Today PaperBackSwap turns 8!
For those of you who don’t know the history, our Founder Richard Pickering found himself with many many books. Not wanting to throw them away, and quickly losing the battle to store them he first tried setting up a lend-to-friends library. Soon people were leaving more books with Richard. That obviously wasn’t the answer. He kept mulling over the idea of how to share his books with others who would love to read them. And soon the idea for PaperBackSwap was born.
At first the site was a place for friends, and friends of friends to swap books. And it grew and grew and grew from there. Today PaperBackSwap has members in every state, and every US territory across the globe.
In what is truly a labor of love, PaperBackSwap is first a wonderful site to swap books, but it is also a place to find friends, community, new authors and a connection to a larger world.
For PaperBackSwap’s 8 year anniversary, we asked 8 members to tell us about 8 books that have mattered to them. For the next 8 days, here on the Blog, we will feature a member a day and their personal story of their love of books.
And of course what better way to celebrate 8 than with a contest for our wonderful members! Our birthday present to you, 8 book credits to 8 members!
To enter our PBS is 8!! drawing, just respond to this post and tell us how long you’ve been a member of PBS. If you aren’t sure how long you’ve been a member, you can find it in “My Profile” under “My Account”. If you haven’t chosen a nickname or made a profile yet, now would be a great time. Simply go to “My Account”, choose “Settings” and click “Set Up a Profile”. You can also see the date you joined on each forum post you write.
We will draw 8 responses at random to receive 8 credits each! The contest will end on Saturday, September 8, 2011 at 8:00 pm. We will announce the 8 winners of 8 credits each on Wednesday, September 12, 2011.
Good Luck to all and Happy Birthday PBS!
Tags: Contests, Free Credits, Milestones
I have been here just over a year, and delighted with the site.
I’ve been a member for just under a week! Already have requests for my books. Such a fun way to connect with other readers. I love knowing that my books are going to loving homes.
I have been a member for about 4 years. PBS is just a little less than a year older than my youngest daughter. She turned 7 on September 1.
Wow, I’ve been a member for almost six years (since October 12, 2006). I found out about it from the local newspaper and had to check it out. At first I was a bit skeptical because you had to list about nine or eleven books (which seemed like a lot) to start off with to get two or three free credits. But then I went through my numerous books and selected some, including more recent ones, to trade, got requests, and then was hooked. Thank you, P.B.S.!
I could never throw away books, although my mother does (then again she’s mentally ill so I can’t break her of that habit).
I’ve been a member 3 and a half years. My husband asked me the other day how many books I had gotten from PBS and the answer from my profile page is 138. Thanks PBS for doing a great job. Keep it up for another 8 or for that matter another 88.
I have been a member since 8/18/07 and can tell you it is one of the best things that I ever did!! As a matter of fact I am 1600 miles away from home spending time with 5 other PBS members right now!!!
I’ve been a member since 6/26/2008 . 🙂
Member Since: 7/6/2008
Like many, I joined to reduce the # of books in my “library.” At first, I was only interested in non-fiction, but I do enjoy games and those have prompted me to read many books I would not have picked up at all, and completely revise my favorite authors list; thank you!
I’ve been a member since June 28, 2007 and have found a new family. I started calling them my invisible friends but after meeting my mystery box buddies in Virginia and then going on the cruise, they are no longer invisible friends, they are family. We hold each other up and know we always have a place to come and vent if we need to. All this and books too. What could be better? Thank you, Richard!!!
I have been a member since February 2007 and it has been a fun five years! I’ve branched out to new authors and genres and watched the TBR pile get bigger and bigger…. but I’ve also made a lot of friends who are very special to me. It has been my pleasure to refer several fellow readers here who are now also PBS addicts 🙂
My 7 year anniversary is this month. I’ve been with Pbs almost since the beginning.
I’m always excited when I see that’s it’s time to celebrate the birthday of PBS because my anniversary date is in September. Though I’ve only been here since 2008 I’ve gained many friends, many books and swapped many, many books!
Thank goodness I saw someone’s comment on Amazon that led me here!
Happy Birthday to PBS and many more!
I’ve been a member since January 2007, and joining is one of the best thing I’ve ever did. My TBR has grown from 15 books to well over 600 and I now read genres and authors I never did before thanks to Games and swapping. I’ve made many special friends here, a lot of us have met in person and we all feel like family.
Happy Birthday PBS and many more.