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Posts Tagged ‘Book Reviews’

Romance Review – Vlad All Over

Wednesday, December 5th, 2012

Vlad All Over by Beth Orsoff


Review by Cynthia F. (frazerc)



Umm.  This is a difficult book to review.  I liked the characters, I loved the dialogue, and the setting was interesting [you can hear the BUT coming, can’t you?] but I hated the ending.  The reasons are two fold and may be only my personal hangups – I read romance with the expectation that there will be a happily ever after and I expect the story to be complete when it reaches the end.  This story struck out on both counts.  The hero and heroine do fall in love and then things happen she feels are unforgivable but they can’t really go their separate ways – she’s pregnant with his child, his daughter adores her, etc., etc. He wants to get back together, she wants to settle for friends but nothing else.  And then there’s the teaser for the next book which makes it obvious the story continues and our hero is still pitching for a reconciliation above the `just friends and co-parents’ thing.  Hence my judgment of the first book as a cliffhanger…


So, bottom line this book was like a really great road trip to a place I didn’t want to go… I won’t be pursuing this series.  I might, perhaps, try a different one of her books at some future date.


These are non-series books also by Beth Orsoff:





Mystery Monday Review – Sly Fox

Monday, December 3rd, 2012

Sly Fox by Jeanine Pirro


Review by Susan R. (Sue-in-AZ)


Story Synopsis

The year is 1976 and Dani Fox is the first ever female Assistant DA in Westchester County NY. She faces constant (and widely accepted) sexism, but nothing slows her down. She fights her way into the boy’s club and becomes a public advocate for women’s rights.

Along the way she makes some enemies – within the DA’s office, with the police, and even with the FBI. She’s also got a few crazy criminals who want revenge for her successful prosecution of wife abusers.  Everything comes together in a series of high-profile court cases that will make or break Dani’s entire career.

The story is loosely based on Jeanine Pirro’s personal story. She was in fact the first Assistant DA in Westchester County – but it wasn’t in the 70’s. 1993 was the first time a woman was made Assistant DA in that county! The rampant sexism fits with what I remember from the 70’s. “Women’s Lib” was the phrase used back then to represent women who just wouldn’t stay in the kitchen – and the author captures the tone of the times perfectly!


My Review

I love courtroom/police procedurals and this is a great example. Lots of good character development, great suspense in the story line, and lots of sub-story lines that all come together.  Just a couple loose ends left hanging – for what I hope will be the next book in the series.


Definitely a good read and engaging story!


Romance Review – Lord Gray’s List

Wednesday, November 28th, 2012

Lord Gray’s List by Maggie Robinson


Review by Kelsey O.


Evie Ramsay has lived her entire life either being really poor or living an okay life because of her father’s gambling problem. Now her father has developed dementia and all that is left is a printer’s shop that was won by her father. Still spurned by how things were left with Benton Gray, Evie decides to pose as a man and develops a gossip rag call The London List. Now all of Ben’s salacious exploits are splatter across the pages. Ben decides to stop this from happening anymore and purchases the paper. To his dismay he finds out that 1. Evie is the one doing this and 2. that London is not happy that he is shutting the paper down. One of its biggest supporter is his own mother!

Now Evie and Ben must bind together and make this paper work. Evie hates that she has to be near Ben but that doesn’t stop her from using her feminine ways to try to get him to leave the paper in her capable hands. Evie was Ben’s first love and obviously that is not forgotten. He plans to make sure that they work extremely close together.

The reader never really knows why Evie hates/loves Ben the way she does and Ben apparently doesn’t either. This is one part of the story that was confusing. It was never made clear were the hate comes from.

This was an enjoyable read and is like a historic version of what Gossip Girl would have been like during this time. This is a  good light read with some sassy characters and steamy love scenes.









Mystery Monday – Background To Danger

Monday, November 26th, 2012

Background To Danger by Eric Ambler


Review by Matt B. (BuffaloSavage)


Also known as Uncommon Danger, this 1937 novel was a turning point for the spy story. In the Twenties, Somerset Maugham wrote the darkly realistic Ashenden stories and John Buchan wrote adventures like The Thirty-Nine Steps. In the Thirties, Ambler combined Maugham’s realism and Buchan’s fast-paced action with well-drawn characterization, political smarts and good but not flowery prose. Voila – James Bond for adults a la John LeCarre and Alan Furst.

The novel opens in London with a meeting of the board of directors of an oil company. Its detestable chairman, Joseph Balterghen, hints at regime change as the most direct method of grabbing up oil concessions in Bessarabia, which we post-moderns know as Moldova. Balterghen coerces approval from the board to hire fixers such as Saridza a.k.a. Col. Robinson to stir up trouble among the USSR, Hitler’s Germany, and a Romania that is going fascist.

Our hero Kenton doesn’t know this plot. He is a penniless journalist who feels compelled to smuggle an envelope stuffed with papers for a man he meets on train in Nuremberg.  The man ends up stabbed to death, the cops want Kenton, and Kenton is forced to make a run for it. He is alternately helped and hindered by two soviet spies, the brother and sister team of Andreas and Tamara Zaleschoff.

Tamara is not there simply to provoke romantic thoughts in Kenton. She schemes with her brother and drives the getaway car like Danica Patrick. Andreas is partly stage Russian, with large gestures, exaggerated facial expressions, booming voice, and frankly insincere conversation. He is also a shrewd spy, though prone to jump to conclusions. Practical Tamara reins Andreas in and so does Kenton. Happily for the reader, Andreas and Tamara re-appear in Ambler’s 1939 thriller Cause for Alarm.

Saridza is a sinister character. In the 1943 movie version of this novel, Saridza was played by Sydney Greenstreet – the rotund Gutmann in The Maltese Falcon – so Hollywood casting got it right for once.  But his bully boy Captain Mailler is odious. Ambler, who was a bit of a lefty at that time, gives Mailler a resume worthy of a fascist beast. Mailler was a Black and Tan, a paramilitary unit that suppressed Irish revolutionaries by burning property of IRA men and their suspected sympathizers. Mailler is wanted in New Orleans for murder of a black woman. In a dig at John Buchan’s goody-goody heroes like Richard Hannay, Mailler was the “only professional strikebreaker in the United States that was educated at an English public school.”

In the Thirties, Ambler also produced  Epitaph for a Spy, Cause for Alarm, The Mask of Dimitrios and Journey into Fear. All of them are worth reading. During World War II, Ambler served in artillery with thriller writer Victor Canning (The Rainbird Pattern) for a short time.










Food Week Review – Alone in the Kitchen with an Eggplant

Sunday, November 25th, 2012


Alone in the Kitchen with an Eggplant: Confessions of Cooking for One and Dining Alone

Edited by Jenni Ferrari-Adler


Review by Pat L. (PitterPat)


Jennifer Ferrair-Adler found herself living alone for the first time in her life at the age of twenty-seven. She struggled with how to enjoy eating solo. She went looking for books that talked about cooking for one and dining alone. Not a cookbook but inspiration for solitary cooking and eating. When she found no such books her boyfriend suggested she write her own. She sent out invitations to various food and fiction writers to participate in the project. She asked them:
Do you have a secret meal you make (or used to make) for yourself? Do you have a set of rituals for dining alone (at home or in a restaurant), or rules?

The result is a collection of twenty-six essays on the joy and sorrows of dining alone. One is from a mother of three who dreams of a solitary meal of her choosing. Some of the essays are from deceased writers such as Laurie Colwin and M.F.K. Fisher. There are a few recipes thrown in the mix.

This is a chance to view how what others do when faced with cooking and dining alone. Some of the essays will make you feel better about those odd things you eat only by yourself. It’s okay to eat the same weird meal day after day, if you enjoy it. “Cooking for yourself allows you to be strange or decadent or both.” Learn to enjoy eating in public by yourself, maybe with this book as company.

Jennifer says “It is my hope that some nights in your kitchen you will reach for this book and be comforted or laugh out loud with recognition—and try another recipe” and “I hope it will remind that alone and lonely are not synonymous; you will have yourself—and the food you love—for company”. The book has done those things for me and it is going on my keeper shelf. Reading this book is a chance to feel connected to others even when you are alone. This is not a book to sit and read all the way through. Read an essay or two then take a break, otherwise it all runs together and is not very enjoyable. I liked hearing how other people view solo cooking and eating.











Food Week Biography Review – The Pioneer Woman

Saturday, November 24th, 2012

The Pioneer Woman: Black Heels to Tractor Wheels–a Love Story by Ree Drummond


Review by Susan R. (Sue-in-AZ)


Story Synopsis

Ree is a city girl. Night clubs, high fashion shoes and all-night sushi delivery. But then she encounters the most sexy man she’s ever met. He’s a cowboy she calls Marlboro Man, a title that evokes a very specific picture of a man’s man.

This book is the true life story of Ree’s steamy romance with Marlboro Man, along with her journey from city girl to country girl. She started telling her story via her wildly popular blog The Pioneer Woman. Her simple blog grew from a few recipes and stories to become one of the most successful blogs on the web. In February 2010, Ree was listed as No. 22 on Forbes‘ Top 25 Web Celebrities — one of only three women to make the list.  She went on to author several cookbooks and a children’s book. She’s made multiple appearances on TV, and now has her own show on The Food Network.


My Review

I’ve followed The Pioneer Woman for years. I’ve made the recipes, followed the stories and watched the TV appearances. So I might be a little biased…but I loved this book.

Full of wry humor, Ree portrays the people in her life with generosity and grace. She takes the fall for anything bad that ever happens – usually in a hilarious, self-deprecating fashion. If you love romance novels but thought they could never happen in real life, you will enjoy this book.



I  have an absolute favorite recipe from Ree Drummond. In fact, running across this recipe is how I first heard about her and her blog.


Crash Hot Potatoes

Added by Ree on August 7, 2009 in Potatoes, Sides

Prep Time
Cook Time
Servings 6 Difficulty Easy


  • 12 whole New Potatoes (or Other Small Round Potatoes)
  • 3 Tablespoons Olive Oil
  • Kosher Salt To Taste
  • Black Pepper To Taste
  • Rosemary (or Other Herbs Of Choice) To Taste

Preparation Instructions

Bring a pot of salted water to a boil. Add in as many potatoes as you wish to make and cook them until they are fork-tender.

On a sheet pan, generously drizzle olive oil. Place tender potatoes on the cookie sheet leaving plenty of room between each potato.

With a potato masher, gently press down each potato until it slightly mashes, rotate the potato masher 90 degrees and mash again. Brush the tops of each crushed potato generously with more olive oil.

Sprinkle potatoes with kosher salt, fresh ground black pepper and fresh chopped rosemary (or chives or thyme or whatever herb you have available.)

Bake in a 450 degree oven for 20-25 minutes until golden brown.

Here’s a link to the recipe Pioneer Woman Crash Hot Potatoes . Going to the link is the best way to experience any of her recipes, because every recipe includes a big long “back story”, highly detailed step by step instructions with pictures, little discussion points of what works and what doesn’t, and then finally how her family liked/didn’t like the end results.




Food Week Review – The Sharper Your Knife The Less You Cry

Monday, November 19th, 2012

The Sharper Your Knife The Less You Cry:

Love, Laughter, and Tears at the World’s Most Famous Cooking School

by Kathleen Flinn


Review by Carole (craftnut)



Foodie books are a real delight for me.  I enjoy reading the stories behind the scenes, especially for places I will never go.   I particularly enjoy books that teach me something as I am reading about someone’s adventures in the food world.  I have an open book list of foodie books at http://www.paperbackswap.com/Foodie-Books/list/10074/, and I invite you to add your favorites and vote for ones you have read on the list.  New books to add to my wishlist (and maybe yours) are such fun!!


The Sharper Your Knife, The Less You Cry is one of those great books, offering a behind the scenes view of the world famous Le Cordon Bleu Cooking School in Paris.  This story is the journey of a woman newly adrift in her 30s after losing her job, finding her passion and herself along the way as she enrolls in a school taught in a foreign language.  Throughout the book are lessons from the cooking school along with recipes so the reader can learn as well.


Even though her grasp of French is tenuous at best, it gets better over the three semesters in 2004-5 as she struggles through the intense lessons.  She learns about chickens and quiche, vegetables and sauces, knife work and more all while dealing with other students and her own self doubt.  Her chef instructors are relentless, and everyone is a critic, even the homeless man who receives one of her dishes declares it needs more salt.


The book has quite a few recipes from the school including Boeuf Bourguignonne, Chicken Cordon Bleu, Chocolate Souffle, Cassoulet, Onion Soup Gratuneed with Cheese, Mushroom Crusted Steaks with Red Wine Sauce, and two dozen more.  Want to try the Beef Bourguigonnone?

The Burgundy region of France is famous for its fine wines. Dishes ‘à la Bourguignonne’ generally include a sauce made of red wine and a garnish of small onions, mushrooms and bacon lardons.

Bœuf Bourguignon – a classic in both the region and the whole of France – is the perfect example.

Serves: 6

Principal ingredients
1,5 kg lean beef shoulder cut into 5 cm cubes
1 carrot, sliced
1 onion, sliced
1 celery stalk, sliced
2 garlic cloves, crushed
bouquet garni
1 peppercorns
750 ml red wine
50 ml oil
1 tbsp tomato paste
2 tbsp flour
500 – 750 ml brown veal stock
bacon rind (from lardons), blanched
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
Bacon lardons
185 g salt slab bacon
1 tbsp olive oil
Sautéed mushrooms
300 g cultivated mushrooms
1 tbsp oil
1 tbsp butter
salt, pepper
Brown-glazed onions
18 – 24 pearl onions
25 g butter
1 pinch suggar
3 slices sandwich bread
oil and butter or clarified butter
3 tsbsp chopped parsley
  1. The day before, place the meat in a bowl with the sliced vegetables. Add the crushed garlic cloves, bouquet garni, peppercorns and red wine and marinate for 24 hours.
  2. Pre-heat the oven to 180°C.
  3. Drain and separate the vegetables, the marinade liquid, and the meat (set aside the bouquet garni). Dry the meat and brown in a little oil in a frying pan. Drain the meat.
  4. Heat a little oil in a large ovenproof pan and brown the sliced vegetables. Add the tomato paste, the browned meat and the flour. Mix well and place the pan in the oven for a few minutes in order to cook the flour.
  5. Bring the marinade liquid to the boil, skim. Strain the liquid over the meat and mix well. Add the brown veal stock, the bouquet garni, blanched bacon rind and season. Return to the boil, cover, and cook in the oven for approximately 1¼ hours. Once the meat is cooked, remove and place in a hotel pan; cover with a damp towel.
  6. Strain the sauce and reduce to the desired consistency. Place the meat back into the sauce and simmer for 20 to 30 minutes.
  7. Bacon lardons: Cut the bacon into lardons and lightly brown in a lightly oiled frying pan.
  8. Sautéed mushrooms: Sauté in a frying pan with oil and butter. Season.
  9. Brown-glazed onions: Place the onions in a saucepan; add a knob of butter, pinch of sugar and salt and enough water to cover. Cook the onions over high heat to increase the speed of evaporation allowing the sugar and butter to form a caramel. Once the caramel forms, swirl the onions by shaking the saucepan to evenly color the onions.
  10. Croutons: Cut the sandwich bread slices in two diagonally then cut into heart shapes. Cook in oil and butter (or clarified butter) until lightly golden.
  11. Presentation: Add bacon lardons, sautéed mushrooms and brown-glazed onions to the beef stew. Serve in the earthenware serving dish with the croûtons. Decorate with flat-leaf parsley.


There are more recipes from Le Cordon Bleu on their website too.


Written in an easy to read, conversational style, this story is humorous and real.  Ms. Flinn takes us to Paris with all its richness and flavor.  We get to follow her life during those years while she struggles with the lessons, finds love, and realizes her dreams.  If you enjoy foodie books, you will like this one.