
PaperBackSwap Blog

Archive for the ‘Newsletter’ Category

20 Questions: Newsletter – September 2008

Sunday, September 4th, 2005

This present is a game for book lovers that we can all play over and over! You remember the childhood game called 20 Questions? Well, we have come up with our own version for all of our members at PaperBackSwap. The objective is to guess the answer to the question “Which – Book Title, Author or Character – am I?”

1. The possible categories for the answer include: Book Title, Author or Character
2. You can only ask Yes or No questions. If you ask a question that is neither Yes or No, then you will get a response of NA (not applicable or relevant).
3. You can guess as many times as you want. You may submit multiple questions in one day if you so choose.
4. Each time you ask a question, you earn a point.
5. Questions are answered by the host of the game once per day; timing of the host’s answers may vary from day to day so keep a watchful eye.
6. The person who guesses correctly with the lowest score wins.
7. The contest will be held over a predetermined amount of time as determined by the host. Usually 1 to 4 weeks. You can join in at any time during the game.
8. No results will be posted until the end of the game.
9. The host is responsible for all prizes!

Any member can become a host and run their own game. Please see the instructions for HOSTING YOUR OWN GAME! Let The Games Begin!!!!!!!!

My TBR (To-Be-Read) Pile: Newsletter – September 2005

Sunday, September 4th, 2005

Now you have an easy and convenient way to organize your ever-mounting To-Be-Read (TBR) Pile! This new feature allows you to list all the books on hand you’ve been meaning to read. Simply click on the TBR button and input the ISBNs of the books to include on your list.

Once you list your books, you can click and drag them in the order you want them listed. You can even sort this list by title and author. You can also leave notes about each book. Once you finish reading a book, simply click “Post Book” to place it onto your bookshelf. How much easier can it get? Sorry, we don’t clean windows . . . Get started adding those books to your My TBR Pile.

New York Times® Best Seller List: Newsletter – September 2005

Saturday, September 3rd, 2005

Everybody has an opinion, right? And the New York Times is no exception! So, by popular demand, we have added the Best Seller List from the New York Times®. We will be updating it on a weekly basis, as it is published every Sunday.

Going forward, we will be storing all the lists. So, in the future, if you want to review popular books from the past, we’ll have it all right here for you. We hope you enjoy this new feature. All the best and happy reading!

Daily Digest (your 24 hour reminder) Now Sorted by Genre: Newsletter – September 2005

Saturday, September 3rd, 2005

The Daily Digest just gets better . . . and better. Now when you receive customized updates of all newly posted books, they’ll be presorted by genre. No need to wade through the list looking for the different types of books you want. Your daily email of all new book posts will be pre-sorted according to the genres that you have requested. Spend less time searching and more time finding the books you want within 24 hours of their listing. If you haven’t signed up for your ‘daily dose’, be sure to check out how this feature brings the best to you! Be sure to customize your Daily Digest settings today!

Keyword Search: Newsletter – September 2005

Friday, September 2nd, 2005

Have you ever wanted to just “do a search” without having to choose all the different search parameters? Well now you can!

We have updated our basic search to do just that. On the Search page you can enter any combination of a title or author to find results that apply to all the words you entered. Other fields for searching include: Author, Title, ISBN, Binding and Publication Date. The results from each search are sorted in order of priority that you selected. The results will be displayed in descending order for you to review.

Rate Those Books and Shoot for the Stars! Newsletter – September 2005

Thursday, September 1st, 2005

With all of the books in the club it is sometimes hard to tell which books other members liked from the ones they didn’t. Well, with the latest improvement to the book rating system you will be able to rate a book easier than ever!

Any time you see stars next to a book on the site and you are logged in, you can just click on the stars to give it your rating. All ratings will be combined to provide an overall Member Rating for a book. Also, a new page has been added to your account so that you can see all of the books that you have rated. We’re counting on all of our members to ‘shoot for the stars’ at PaperBackSwap!

No Need to Tie That String . . . Newsletter – August 2005

Saturday, August 13th, 2005

How many times have you received a book and enjoyed reading it and then picked up your next book and started reading without reposting the first one? Now you don’t have to tie a string around your finger to remind you to repost that book you finished reading. The club offers an automatic repost feature designed so you don’t have to remember to list the book when you are done. Simply go to your Account Home Page, go to My Account, then to Account Settings. This is where you can designate an automatic repost timeframe based on when you receive a book. No more wondering which books are listed or which ones need to be listed. You can designate a specific timeframe or you can select to manually repost your books. Be sure to check out your account settings and make sure your default repost is within the timeframe best suited for your reading needs.