
PaperBackSwap Blog

Member Memories: Our Love of Books

We are pleased to announce a new feature on the PaperBackSwap Blog, Member Memories: Our Love of Books.

Thank you Geri for this great idea! And now, our first installment:

By Geri (geejay)


With the ongoing School Donation program I have memories of my elementary school library. I simply can’t imagine what these kids are going through with so few books in the school library.

I remember reading all the biographies in the library. At the time they were athletes like Jim Thorpe. Okay, younger members are going who? He is still described as the world’s greatest athlete today.

We weren’t allowed to remove the books but the book you were reading was put aside for you to pick up the next day. I was reading those books before I got my first pair of glasses at age seven. The librarian noticed that I needed glasses because I really did have my nose in the book. I was bent over the book so I could read it.

Imagine my delight when the public library opened a branch near our house! Oh the joy of having books to read over the summer. I was allowed to take three books home at a time. The librarian wasn’t too sure I was really reading them because of my speedy turn around time. My dad straightened her out. 🙂

Something that really sticks in my mind is the first time my mom took me to the Detroit Public Library main branch. You walked up a majestic staircase, through majestic doors and got hit with the most magnificent sight you can imagine! Four floors of books were visable from that spot. That was looking up, up, up. Then you could walk to the stair case and see that you could visit more books downstairs! I thought I was in heaven!

Centre Park Library in Detroit, Michigan, constructed in 1872. Photo courtesy of Library of Congress

My love of books was started because my aunt read to me before age three and one day said now you read to me. I can remember reading the headline that FDR died. I was about three then. There simply weren’t enough books for children so I was reading newspapers. I must admit I liked the cartoons the most but I did go through the entire newspaper.

So many reading memories! Do you have some too?

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5 Responses to “Member Memories: Our Love of Books”

  1. Erin says:

    My whole life I’ve had terrible insomnia. I remember closing my bedroom door when I couldn’t sleep so that I could turn the light on and read all night long. If my Mom woke up and caught me, she’d get very concerned that I wasn’t sleeping. But once I opened those pages, smelled that booky smell and delve into my story, there was no sleep in sight for me after that. Those are some of my fondest childhood memories. Alone, in the middle of the night, reading page after page of my favorite novels.

    I still have insomnia to this day, and although I may not be reading paper books any longer, I still find myself drawn to my books every time I can’t sleep. A good book is for me about the most comforting thing in the world.

  2. Paula N. (panick) says:

    I’m a former Air Force brat and moved on average about every 2 years to a different state or country, following the F-4’s that my father worked on. Because of my vagabond childhood, there were few constants in my life besides my parents and siblings. While waiting for our “stuff” to arrive at our new destination or waiting to make new friends, one of the constants that I counted on were books because there was always a library on base. It was always one of the first places we would visit upon moving to a new base. When we didn’t have any of our toys or a TV to watch, my parents counted on books to entertain us. Books developed my imagination and became a “constant” in a life that was always changing. With a book, you’re never alone.

  3. Whitney (whitneyab) , says:

    I can still remember the wonder I felt when I learned to read, now almost 44 years later! I have vivid memories of reading street signs out loud as we drove down the street and thinking how utterly cool the whole thing was. Thank you first grade teacher, wherever you may be!

  4. Susan K. (newbuffalomom) New Buffalo, MI says:

    I remember that we had the children’s book of the month or possibly weekly reader club. I can recall getting a new batch of books and sitting impatiently on the couch, waiting for my mother to have time to read to me. I clearly remember thinking “When I learn to read, I can read whenever I want”.

    I never pass up an opportunity to read a book.

  5. Robin K. (jubead) says:

    I still have my some of my favorite books from when I was a child. James and the Giant Peach and Curious George. There are a couple of others, but these were my absolute favorite. Thanks for starting this series.

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