PaperBackSwap is 9!!
To celebrate 9 years of PaperBackSwap, here is a contest for our members!
Tell us a story in exactly 9 words. Not 8, not 10, but 9 words. Exactly 9.
The Grand Prize Winner will receive 9 credits! 8 runners up will each receive 1 credit!
We will announce the winners on Tuesday, September 3rd. Contest is only open to current PBS members whose accounts are in good standing.
Good luck to everyone!
Tags: Contests, Members, Milestones
Began with one book, multiplied to millions…Congratulations PBS!
“Cherise?” No answer. He saw the note. “Dear John…”
Eleven siblings, three children, four grandchildren…life is good.
The one who reads the most, gains the most.
Blake was born. All was wonderful. We’re all happy!
My teenage sons only play video games! The end.
was read to, now read too, books, glorious books.
Glee over books! Still better than NOOK! Yay PBS!
Once upon a time, we lived happily ever after.
The moving finger writes, and moves on through PBS!
Truly love
to sit and read…
sitting not necessary.
Retiring ‘When I’m Sixty Four’…in fifteen days. Yeah!
My Husband died, there are bills, also life insurance.
Searching.Online.Swapping.Books.Dvds.Cds.Friends.Abundance.Bliss 🙂
My mailbox is always full of books. It’s great!
Birthed triplets. Came home with only two. I’m surviving.
My pet dinosaur likes eating ice cream on Sundays.
Born Deaf, Deaf parent, implant defective, Deaf parent banned
My real life started the day I got remarried.
Children off to college, plenty of time for books!
I love books but needed Paperback swap THANK YOU
PBS, is a delicious buffet for very hungry readers.
Once upon a time, we read books, The End!
Felines behave adorably. Video captured stealthily. Millions watch raptly.
I own 400 books, and I need more…help!!!
My child reads to me before going to sleep.
Someday my prince will come and carry me away.
three excited little girls wearing dresses chase terrified cats.
My indoor cats happily watched fledglings learn to fly.
My heart saw him first, then his saw mine….
Never ever stop buying books. They are our friends.
Dash escaped the yard, chased a chicken, returned unharmed.
Little Susie read her first book. It was love!
One rainy day lonely Helen unexpectedly found true love.
From the mailbox comes treasure…your book has arrived.
What, I have no credits? How did that happen?!
Once upon a time, blah blah blah, the end.
Huge to be read pile …where do I begin!!!!
Surreptitiously collecting quartz was her incorrigible obsession. Redemption awaits.
I read to her; now she reads to me!
Cancer conquered. Will read books for many more years!
Earthquake shatters morning.
Hope digs through rubble; hears voices.
Fell in love, had babies, lived happily ever after!
It was a dark and stormy night.
I shivered.
Life,love,learn,teach to read to my grandchildren.
relocating. settling. meeting. secrets. discovery. danger. weapon. survival. justice.
Books are worlds we visit every now and then.
“I’ve changed my will.”
“Really? . . . Have some madeira, m’dear?”
His mistress in mind, he began, reverently. “Dearly Beloved…”
A book or two a day keeps boredom away!