We have added more Bookmate I colors and patterns to the Kiosk. Check them out below: Aztec, Fusion Stripe,Crystal Sunset, Onyx Marble, Burgundy. We will also be getting in the larger-size LightWedges soon. These have been really popular! We are in the process of selecting more items for the PBS Store–PBS stuff makes great presents for booklovers. We search very carefully for good-quality, great-value items, so it takes time to add new things. But we have some in the pipeline, so watch that space!
Posts Tagged ‘BookMates’
PBS Store News: Newsletter – November 2007
Sunday, November 4th, 2007Tags: BookMates, PBS Kiosk
Posted in Newsletter | No Comments »
PBS Store News… Newsletter – April 2007
Wednesday, April 4th, 2007Because of popular demand, we are adding new “stock” colors and patterns for BookMates:
- BookMate I is now available in three additional patterns: ShadowSuede – Forest, Green Python, and ShadowSuede – Purple (*exclusive to BookMate I—not available in BookMate II).
- BookMate II is now available in three additional patterns and three additional solid colors: ShadowSuede – Forest, Green Python, and Crystal Glacier (*exclusive to BookMate II–not available in BookMate I). New solid colors: Spruce, Wine, and Charcoal (all available also in BookMate I).
We need to announce the discontinuation of the Cosmos pattern in both BookMates—the manufacturer will not be making any more. We have a few Cosmos BookMate I’s still available—get ‘em while you can!
Shown below, left to right: ShadowSuede—Forest, Green Python, ShadowSuede—Purple, Crystal Glacier.

The PBS Store can be accessed in the Kiosk, by clicking “PBS Kiosk” in the left menu of any page on the site.
Tags: BookMates, PBS Kiosk
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