PaperBackSwap is 9!!
To celebrate 9 years of PaperBackSwap, here is a contest for our members!
Tell us a story in exactly 9 words. Not 8, not 10, but 9 words. Exactly 9.
The Grand Prize Winner will receive 9 credits! 8 runners up will each receive 1 credit!
We will announce the winners on Tuesday, September 3rd. Contest is only open to current PBS members whose accounts are in good standing.
Good luck to everyone!
Tags: Contests, Members, Milestones
Books expand our horizons no matter where we live
Kleenex snowballs, sniffles, throat lozenges, couch, book, “school daze.”
I was sad until I found Paperback Swap Club.
Night began to yawn, “Wait! Wait!”,yelled the Sun.
Books are the way I travel into other worlds
And they lived happily ever after reading from PaperBackSwap!
And they lived happily ever after—in their studio.
I love Paperback Swap dot com, so so much.
Paperback Swap is my favorite gateway to reading adventures.
Blues are gone with a good book in hand.
His breathing stops. Everything goes quiet. My heart breaks.
I joined paperbackswap. TBR is now out of control.
“Here’s your new red shirt, Ensign!”
. . . . .
“He’s dead, Jim.”
A table set for two. Only one chair filled.
Joined Paperbackswap. Increased books by the ton. Love it!
Hannah loved chocolate. How to resist? She couldn’t.
Hannah loved chocolate. How to resist? She could not.