If you have something you’d like to talk about in the club, then our Discussion Forums are for you. Check out this feature that is sure to help you get to know your fellow club members. In the Discussion Forum section, you’ll find topics such as Chic Lit, Club Member’s Thoughts and Hidden Gems (all of those undiscovered authors and books that deserve special attention and have been selected by our members). With forums available for each genre, there is sure to be something for everyone.
Archive for the ‘Newsletter’ Category
“I’ve Got Something To Say About . . . “ Newsletter – June 2005
Friday, June 10th, 2005Tags: Discussion Forums
Posted in New Features & Improvements, Newsletter | No Comments »
BoOk LoVErs’ Referral Contest: Newsletter – June 2005
Friday, June 10th, 2005We asked, and you delivered! Thanks to all the members that participated in our BoOk LoVErs’ Referral Contest. We had many members send out emails and links to our site, and they were rewarded with many extra credits. The winning results are as follows:
1st Place goes to Nicole Bradley of Marietta, OH. Congrats Nicole! You’ll be receiving triple credits for all of your referrals during the contest.
2nd Place goes to Pamela Burns of Cherry Hill, NJ. Kudos to Pamela. She’ll receive double credits for all of her referrals during the contest.
3rd Place goes to Pamela Marrache of Menasha, WI. Because Pamela spread the word, she will receive her regular referral credits plus 5 Bonus Credits.
Tags: Contests, Referrals
Posted in Contests, Newsletter | No Comments »
Now YOU Can Have the Last Word: Newsletter – June 2005
Thursday, June 9th, 2005NEW – We feature three topics and members focus on them for the entire month. Starting in July, every month PBS will select a Genre of the Month, Author of the Month and a Current Event of the Month. These selections will appear at the top of the Discussion Forum page and are available for comments for that particular month. We challenge each member to “put in their 2 cents” on these monthly topics. Come on and join in the fun. Share your viewpoint and explore other members’ views too.
Tags: Discussion Forums, Genres
Posted in Newsletter | No Comments »
Your Ticket to Speeeeed: Newsletter – June 2005
Wednesday, June 8th, 2005Extensive work has been done to the Search Results page. Your searches are now being returned at up to 60x faster than previously returned! More speed means more time for you to enjoy your club. This is just one of many new improvements for our members.
Tags: Book Search
Posted in New Features & Improvements, Newsletter | No Comments »
Who’s Your Buddy? Newsletter – June 2005
Tuesday, June 7th, 2005This button allows you to add other PBS members to your Buddy List. This helps you to keep tabs on your Buddy’s current list of books and also their Wish List. You can even send them a personal message inviting them to chat at a certain time. You will also receive alerts on in your Buddy List when they are online.
Tags: Buddy List
Posted in New Features & Improvements, Newsletter | No Comments »
Be Sure to Get Your Daily Digest: Newsletter – June 2005
Tuesday, June 7th, 2005Because we are growing so fast, the number of new books listed daily has risen to over a thousand a day! It can take some time to browse through all of these – what a great problem/opportunity!! 1400+ books a day!
To help you sort through the most recent postings, select the Daily Digest and receive a nightly email for the genres you like. Customize your Daily Digest, selecting your favorite genre or author. The system will sort through all newly posted books in the past 24 hours and pull the ones that meet your specified criteria, emailing you with this information.
Tags: Daily Digest
Posted in New Features & Improvements, Newsletter | No Comments »
PBS Gets Personal with Public Profiles: Newsletter – June 2005
Monday, June 6th, 2005Now you can get to know your fellow members and let them get to know you too. Public Profiles are a new feature that lets you tell other members about yourself and your interest. You can include information such as your nickname, name, age, location, and any information about yourself or your reading preferences that you would like to share. You can also upload a photo or select an icon to reflect your personality.
Start your profile by selecting a nickname. This nickname will be viewable by other members and will also be part of your personal domain address. For example, if you chose the nickname “lucy”, your personal domain address would be http://lucy.paperbackswap.com. This address can be given to friends and family. By going to this address a visitor will be able to see your active books in the system, Wish list, book reviews, notebook entries, books shipped, and many more exciting features to come. Your Public Profile also offers a Notebook for you to include your thoughts and for others to leave notes to you.
You can also use your profile nickname for referrals instead of giving out your email address. Now you can post your referral links around the internet on other forums without the worry of getting spam in your inbox.
Many members have already selected this exciting feature and have started enjoying being part of a wonderful community of friends on-line.
Tags: Public Profiles
Posted in New Features & Improvements, Newsletter | No Comments »