
PaperBackSwap Blog

Dear Members,

Spring! Each day I wonder Is it really here? Are we really past the last freeze of the year? Are the buds on the trees and flowers going to make it, and is the weather soon going to be nice enough so that we can spend time outside soaking up the sunshine?

As the earth emerges from its winter sleep, we can all do our own awakening, and see this as a time for new growth and opportunity in our lives. Each Spring sees us all a year older (hopefully a year wiser!), with one more year enjoyed with family and friends behind us, another unfolding. This season is about renewal, about accepting change while also cherishing the familiar and beloved.

My wish for you and your loved ones this season is that you celebrate the moment! Let go of the stress that consumes too much of all of our lives and pause to appreciate what is right in front of you. Listen to some music. Read a book. Look for a four-leaf clover. Make a daisy chain. Make a silly face. Fly a kite, do a somersault, skip rope. Teach a child to fly a kite, do a somersault or skip rope. Take a walk, and welcome Spring with a song in your heart. Carpe diem!
All the best to all of you for a joyful Spring,

Richard Pickering and
the PaperBackSwap Team

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