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Fantasy Friday – Heart Search

Heart Search  (Heartmates #10) by Robin D. Owens


Review by Cynthia F.  (frazerc)



Good read, but it’s hard to categorize:  science fiction romance, paranormal, or ???.  It takes place on Celta, 400 years after the first colonists arrived.  Celta is fascinating place.  It was founded by people with Wiccan beliefs and the rudiments of psychic abilities.  It has not been kind to the new settlers and their imported animals and plants.  Long term survival is still in doubt but animals and people have been developing steadily stronger psychic powers to help with the fight.

Our hero is Laev.  He’s wealthy and powerful but has been kicked around by fate.  We first met him as a 13 year old in Heart Duel where he inadvertently injures the hero’s mother, almost leading to her death and the death of her heartmate.  Then at 17 he finds his heartmate but is mistaken in which of the group of girls she is.  A selfish but beautiful girl convinces him that she is the one and uses that to trick him into marriage.  She dies some years later and he eventually finds out that she was selling off or otherwise getting rid of family heirlooms – a subtle way to punish him and his family.  He was so damaged by her that he doesn’t want to marry, he doesn’t even want to date! But while his true heartmate remains unknown she is still out there…

Our heroine is Camellia.  She knows Laev is her heartmate.  She doesn’t want him.  She doesn’t want any man, her abusive family and weak brother having taught her that men take, destroy, and betray anyone and everything they touch.  Her father and uncle are truly awful – you want them dead or marooned on a miserable island from the time they walk onto the page.

The fam cats are wonderful!  Brazos belongs to Laev and Mica belongs to Camellia – or the other way around in their opinion.  Brazos and Mica plan to make themselves – and their humans – one big happy family, no matter what.  Not an easy job with two so badly wounded humans…

Some fascinating threads have been laid down.  The son of Cratag and Signet Marigold [Heart Change] is apparently the reincarnation of Tab Holly [Heart Duel], complete with at least some of Tab’s memories.  As the four year old says ‘Maybe there’s a reason I remember…’  It’s also interesting to note that the fams are growing steadily more powerful.  New characters have been teased and there are still unresolved threads from the previous books.

This series contains close connections between books, I recommend reading them in order.


Celta’s HeartMates Books

#1  Heart Mate

#2  Heart Thief

#3  Heart Duel

#4  Heart Choice

#5  Heart Quest

#6  Heart Dance

#7  Heart Fate

#8  Heart Change

#9  Heart Journey

#10 Heart Search


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