have to ask, you don’t have one!  Also if you have to ask, you might want one!  Contact Lynn to find out more about this lifestyle, and who knows!  You might be joining the “road crew” sometime soon.

Heartfelt thanks. LoveBeingMOM (Shai G.) wrote us to say “I want to thank the wonderful members of PBS for their support during the difficult time my family is experiencing. Many members have offered prayers, best wishes, are sending items for my husband and son, giving credits. The emotional support I am receiving is of great help. I am proud to be a member of PBS.” Aw, Shai.  Our members are so wonderful and we wish you the best.