
PaperBackSwap Blog

Letter from the PBS Team: Newsletter – June 2005

So much has happened since our last newsletter. The club is growing by leaps and bounds, adding new members and books every minute of the day! We’ve had wonderful coverage from the media, including NBC News from Boston. You can check out what others are saying by going to the “PR and Media” section of the club.

Thanks to all members that have referred friends and family. By spreading the word, you’re bringing more members and a wider variety of books to the club for everyone. (Results from our BoOk LoVErs’ Referral Contest are in this month’s newsletter.)

The goal of this newsletter is to highlight new features and provide helpful hints so that each member can navigate smoothly through the site and enjoy their book club experience. As always, should you have any questions or comments, please never hesitate to contact us. YOU are what makes this club so successful!

Thank you,
The PaperBackSwap Team

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